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Monday, December 1, 2008

On the First Day of Christmas...

On the First Day of Christmas A Wrestling Addicted Mommy gave to me.....A way to keep my house clean!!!

I fully admit... I hate to vacuum! In fact, I hate cleaning period, but it has to be done. With 2 levels in our home that each have carpeting of some sort, for the smaller jobs it just a big pain to lug the big vacuum that I have up or down the stairs for a small mess. I've had some smaller stick vac's and hand vac's in the past, but they've always either never had the power to suck things up, or they've died or just fallen apart in some way.

I was thrilled when I was able to review the DirtTamer from Filterstream, viewing the product on their website, it looked durable and like it had some power to it. I couldn't wait to try it, with little kids in the house, there's always some sort of small mess going on where a full sized vacuum doesn't necessarily need to be used. The DirtTamer Supreme V2400 picks up both those dry and wet messes, I think that's one of the things that I just love about it. Not only does it pick up those crumbs of goldfish crackers but it also can pick up that mess of spilled milk!

The suction on the DirtTamer is also very impressive, with 200% more suction than it's competitors it's the hand vac that you look forward to using to cleaning up those small messes. The vac is also light enough that my 3 year old and 5 year old can now help and that's a great thing because they can't do that with the big vacuum.

There's also a few extras with the DirtTamer that you don't get with other smaller hand vac's. There is a 3-stage HEPA filtration system in it that helps catch 99.97% of all that dust, pollen, bacteria and other allergens down to a 0.3 micron in size. You'll also find that the DirtTamer gives you some great additional features as well, like the small headlight on top that helps you see that hard to find dirt, the low battery indicator as well as the wall-mountable charging base. Unlike other hand vac's the DirtTamer also comes with three cleaning tools to use with it, an extend-able cleaning wand, a squeegee and also an upholstery brush that store easily in the base.

It's weird that someone can get excited over a vacuum, but that I did with the DirtTamer. It picked things up great (both wet and dry) and like I stated before, it's great that the kids can use it too to help clean up their own messes now.

You can find the DirtTamer by visiting the Filterstream website and also at some specialty vacuum retailers. Buying a DirtTamer is worth the money as it takes away the time and hassle of using a regular size vacuum for those small
jobs and gives you the advantage of picking up those wet messes as well...

Thanks to: Family Review Network

Now onto the giveaway you've been waiting for...YES you too can have your very own FilterStream DirtTamer as well as some other great cleaning products from Weiman and Liberman. This is the perfect prize package just in time for the holidays when we all know a majority of cleaning goes on. So during the 1st day of Christmas giveaway I'm giving away a prize package valued at $100 to one lucky winner!!!

The prize package includes:
~ The DirtTamer
~ Wright's Silver Polish
~ Perfect Planet Floor Cleaner
~ Weiman E-Tronic Wipes
~ Weiman Cook Top Wipes
~ WonderFiber Cloth

This package is sure to help you with all those household and holiday messes to come!

To enter, just tell me why you need this prize package, and which item you think you'd benefit from the most.

For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Bookmark this giveaway somehow be it stumble, digg, etc just let me know which
• Subscribe to my blog via RSS or Email
• Add my blog to your blogroll or my 12 Days of Christmas button to your sidebar
• Follow me on Blogger

This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via
..This giveaway will end a day earlier than the 12 days of Christmas lasts as there is a deadline that needs to be met.

Giveaway Ends December 11, 2008 @ 11:59pm


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Anonymous said...

I would benefit from the DirtTamer vacuum the most because my handheld vacuum no longer holds a charge so I have to clean the floor by hand with a broom and dustpan now. That's no fun and is harder to do. I would really use this all the time!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled the post here

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed!

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on blogger.

Ivy said...

With 4 kids and two cats, we can't live without vacuums and out little handheld is slowly dying.

Ivy said...

I already follow you on blogger, too :) Thanks!

phxbne said...

Because I am losing the battle of the house! I would love the DirtStream

phxbne said...

I follow you on blogger

Jeni said...

I have to say the dirt tamer because I have 5 kids 4 of them are boys and a cat

grndbaygal said...

i would love the wonderfiber cloths my house is so dusty living on a dirt road i have to dust everyday!

Erica C. said...

the hand vac would be great for my stairs!

Anonymous said...

dirt tamer hand vacuum - crumbs

Dee said...

I am MOST excited about a the vacuum! We have LOTS of spills during the day..some dry..and some wet! This would be a HUGE help! I also would LOVE to try out the cook top wipes...I'm CONSTANTLY having to clean that thing!

Dee said...

I put your button up!

Dee said...

and I follow you through blogger!

~*Just Plain Momma*~ said...

i could benefit fromt his because well all i had was a vacuum cleaner and it is busted now...thanks to my i could sure use thiscause I can't afford to buy a new one...much less christmas

~*Just Plain Momma*~ said...

forgot to mention i have a welder for a husband and 4 kids to clean up after...

Anonymous said...

I soooooooo need that dirt tamer. I have a toddler, 2 shedding puppies, and of course my hubby, to clean up after. Lugging my big 'ole Dyson to the latest and greatest mess is not an easy feat. I am such a neat freak about my floors, if I were to win I just might hear a chorus of angels. :)


**duplicate entry to add e-mail**

kerriwolfe at

Anonymous said...

Oh I definitely need all of it - but especially the DirtTamer. Ya know what's great about those? Handing them to the kids so THEY can clean up.

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed through Reader

Anonymous said...

I have your button on my sidebar :)

mar said...

I need this package because my house needs help. I would benefit from the vacuum the most!

Katie said...

Wow...what couldn't I use? I have a tiny apartment and the least little bit of dust or dirt seems to show that much more. I would love any and all of these!

Katie said...

I already have you on my blogroll..twice, even I think!

Katie said...

I've been subscribed for ages. I love you and your blog!

Katie said...

and I'm following you too..I promise I'm not a stalker!

peg42 said...

I could really use the DirtTamer vac. I could really use this to clean our steps and couches after our black cat and our children. Thanks so much for this giveaway.

randio said...

I could really benefit from the silver cleaner. I just hosted Thanksgiving & really need to clean my silver!

abfantom said...

I definitely need the DirtTamer to clean up after my daughter.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Nadi said...

I could really use the Dirt Tamer to clean up after my 2 lil' monkeys, especially my daughter, whom I call "the messiest girl in the whole world" after every meal. I can't believe the Dirt Tamer can pick up wet spills! That's awesome!
Thanks for the chance.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I could use the whole package to clean house before the holidays, but I would benefit most from the Dirt Tamer. My cat leaves lots of hairs and kitty litter around and it would make clean-up simple.

Anonymous said...

The dirt tamer to clean up after my two dogs and two kids.

rebbi511 at

Kim said...

This would be perfect to simplify life without getting out the broom for those little piles underneath the high chair! Thanks!

Joan J said...

I babysit for my 2 yr old grandson at least two days a week. Anyone with a 2 year old in the house can use one of these vacs and all the other cleaning supplies!

Joan J said...

I subscribed via bloglines.

MassFoodie said...

I'd love the DirtTamer. Thank you.

linda a said...

Darn I would love to win this!! The Dirttamer would be great with my kids running in and out. Thanks so much for offering this.

jffryclough said...

we're remodeling and could use a couple of these

Anonymous said...

Our vacuums keep breaking! And the house is full of pets and kids!
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

abcgator said...

I desparately need this package because, after 4+ years of being a stay-at-home mom with my 2 girls, I am still organizationally-challenged at home - can't keep the thing clean to save my life. The dirttamer would be great - we have gone through a too-numerous-to-count amount of dirtdevils & handvacs....

d5stock said...

Right now we would benefit for the wifes (especially after Thanksgiving). Long term the vacuum.

chromiumman said...

could really use this, especially the dirttamer

Amanda said...

I could use the DirtTamer .

taysmommy said...

the dirt tamer itself would be awesome for us! I have alittle one who is constantly dropping her snacks whick equals crubms! a small handheld would be 10 times easier then lugging the big vacumn out!

taysmommy said...

i follow

taysmommy said...

i subscribe via email

taysmommy said...

christmas button is on my sidebar

Alli said...

I would definitely use the Dirt tamer the most. I have two little kids. Enough said! :)

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I definitely need this prize package! I would benefit most from the Dirt Tamer. I have another little one coming very very soon, and as hard as it is to keep this place clean with one child, I'm terrified to see what it will be like with two! At least with the Dirt Tamer I could clean up after my two year old's many messes without having to drag the big vacuum out and do the whole floor. He's also terrified of the big vacuum, so maybe a hand held one wouldn't be so traumatic! Thanks for the giveaway!

Miss Blondie said...

I would definitely benefit from the Dirt Tamer because between my son and the cat i just cant keep the house clean!!

Miss Blondie said...

I've got your button up!!

Stephanie said...

Weiman Cook Top Wipes because seriously, I think I wipe it down twice a day!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I stumbled your post!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I am subscribed via email.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I already had you on my blog roll!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

And I'm a follower. :)

windycindy said...

Hello! Because I have two sons and pets, most definitely the DirTamer would get used the most. The Floor Cleaner is something I would also use very much. What a delightful giveaway drawing. I would appreciate being entered in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a happy subscriber! Thanks, Cindi

StinaWins said...

I need this package because my daughter is moving out this weekend, and I could sure use some incentive to do a big clean. I think the electronic wipes would benefit me the most!

StinaWins said...

I'm a subscriber!

StinaWins said...

I follow you on blogger!

Site4teachers said...

I would benefit because my hardwood floors constantly need a quick clean! Thanks!

Jenna said...

I would most benefit from the DirtTamer. I could use this because we have wood floors and two cats. Dust and cat hair are endless I feel. thanks!

allancarol said...

it would have to be the vac my boys are pigs

Maja said...

I have a 3 year old and a husband, and they sure are messy. I could really use some help.
My floors would beneft since they get to be dirty often.

Maja said...


Carol EL said...

I would like to try the E-tronic wipes.

tigerprincess said...

I would benefit the most from the Dirt Tamer. With 3 kids, 2 cats, 2 dogs and of course a husband running around there's always dirt that needs tending to.

Unknown said...

Cook top wipes would be so nice.

Unknown said...

tame the dirt please ! do we as mothers ever get ahead ??? thnx for the opp !

Anonymous said...

I need this for holiday entertaining. I would like the cooktop wipes and everything else too.

Beeb said...

Wow! What a fabulous package! I could really use all of these items. The dirt tamer would be fantastic, since the handheld vacuum that I have doesn't work that great. Thank you so much for the chance!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Your button is on my sidebar:

Thank you!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

I subscribed! My email is: supercoupongirl AT

-Beeb :)

Jenn S. said...

Great package! I could really use all these items as I gear up for our Christmas visitors. I could really use the hand vac. It would make cleaning up crumbs and other kid spills..etc so much easier.

patty said...

I would especially like to win the vacuum cleaner. My vacuum cleaner just blows dust around the room.

Anonymous said...

The DirtTamer would definitely come in handy! I just moved into a new place and nearly all of my things are hand me downs. So they collect a lot of dust, not to mention I don't have a vacuum, just one of those carpet brooms right now. Thanks for much for this awesome prize pack!!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

The DirtTamer would definitely be the most appreciated thing in this bundle! We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and we live in a house that is pretty close to the street so we get a lot of dust in the house. Cleaning is a must ALL the time, and having a little vacuum to whip out would just be awesome!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

I Stumbled this post!

username: keeerried216

Anonymous said...

I'm an e-mail subscriber too!

I think that's it for now. =)

Jenna said...

I definitely could use this prize package! With two babies and three cats, it never fails at how dirty things can get! I need this package to help me clean more! The DirtTamer would benefit best as it's easy to grab when something gets spilled versus hauling out the big vac!

jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com

Anonymous said...

I have stairs.
They are carpeted and get dirty.
This would be very useful.

tilldawn said...

Oh,I would love to win the DirTamer,we haven't had a hand held vacuum in a long time.Thank you so much for having this giveaway.

Dumaurier said...

Between my husband, my son and our dog my house is never perfectly clean..I'd love to try out the cooktop wipes

Stephen Saunders said...

the dust bunnies and i are in battle. the dirttamer could help even the odds in my favor.

chazvgo said...

We are having several parties at our house over the holiday so this would help out with the cleaning. The Dirt Tamer would be really great in our house with 2 kids.

Anonymous said...

Arizona is very dusty so the DirtTamer hand vacuum would be very beneficial is fighting the ongoing battle.

Laura J Harrison said...

3 Reasons I would like the Dirt Tamer Hand Vacuum
Grandma's Cookies

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I would benefit from the DirtTamer vacuum. :)

lilacbutterfly [at]

Jean said...

I think I would mostly use the Dirt Tamer hand vacuum. In each room, daily, I'm sure

silverbele said...

I would use it to clean up from my dog

Belinda said...

I would use the DirtTamer hand vacuum the most. I have pet birds and flowers indoors.
1bmore @ gmail . com

Jen lleras said...

With a new baby due in the next month I can only imagine how the tamer would help me out with the one handed messes I will be cleaning up in the coming years!

look out dust buinnies, here I come!!!

Anonymous said...

I could use the dirt tames, I always knock things over, or break glasses accidentally

mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I could use all of it haha...i'm not the "neatest" person ever and my husband is a neat freak at times

mh562261 at wcupa dot edu

denyse said...

I think these products would make cleaning easier. I'd love to try the E Tronic wipes.

buzzd said...

I would benefit from the Dirttamer the most because there is always spills and dust around here. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try the cooktop cleaner to see if it is better than what I'm using already. The Perfect Planet Floor Cleaner would be great for my hardwood floors. The Wonderfiber cloth would cost alot less than the Swiffers I've been using. And everybody could use a DirtTamer for the small messes.

Jessica said...

I'd really benefit from the e-tronics wipes. Electronics are always so hard for me to keep clean. My hubby is an electronics/gadget fanatic so we have a lot of them. I also want to try the DirtTamer. Hate having to break out the big canister vac every time there is a little mess to clean up.
Thanks for the great contest.
Happy Holidays to you and yours:)

linav8 said...

I need the hand vacuum for cleaning up spilled cheerios in my car! I would love this set for some new product, cleaning inspiration!

clynsg said...

I need the package because, like you, I hate to clean, so anything that makes it easier is a boon. As for which item would be best for me, definitely the Dirt Tamer, since my hand vacuum is on its last legs!.

kerri69 said...

I would use this package it would be so helpful especially the planet floor cleaner i have a lot of hardwwod floors plus the wonderfiber cloth is great too these are great for dusting beats using cloth diapers any day

Anonymous said...

I need the set because I have a very messy three year old boy. The Dirt Tamer would come in handy for those small messes. Then I wont have to get out the huge Vacuum for a little mess.

Unknown said...

Anything that makes cleaning easier is a plus in my book! I would love to try the DirtTamer as well as the E-Tronics wipes.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

kmbennet said...

The dirtamer, because my kids always leaves the utensil drawer open while getting something to eat or drink and I'm cleaning the crumbs out of it constantly.
Thanx for the contest.

kellyjamison77 said...

I am a clean freak and need this stuff. I want to try the stovetop cleaners to see if they aren't easier and just as effective as the goopy creams.

redron said...

wonderfiber cloths I live in the desert. it is dusty here.

sweetsue said...

I need this because my house is a mess right now! I would most benefit from the Weiman Cook Top Wipes because my stove is a glass top that I have to be careful with.
smchester at gmail dot com

Tina12312 said...

I need it badly because I have a muddy hubby and a furry dog. I'd really like to try the stainless steel wipes and the e-tronic wipes. Thank you!

jbeckett said...

I need this package to clean up the mess! The DirtTamer will be most useful to replace my failing Dirt Devil.

Anonymous said...

My grandchildren, 2 large dogs & 2 cats live with me. I NEED the dirt tamer.

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

We could definitely use the Cook Top wipes. I can never get those burnt on spots off!
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Barbara Bee said...

I need this package because I hate cleaning and could use anything that makes it easier. The one thing I really want to try are the Weiman E-Tronic Wipes because they claim to repel dust. My computer gets covered with dust within a few days after I clean it, so I'd love to try these.

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Anonymous said...

With kids, I could definitely use this prize. I found out I especially need the Wright's Silver Polish to polish up the silverware for the holidays. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I also subscribe via google reader.

michelena2000 said...

My mom left me her home and it needs to be cleaned from top to bottom. This would sure come in handy.

llinda29 said...

I need a house cleaning

BL said...

Wright's Silver Polish

Melanie said...

my house really needs a deep cleaning! I have a toddler that is doing a lot of spilling lately.

I would prob benefit the most from the vacuum

Melanie said...

added your button

Mom 2 Keli said...

I could really use this prize pack come the holidays, I am having 7 kiddies in my house plus their 4 doggies, oh what a houseful! I guess I would get the most use from the DirtTamer!

Katmagick said...

I could benefit most from the handheld vac because of the hairballs that are caused by my cats.
But the floor cleaner would also be frequently used since my hubby forgets when he comes in about removing his shoes.
I would give the silver wipes to my mother in law because I have no silver in any of my drawers.
The Etronics wipes would earn their keep, the dust on my desktop is elbow deep.
I could use the cloth for various messes and my house would be sparkling for holiday guests.

Beawhiz said...

I would love to win this because we're horrible housekeepers at my house AND we have two cats! I've been wanting to try the WonderFiber Cloth, and I'd love to try out the Floor Cleaner, too! New cleaning products make it impossible NOT to clean!

Jeff and Mandee said...

I would love the Dirt Tamer! We need it with the kids in the house....there are constantly crumbs everywhere, goldfish, cheerios, chips and more!! The Electronic wipes would be really nice too!


Becca Ann said...

I need this because well with my two kids... they sure know how to make a mess!

Ann said...

This would be perfect to get my house ready for the holidays, I don't really like to clean so all good things help. I would probably benefit the most with the cooktop wipes as I'm still looking for something that really cleans my cooktop and doesn't streak all over the place. Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said...

I'm a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said...

I'm a follower.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Anonymous said...

This would be so great to have. We have a ranch home and also use our basement so it would be great not to lug the big vac up and down the stairs all the time. Hope I win!

bison61 said...

I would benefit from the DirtTamer vacuum - I like that it picks up liquid spills, so handy in the kitchen after 3 little boys are done eating

tiramisu392 (at)

Leni said...

The cook top wipes are needed in my home. I simply can't get that stove top looking good!

elieat [at] hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

We need this, because we have a four-year-old daughter--need I say more!

Millie said...

I'll give you 3 reasons I need this..
1. My son 6
2. My son 3
3. My son 36 ;) lol
Thank you I so need the dirt tamer :)

kdkdkd said...

I could really use the dirt tamer because of the kids, but I also really could use the Wright's Silver Polish as this is the time of year for my sivler to shine!

Millie said...

I have your button on my blog :)

Millie said...

I am a subscriber :)

Millie said...

And I am a follower :)

makeetis said...

I would use the dirt tamer for the messes I always have. With 3 kids and 3 small dogs there is always a mess at my house. Thanks for the chance. brewerchickey78(at)

fyjules said...

With ten people constantly going in and out of my house there's obviously a lot of cleaning to do. this prize package would help a lot. I think I would benefit the most from the DirtTamer.

Anonymous said...

3 kids. Nuff said? I've always got a mess to pick up or wipe up or vacuum up. a

Lolly said...

Oh, I would benefit most from the DirtTamer as I have two wild toddler girls who enjoy hurling their lunch at each other :). Cleaning three meals and two snacks off the floor is not much fun... the DirtTamer would make cleaning up after them a breeze!!

Amy L said...

I need the Dirt Tamer to clean up the leaves, dirt, etc. that my dog keeps tracking in. The E-tronic wipes would be great to clean the fingerprints off the computers & TVs.

Maude Lynn said...

Kid. Dog. Husband. I need a Dirt Tamer!

Amy L said...

I'm following your blog.

Lo said...

Definitely the Dirt Tamer, for all those kid-related spills!

Fangirl Jen said...

I could really use the E-Tronic wipes for my computer and T.V. screens.

Fangirl Jen said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your holiday button is on my blog.

Ames said...

I think the floor cleaner would be the best since I teach piano and live in a snowy region... But all the products look great! Thanks. My email is listed on my profile.

Anonymous said...

I could use the dirt tamer so I could sweep dog hairs off the couch fast when I know company is coming over! that would be great. then my mister could vacuum the floors too. double time!

thanks for the chance!

karissag at

Anonymous said...

I follow!

karissag at

Anonymous said...

rss feed subscribed!

karissag at

Anonymous said...




Paige said...

I really need the Weiman Cook Top Wipes bc that baked on stuff can get so hard to clean off!

Paige said...

your reg button is there

Paige said...

christmas button is there

Paige said...

I subscribe

julis55 said...

the Dirt Tamer Hand Vacuum is cool!

julis55 said...

the Weiman Cook Top Wipes are the best!

Anonymous said...

got your holiday button!

karissag at

Fae said...

i don't like cleaning but i do a lot of it all the time, so this would be nice.
The DirtTamer would help me out so much!

Jennifer said...

I need this simply because I have 4 kids and have a lot of messes to clean up! The dirt tamer would benefit me most for quick clean up on those constant spills! Thanks for the entry!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I have a dog in the house that sheds a lot, so the dirt tamer would come in handy for me! But I could use all of these products!

email: keithadanielle[at]yahoo[dot]com

Jennifer said...

I subscribed via email! Thanks!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I need this package because I could really use the DirtTamer. My daughter is such a messy eater and I hate getting the broom out after every meal. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Sara said...

I would benefit the most from the DirtTamer, I have a toddler and let's just say that I should not let him eat cheerios all throughout the house. I would love the whole package. Thank you for entering me.

MySentimentExactLee said...

Well, I'll be moving into a new house in March and at this present time we don't own much of our own "stuff". This will be great. Especially the dirt tamer!

Lee :)
leechrista @ gmail dot com

MySentimentExactLee said...

I am now following you!

Lee :)
leechrista @ gmail dot com

cpullum said...

I work alot and I need all the help I can get raising two girls!I know the Perfect Planet Floor Cleaner would really help me!


Marcy Bock said...

Between kiddos and animals our house is a mess! I think the DirtTamer would be my favorite to try out!

mogrill said...

The Hand Vac is amazing!! said...

I'm forever cleaning and products aren't cheap these days! Our handheld vac doesn't do much so the Dirt Tamer would be awesome to have!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

The DirtTamer would be the most beneficial in my house. It would help me to get dust bunnies that are in hard to reach places on my hardwood floors. The HEPA suction is wonderful with my son's allergies. Thanks for the opportunity.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I just Stumbled this post :)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I am subscribed to your RSS feed.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I also follow you on Blogger.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

On my blog roll :)

Jo said...

The vacuum would be invaluable! I find it very difficult to keep the floor very clean in general. With a 7 year old who loves to make an "arty" mess in every room and a newborn who really should not be around that, I feel this would be wonderful.
Thank you
bvbabybv at

chris said...

i have two boys age 3 and 8 I need the dirt tamer vacuum, maybe i could keep up on the messes!! maybe i could teacher my tow boys how to use this earier than the upright!!

Tuesday Girl said...

The Dirtamer would be fabulous. With 5 year old twins and a 8 month old there are always crumbs and dirt on my floors!

tuesdayef (at) aol dot com


I have three dogs. The hand-held vac would really get a workout.

idahomom said...

I have started a bookkeeping business from my house. I really need some supplies that will help me keep the house looking clean.

Deborah said...

I need this package because of all the holiday cooking and baking and entertaining I do...anything that'd make cleaning easier would be precious to me. I think I'd benefit from the DirtTamer the most, since it cleans wet messes and we do make some wet messes here lol. asthenight at gmail dot com

jenny said...

wow this is nice and well i realy could use one so please enter me in also i got your button i be posting it on my blog page

Start To Finish Supplies said...

The DirtTamer would be my favorite. I would love to have it to quickly clean up around the cat's litterbox. This package would be great for me because my house could really use a cleaning!


Start To Finish Supplies said...

Your button is on my blog!

Anonymous said...

four growing boy, my house always need extra help

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

Of course, that Dirt Tamer looks like the most awesome thing! I have three sets of stairs in this house, so you can imagine how much I need that. They never get the attention they need. Maybe with that Dirt Tamer they would finally stay done. (I can dream, can't I?)

I do love Wright's silver polish, too. It's the only one I use and I have tried them all.

Thanks for having the giveaway.

Bebemiqui said...

The Stove top wipes would be such an asset in my house!

mere101 said...

I would love to try the etronics wipes. I never know how to clean electronics.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I would benefit from the handheld vacuum the most because ours broke and I need a new one!

Andrea Hatfield said...

I added your holiday button to my blog.

Ane said...

With 5 kids, all 6 and under, I NEED a Dirt Tamer! I don't always have time to pull out the vacuum when someone comes over. This would be a huge help! ;)

Ane said...

I am a subscriber!

Ane said...

Got both of your buttons on my blog and in my blog roll!

Donna said...

I really need this. We have a black lab theat sheds, and I have to clean up the hair daily. The DirtTamer would be perfect to help with that task.

Donna said...

I am a subscriber.

Donna said...

I put your button on my blog.

Donna said...

I am now a follower.

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