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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bobbin' Boogily's

Rocket USA has done it once again. If you remember last month I had a giveaway for some really unique, ugly but cute at the same time, Boogily Bunnies and Stitch Kittens (review). The comments you guys left were so great, and there was so much interest in some of these unique toys, Rocket USA has decided to do yet another giveaway for some very unique and fun toys for your kiddos, or even yourself!

I’d like to introduce you to Boogily Heads. These fun, cute little creatures offer some bobble head action, while creating a unique sense of fun at the same time. Again, designed by artist Gus Fink they were made exclusively for Rocket USA. These cute little creatures come with their own unique and collectible Mini Comix written and illustrated by Gus Fink himself.

These characters are one of a kind, and once again my girls enjoyed these little ones immensely. With their unique look, even my girly girls were once again amazed and happy to play with them. They’ve transformed their doll house into a Boogily Head house and that’s where they live and play all day! The one-of-a-kind characters each have a name of their own and come from the original Gus Fink sculptures that were reproduced into these one of a kind items that stands 1.75” to 2.25”. Even with the ‘raw and gritty’ details and imperfections, the girls love them just the same. It’s great to be able to give them some unique toys and see where their imagination takes them, the toys don’t look perfect, have no resemblance to anything else they own, and can easily be seen with the girls on a daily when they’re playing in their room, their imagination just soars with the interaction each Boogily Head does with one another.

WIN a Boogily Head for yourself!!! Since we found out last time how much my readers love to see these very unique toys from Rocket USA, they again have given me a chance to let you guys win your very own little Boggily Head creature. Five (5) lucky readers will get their chance to choose their own Boogily Head and have them shipped directly to them! All you have to do to enter to win a Boogily Head for yourself is visit the Boogily Head website and leave a comment telling me which Boogily Head you’d love to win. You can view all the different Boogily Heads available by looking here.

This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via

For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
• Stumble this giveaway
• Subscribe to my blog via RSS or Email
• Add my blog to your blogroll or my button to your sidebar

Giveaway Ends Sept. 16, 2008 @ 11:59pm EST


Anonymous said...

I like Oinks!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com


ok read the descriptions...these are so cute..really. Pinko is my favorite then Skrap Bear is my 2nd favorite

chromiumman said...

i like scantron

Jenn S. said...

I like Cheezor.

Michele said...

I like Marshmellow!!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)

Rebecca said...

These are so creepy they are cute! Marshmello is so cute :D


Rebecca said...

I stumbled this giveaway

user name: wastebasket


Rebecca said...

I have your button on my blog.


Rebecca said...

I blogged about this giveaway here:


Anonymous said...

These are unique! I like SkullGnome.

Jenna said...

I still think Skygor or Pinko stand out to me!

Jenna said...

button is on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I love love scantron. What a creepy little robot creature. -kate facefoot(at)gmail(dot)com

miriama said...


Steph said...

I liked Zuggs from Series 3. He is awesome!

Anonymous said...

zuggs with all of his eyes.

mverno said...

i would choose pumpkin billy

Jamie said...

Very unique toys! I would choose zigor.

Wehaf said...

I love Scantron the robot - she's awesome!

urchiken at gmail dot com

CanCan said...

Squiggie is my favorite. I think my son would like him too!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

mogrill said...

Love the SkullGnome!

PS said...

Since my kids love putting paper bags over their head, I'd have to go for Paperbag! CUTE!

Maja said...

Oinks are cool.

Maja said...


Anonymous said...

Oh.... I like KITIX. Of course, I like them all ; they are just adorable!

Anonymous said...

And... I'm subscribed!

Anonymous said...

And....You're in my blogroll!

kygirl said...

Pumpkin Billy is funny

linda a said...

I just had to venture over here to see what exactly these little things were!! And I found them pretty darn cute. Thanks for offering this. n

Centsible Mommy said...

These are funny. I liked scantron

Anonymous said...

Creepy little cuties! I want Skullgnome. click contact

Unknown said...

Some of these boogily heads are really cute, some I think are to scary for children (or me for that matter haha) I like "Oinks" as it looks more pig like and less dead like lol.

Beetlejuice! said...

My nephew is so in love with these! Even if they are creepy, I find them completely adorable.

I would love to win Pumpkin Billy!!!

MageMorgana said...

How cute! favorite would be Cheezor ;)


Kimberly said...

My favorite is Squiggie, the monkey with the boxer gloves.

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

hayley said...

I like Pinko. Thanks!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

Kimberly said...

I subscribe to your blog.

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Kimberly said...

Your button is on my blog (SheScribes "dot" com).

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

hayley said...

And I'm a subscriber!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I like Scantron! Thank you.

Unknown said...

I love Scantron and Mummoo. They're all so clever. Very different which will catch the kids attention...and mine, too. Thanks

Estelle said...

I like Skullgnome. He's cute!


Pumpkin Billy. Cute,

littlelatina said...

I like paperbag best! They are all awesome though. I love unconventional dolls and figures.

Ginny said...

I love Kitix!

Ginny said...

I stumbled this post!

Ginny said...

I'm subscribed via bloglines :)

Karen said...

Cheezor !

Anonymous said...

I think my boys would love the Squiggie monkey.

sabb266 said...

I think Oinks and Pinkp are cute

Unknown said...

Marshmello looks like he/she/it needs a good home!

Anna said...

I'd like to win Marshmellow! Thanks!

mar said...

I would like to win Squiggie!

Sarah Z said...

I like Squiggie!!

believedreamcourage (at)

Jenny said...

I like Pinko! These are cute and I bet my DD would like one.


bison61 said...

I like SkyGor

tiramisu392 (at)

Izzie said...

I love Scranton so much, perhaps I should marry it. Ha!

Anonymous said...

LOL, those are hilarious! Well, I like Squiggie, the monkey-type boggily! (

Anonymous said...

I blogged it Gina!


Unknown said...

I'd love to win Kitix!!

Anonymous said...

They're all so adorable, but I chose Oink. Please enter me, thank you

Miss Spoken said...

Skygor is my favorite.

Miss Spoken said...


cpullum said...

I like Milo!!!!

Brooke said...

Pumpkin Billy for HALLOWEEN!!

jennem said...

jennem22 at yahoo dot com

._. said...

Well I asked connor.. lol and he says his favorite is "Scantron"



windycindy said...

"Scantron" looks like he belongs in our home! My husband and two sons are mesmerized by gadgets and games!
Please enter me in your fun giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a subscriber to your newletter!

Anonymous said...
pinko for me!!!

Millie said...

Pinko is my favorite then Skrap Bear is my 2nd favorite

justicecw said...

Scantron is my favorite. thanks for the chance,

Anonymous said...


Angela said...

We love skygor!

Think about it said...

these are great, made me smile..

mommyjen99 said...

I am a subscriber.yeah
My boys like scantron the best

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

In keeping with the season--Pumpkin Billy!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I am a subscriber.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I have your button on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

I am partial to Zuggs!

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber too.

Jinxy and Me said...

Squiggie is my favorite - so cute!

Stacy said...

The skullgnome is pretty cool.


Jill said...

Something about Zuggs with all those eyes is cute. Definitely would choose him.

Unknown said...

My son would love Derf. He collects little petshops but these are so much cooler for boys.

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

OMG - these are too adorable! Love them and I think even my older son would love these. He has lots of little figurines and other misc. items on his desk in his room. I think I would pick the SkullGnome for him (he plays a gnome in World of Warcraft). Cute, cute, cute!

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

extra entry please - I am subscribed to your RSS feed via my Google Reader

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

another extra entry please - your button is in my sidebar :-)

Unknown said...

I like Squiggie the best. They're all cool though.

bison61 said...

I like Skygor

tiramisu392 (at)

Jodi said...

What a unique idea, my favorite is SkullGnome.


Brandy said...

I like Squiggie. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brandy said...

I'm a subscriber. :)

Fae said...

i like Derf! it reminds me of aaahh real monsters! so cool!

yellowlabs said...

Oinks are my favorite!

Bonnie said...

Awwww I want Kitix.

Roseann K. said...

I'd like Oink! Thanks!

k_cook30 said...

I like Cricker!!

Unknown said...

I think Marshmello is cute!

Thank u!

Miz Vickik said...

These are as cute as can be! I think (if I had to choose) I would pick Cricker.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Oinks.

cman said...

I love the Squiggie :)

Rockin' Mama said...

I'd choose the Kitix!


jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

masonsgranny59 said...

I heart the Pumpkin Billy :)

klp1965 said...

i love the Squiggie

Anonymous said...


Crystal said...

Lydia looked at them with me and she says her favorite is pumpkin Billy so that is the one we would love to win


Anonymous said...

Derf because he wiggles his head cute with them big ears.

dukier44 [at]

Donna said...

I like Marshmellow

Donna said...

I am a subscriber

Donna said...

I put your button on my blog.

lilyk said...

I love the Kitix Boogily Head!

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your feed.