To Enter: Visit Sodastream and tell me what flavor of soda or seltzer you'd be most interested in trying with your new Genesis unit.
* Follow my blog
* Subscribe to my blog by email or by a reader
* Follow myself and SodaStreamUSA on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway (can be done daily)
You can use the following to tweet:
Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway @wrestlingaddict: Win a Genesis SodaStream Unit from @SodaStreamUSA - http://bit.ly/6DXzLD* Post on your blog about the giveaway linking to this post, SodaStream and my holiday gift guide
* Favorite me on Technorati (leave your username)
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* Post my button or text link on your blog
* Bookmark my blog/this post with one of the social media bookmarks below leave your username with each of your entries for each.
Holiday Extras!!!!
* Post my 2009 Holiday Gift Guide button on your blog
Giveaway ends December 15, 2009 at 11:59pm ET and is open to those with a US Mailing Address.
The winner will be chosen by using random.org. Winner will have 72 hours to respond to notification with shipping info - if no response, another winner will be chosen.
1 – 200 of 294 Newer› Newest»I would just want to try the normal Cola flavo first!!
I follow your blog
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I would like to try the normal cola flavor first!
I follow your blog!
Giner ale Looks good too!
We would like to try the lemonade, the cranberry raspberry , or th var pack, thx so very much!!!!
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Tech fave. @aleshamom4
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ale ol
On my Google Gblog
bookmarked on GGoogle blog
I'd like to try the Cranberry Raspberry
Blog follower
I'd like to try Pete's Choice!
cookiert at yahoo
Root Beer first. But eventually all of them, we are huge soda fans in this house.
Pete's Choice would be my choice. Thanks!
I follow via Google Friends Connect (Nadine Larsen)
I Subscribe by email (iheartsweeping@aol.com)
I Follow you and SodaStreamUSA on Twitter (@eyzofblu63)and tweeted http://twitter.com/eyzofblu63/status/6635912508
The most interested flavor I would like to try with the new Genesis unit is Strawberry Raspberry.
I'd like to try the Cranberry Raspberry flavor.
I'd love to try the pete's choice flavor. Thanks!
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
blog follower
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
email subscriber
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
following you and soda stream on twitter @512kidz, tweet! http://twitter.com/512kidz/status/6637357855
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
I'd try the Orange Mango and the Cream flavors!
sweetmissa at gmail dot com
I would love to try the root beer!
I follow your blog.
sweetmissa at gmail dot com
I follow you and SodaStreamUSA on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/hunniebee724/status/6637505278
sweetmissa at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.
I follow on Networked Blogs (Melissa E)
sweetmissa at gmail dot com
Your Holiday Gift Guide button is on my blog: http://www.sweetmissa.blogspot.com
sweetmissa at gmail dot com
I'm following your blog on My Yahoo reader.
I would love to try cream soda. amypugmire@live.com
I follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
I follow both on Twitter and tweeted. http://twitter.com/curlyq776/status/6637575237
I fav'd you on Technorati. curlyq776
follow u both on twitter and tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
I'm following you on Networked Blogs.
following you on networked blogs facebook.com/mary512
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
I follow u thru networked blogs. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
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email subscriber to u. amypugmire@live.com
Your button is on my blog.
I have your main button. amypugmire@live.com
added you to my link list (sidebar) http://512kidz.blogspot.com
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
Your holiday gift guide button is on my blog. http://giveawaysforyou.blogspot.com/
bookmarked on twitter http://twitter.com/512kidz/status/6637718047
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
bookmarked on myspace http://blogs.myspace.com/pacifica512
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
bookmarked on facebook http://bit.ly/7VMdJQ
hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
I have your holiday button. amypugmire@live.com
I would love to try the lemonade flavour.
I would be interested in trying the Diet Cola flavor.
I grabbed your button
I follow your blog.
I subscribe to your email
I follow both you and SodaStream on twitter(terri142) and tweeted.
I would like to try the orange mango soda
arobimom at gmail dot com
root beer
Ohhhhhhhhh. It is a toss up between root beer and cream soda. Thanks so very much for the opportunity to win this!
I am a happy email suscriber :-)
I follow you on google friend. Thanks so much for the chance!
I follow you & Soda Stream on twitter (WendiP) and tweeted:
thanks again!
peach iced tea.
I would love to try the Diet Root Beer. This SodaStream sounds like so much fun. My family would love this. Thanks so much and Happy Holidays.
I'm a subscriber.
I'm a follower.
We would love to try the Root Beer Flavor.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I'm following both you and SodaStreamUSA on Twitter and tweeted
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com
I have favored your blog via Technorati as jsc123.
I am following via Networked Blogs.
I would love to try the cranberry raspberry.
clctaube @ yahoo.com
Email subscriber
clctaube @ yahoo.com
Following you and SodaStreamUSA on Twitter (clctaube) and tweet: http://twitter.com/clctaube/status/6640552374
clctaube @ yahoo.com
Following via Networked Blogs.
clctaube @ yahoo.com
rootbeer mrs.mommyyatgmail.com
I would definitely want to try the root beer and the diet cola. Thanks for the chance.
I subscribe via email.
I follow your blog.
diet fountain mist sounds good
email subscriber
I want to try the Cream Soda and the Cola.
I follow by Google Friend Connect.
I would get Diet Pink Grapefruit!
follow google friend connect
follow both and tweeted
I've seen these and would love to have something non-electric in this day and age.
Hi, diet cola would be my choice to make with the SodaStream. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I love cream soda & would like to try theirs.
The diet coke, please
Diane Baum
I'm a blog follower. Thanks! trishden
Tough choice... I'll go with the diet lemon lime
I'm an email subscriber. Thanks!
I follow you and SodaStream on Twitter and I tweeted here:
Faved you on Technorati. Thanks! trishden
I'm a Networked Blogs follower. Thanks! Trish Froehner
Hi, I bookmarked this on Kaboodle. Thanks! trishden
I bookmarked this on iGoogle. Thanks! trishden948
I bookmarked this on Amazon. trishden948(at)yahoo(dot)com
Orange Mango would be first on my list! Thanks!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I'd be interested in Diet Cola-Caffeine free.
I follow your blog.
tweet 12/13
Foloowing on Networked Blog.
i'd choose diet pete's choice
I'd like to try the cream soda and the diet grapefruit.
I"d love to try the diet pink grapefruit
I follow you
I subscribe
Id love to try the cream soda
I'd like to try the cream soda.
If I won the SodaStream genesis I would love to try the root beer or cream soda the most!
TY so much for offering this!
My e-mail LuvMoeDog2@ aol dot com
My twitter id Luv2CUSmyle
I follow you on Google friend
My e-mail LuvMoeDog2@ aol dot com
Twitter Luv2CUSmyle
I follow you & SodaStream on twitter as Luv2CUSmyle
My Tweet
I bookmarked you on Twitter
I'd like to try the Cranberry Raspberry flavor.
I'm a follower.
I'm a subscriber.
I follow you on Networked blogs.
Your button is on my blog.
Your holiday button is on my blog.
http://twitter.com/fangirljen/status/6651133708 TWEET
following you and SodaStreamUSA on Twitter.
I want to try the rootbeer.
I follow your blog.
I subscribe by email.
I faved you on technorati, anne1456
I follow on networked blogs (Anne Jolly)
I have your holiday button,
I tweeted
I am most interested in trying the Ginger Ale flavor.
I follow SodaStreamUSA on Twitter.
I would like to try the Ginger Ale
raspberry cranberry sounds great! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Cream soda
I would love to try the root beer.
I subscribe by email
tweet: http://twitter.com/BettyH321/status/6655117719
Pete's Choice would be my choice. jelly15301@gmail.com
E-mail subscriber. jelly15301@gmail.com
GFC follower. jelly15301@gmail.com
Networked blogs follower. jelly15301 -- jelly15301@gmail.com
Technorati fav. jelly15301 -- jelly15301@gmail.com
Mastertank1 here. Would love to try the cream soda flavor, it's always been my favorite. It also occurs to me that I could carbonate fruit juices with the Sodastream, like guava nectar or papaya juice. Just btw, I'm a former pro wrestler; waaaay back when Vince McMahon Sr. ran the then WWF and the only on-air show was once a week from Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, NY. That building no longer stands, but then niether do I. [Wheelchair these days.]
Mastertank1 (mitch at bookwyrm dot com)
tweet 12/14
Daily Tweet
I'd like the lemon lime
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I'd like to try ginger ale and cream soda.
Diet cream soda, definitely! Thanks for the chance to win.
Subscribed to your blog by e-mail (bbentry [at] aol [dot] com)
Favorited you on Technorati (bacallsmom)
Following you on Networked blogs (Susie Randle)
I'd choose the Diet Cranberry Raspberry--sounds wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow on Google Friend Connect.
I subscribe via Google Reader.
I follow wrestlingaddict and SodaStreamUSA on twitter @sharonjo2
I tweeted!
I follow you on Networked Blogs.
Sharon Olivier
Lemon Lime!
Subscribed in a reader- rss feed
Following your blog on Networked Blogs
Tweet! http://twitter.com/curlyq776/status/6666500298
I would love to try the Cream Soda... and also the MyWater Berry flavor. Yum!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I have been craving Cream Soda!
I follow your blog
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I would love to try the Diet Cola. I have been wanting to check one of these out for a while!
I follow you & Soda Stream on twitter (notimeMom) & tweeted
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Faved you on Technorati (kiknfroggie)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I am following on Networked Blogs
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I'd like to try the rootbeer flavor.
Diet Orange sounds refreshing.
I'd like to try the Energy flavor. I love Red Bull but it gets pricey.
I've been drooling over a SodaStream for a while now. The first flavor that I'd try out would definately be diet cola... I swear I need to break my diet Coke addiction one of these days! Thanks!
kanderspina at yahoo dot com
I would like to try the cream soda.
daily tweet amypugmire@live.com
Diet Pete's Choice for me...
melacan at hotmail dot com
technorati fave
melacan at hotmail dot com
Tweeted http://twitter.com/EcoOfficeGals/status/6666867957
follow Soda stream - @ecoofficegals
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/clctaube/status/6673141977
clctaube @ yahoo.com
I want to try Fountain Mist and Energy the most.
I follow your blog
I subscribe to your blog
follow both and tweeted http://twitter.com/Jammie79/status/6674198928
follow on network blogs Jammie Morey
The cola sounds great.
I follow both and tweeted.
Daily tweet 12/14
sweetmissa at gmail dot com
id try diet petes choice intime@myself.com
follow you and sodastrea http://twitter.com/intime111/status/6676116807m and tweeted
follow yhour blog intime@myself.com jennifer gersch
newsletter subscriber intime@myself.com
I would like to try the root beer flavor.
I would love to try the cream soda
Blog follower
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