We got lucky, however when Lyric was training I used all the books, dvd's and whatever else I could think of to get her interested in being potty trained. One thing I saw recently that I wish was around when we were training both the girls is The Potty Caddy. Unfortunately for me, I found it a little too late, fortunately for all those potty trainers or potty trainers to be, it's not too late for you to discover.

The Potty Caddy has everything you need to start your little one on their potty training adventure. Everything INCLUDING the toilet paper!
The Potty Caddy is a portable caddy for your child to take with them on their trips to the toilet, the toilet paper (once all used up) can be replaced with your regular roll you use at home. The caddy also comes with a chart and sticker (which works every time with kids). An odd thing I found.....Since I have 2 girls... Targets... Yes, the Potty Caddy has a set of toilet targets I guess to make some 'fun' out of potty training your little boy. Odd, to me at least, but whatever works! You'll also find a really cute illustrated book inside the caddy to help your child learn more about their new adventure by helping to answer questions they may have about the new potty/toilet and the process to make it a little less scary. There's also some really cute kid friendly mini magazines so your little one can be just like daddy sitting on the toilet reading. It's pretty darn cute!
I wish I had this around with my girls when they were training, it would have really helped encourage them and kept the training fun at the same time.
You can find out more about The Potty Caddy or purchase it for yourself by visiting Amazon.com
You can win your very own Potty Caddy for your potty trainer. All you have to do is leave a comment about your potty training experience. It can be your own experience (if you remember) or that of training your children, can't think of anything? Well then just tell me why you need this Potty Caddy.
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
• Bookmark this giveaway somehow be it stumble, digg, etc just let me know which
• Subscribe to my blog via RSS or Email
• Add my blog to your blogroll or my button to your sidebar
This giveaway is open to those INTERNATIONALLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
Giveaway ends December 22, 2008 @ 11:59pm est
Thanks To: Parent Reviewers
I need this since we will attempt potty training in the next few months!
your blog button is there
I subscribe
My son is an adult so..
this would be for my niece that is only 15 months :o)
wow would i ever love to win this it may be a realy grate thing to have my little ones 21 mo's old and well where just geting in to that potty thing havebeenfor some time but now shes in pull ups now if i can olny get her useing the potty i got it made
well you know about Cameron's issues with potty training. we were so over the moon when he finally decided to do it by himself a week shy of his 6th Birthday.
now we're at the dreaded stage with Torin which has all ready been put on hold twice as he just wasn't getting it.
oh this looks fun...really I have had easy ones and ones where you fall asleep while they are trying to poopy on the potty becuase they feel it- yep its oming- so you sit on the floor with them and end up nodding off while they are reading- (hum do I look like daddy-- hey mom wait till gone with the wind is done- then I will get off!)
This would be perfect for my niece. When her older sister was being potty trained I can remember she always got a sticker is she was successful in using the potty. There were stickers all over their house. Thanks!
I believe that my granddaughter is a bit young but will need this in short period of time. but the one I am thinking of is my brother with his son who so far has showed no desire to potty train. maybe a new prize would help.
I blogged away about this give away at http://shopannies.blogspot.com/2008/12/potty-training-is-not-always-easy.html
I added your blog to my list of blogs
I would love that for when I start potty training. I have a 17 month old and a 6 month old so it isn't happening yet but it will so that would be great.
I would love to win this for my grandson who is just about the right age to begin training. Both my babies were girls so I haven't a clue what to do when it comes to training a little boy!
I subscribe
my youngest is 3 - and has NO interest in the potty. I'm SO over diapers - anything that might help would be a blessing for us!
Subscribed through Reader
I've got your button on my blog
We are going to start potty training in the next couple of months, so this sounds like it would be great for us, thanks!
I am a reader subscriber, thanks!
Wow! This is the perfect idea to help with potty training! I was just thinking the other day how I need something like this. My little guy could use this to encourage more potty use! I think it would make going more rewarding for him. Thanks!
ALso subscribe via google reader. snakan0(at)hotmail(dot)com
Although I have already potty trained 2 girls, I have another one currently working on it and a boy who will be in about a year. This is something I could really use.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
I could really use this for my grandchildren. I currently have 2 in the process of being potty trained and another who will be ready in the future. This would be such a nice thing to have. Thank you so much!
I'm a subscriber.
looks like this would make it easier!
email subscriber
Oh my this looks fabulous. My oldest was potty trained with a bunch of his friend while at daycare. My youngest is 19 month old now and VERY interested in the potty. I am entering into an unknown area since my oldest was so quick to potty train. Thanks for the opportunity!
no experience yet but my little boy is very close to the potty training phase and mommy is pertrified!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Stumbled from TheAngelForever
I subscribe to your RSS feed :)
You are on my blogroll as well :)
I would LOVE to win this! My two-year-old little man isn't the least bit interested in the potty. I really don't know when he'll ever decide to start training. And to top it off we have a baby due in June. So I'm sure that will throw a wrench into it all!!!! I'll take all the resources I can get!!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
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give_me_a_latte at yahoo
My new grand-son is going to need this eventually. Thanks for the contest.
This is awesome! Potty training is for the birds. It has been a long process for me. I don't even want to think about taking another trip the last one we went on was only three hours and my daughter ended up drowning in her car seat. UGH!! Don't want to think about our next one, but would like to be prepared. Thanks!
I have your button!
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I'm currently trying to potty train my 2 1/2 year old son & I thought he was ready, but he would rather walk around in his messy diapers than stop what he's doing to get changed. This is my first child, so I really don't know what I'm doing & I can use all the help I can get.
My son is so resistant to potty training! He's totally in one day and then takes 3 days off. I need all the help I can get!
I am a subscriber.
We will be starting potty training very soon. I remember potty training my nephew. He didn't fit in the little kid training seats!
sarabellarose at gmail dot com
I have your button on my blog.
My 2 1/2 year old girl is still potty training. Some days we do okay, others not so good. And poop...forget about it. LOL
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
My first girl was 3 1/2 years old by the time she was fully potty trained. She was so difficult to train though that we had to bribe her with stickers.
Perfect for my little nephew!
The only thing that worked for my son was bribery, he would get a gummy bear if he used the potty. This was after a year long battle. I would love to use this kit with my youngest, hopefully he will be more agreeable to potty training.
I had the most difficult time trying to potty train my son. I think it was mainly because I wasn't as committed in the beginning. But finally..I decided to make a potty reward chart and it took about 2 weeks.. and FINALLY lol he took to the toliet!! Now my daughter is 1 year and I am going to have to start thinking how I am going to potty train a little girl ahhhhhh! lol
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to have this as a gift for my little nephew who has just begun "training".
I don't have any stories yet. But I am sure we will have plenty. This would be great to have when we do start training. Thanks
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I have a friend who decided to put the potty in the living room so her daughter could watch TV while "waiting". Her daughter didn't like the potty and often went NEXT to the potty!
I was really lucky with my son. He's never had an accident at night and was very easy to train. My daughter has gone a few times now but not regularly. we really need to start working on this more.
vickers at comcast dot net
This would be great for my little girl who is just begining her potty training! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a subscriber!
My girls took their own sweet time. I tried not to stress since I know better but sometimes.....
Oh Lordy! We are starting to potty train our little girl and she just asks for a diaper as soon as I put her littly hiney on the toilet seat!
I don't have any stories to share yet, as I am becoming a first-time mom through adopting a one year old girl from China. This would greatly help me in my endeavor!
We haven't even started yet, but I know that it will be tough.
I haven't been through it yet, though it's coming soon. I'm sure this would help both my daughter and I get through such a trying time.
For months we thought my older duaghter was constipated and trying to poop. Finally we realized she was holding it in.
I subscribe.
My potty training stoy is an ongoing one. My son will still have an accident every few days, especially when he is doing some online learning, he gets caught up in it and we have to constantly remind him. My daughter is just beginning to show some interest, so it looks like its time for her to start.
It was the best of times,it was the worst of times. One or two kids did it easily and 2 were difficult-kind of paired up with raising them. The easier dispostions trained easier.
I'm a subscriber
When my first 2 kids were potty training, I remember that they didn't want to sit on the toilet to go number 2. They thought they would fall in. Now that my youngest turned 2 I'll be starting over before you know it. I'd love to win this!
I'm a subscriber!! Thanks!
My daughter was easy to potty train, I just told her to go potty and she did. I hear boys are much harder so I need all the help I can get and I believe this product will help
I kind of delayed training with my little boy - and heard about it from my MIL who loves telling me how her kids and other grandkids all started before seven months. With my husband falling most behind at nine months.
My little one has just turned two and I've been encouraging his interest in the potty for a few months. He's starting to love (not every time though) tearing off his diaper when he has to pee and just pee - anywhere, so I tell him that he needs to pee in his potty and he runs in the bathroom, and like any self respecting male - pees all over or beside it rather then sitting down! That
Would love to win this for my friend that is getting ready to potty train her daughter :)
Training our son was a long process -- I just knew it would be easier with our daughter, but I was mistaken. She's 2-1/2 and has NO interesting in learning.
This would be so neat!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
We haven't starting potty training yet so this would be great!
With a newborn in the house, we'd love to start working on potty training with our 2 year old daughter in the near future. This would definitely be helpful!
I am subscribed to your blog now. :)
I've bookmarked this contest via LIVE.
I've added you to my blogroll.
lastly--I blogged about the giveaway! :)
my childern are all grown up, but I have 14 nieces and nephews
my son is too young (6 months), but its going to be fun....
The one big thing I learned with my older child was that you can't push them into it. They need to do it in their own time. Hopefully that time isn't high school. LOL
Lee :)
leechrista @ gmail dot com
The Potty Caddy would be great since we are getting ready to potty train our son soon. Thanks.
My mother gave us 1 m&m for a pee, and 2 for a poo!
and I am a subscriber now
still working on it but I got him to wear underwear the other day, then he peed a little in them...
I don't remember my own experiences, must have blocked them out. But I am expecting tein boys so this is a must for me.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
It's been over 30 years since I've "potty trained" so I don't remember anything from my experience.
We are about to start potty training my son in January so this would come in very handy!
: )
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
We have been trying with my youngest for a long time now, I am beginning to think she will never potty train! I am willing to try ANYTHING at this point!
I blogged about this giveaway: Here
it was a little rough but we eventually managed :)
My son doesn't like potty training too much, maybe this will work!
I subscribe!
I was once sitting at the computer & thought my child was in her room taking a nap.
I heard a tinkeling sound comming from my kitchen.
There she was taking a pee in my Madilite roaster pan!
I had left it sitting on the floor~drying on a towel drying because there was no room on the counter.
I am a subscriber too!
oh how cute.
me me me!
The best part of potty training is when it is done:) Thanks for the giveaway:)
I would love this! My son is really strggling with pottytraining and this would be really helpful. The most frustrating thing is when you have a great pottytraining day with no accidents followed by 3 accident filled days.
Potty training has so far been difficult for my daughter so this would be useful!
We have an 18 month old and plan to start potty training this summer when I am off of work. I would love to have this to help me!!! m_huston(at)hotmail(dot)com
I have a nephew that is having a hard time potty training so this would be great for him. I remember when the boys were training, we did not use pull ups or diapers so we were changing lots of clothes. It was fun the time I accidentally stepped on poop on the floor (so glad those days are over)
my grandson is ready for this:) ty 4 the awesome giveaway and the entry:)
I need this Potty Caddy because my friend is currently potty training her child and this would make a great gift!
I subscribed via email.
I need this for my granddaughter.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love this for my son who should be training now but is stubborn! I learned from the first not to push until they are ready. Thanks!
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