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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Roku Digital Video Player Giveaway

Enter for your chance to win one of the Gifts for Everyone from my 2009 Holiday Gift Guide. One lucky reader will win a Roku Digital Video Player, for more information please see my holiday gift guide.

To Enter: Simply let me know if you already have a Netflix subscription or not, and what you're most looking forward to about winning this prize.


* Follow my blog
* Subscribe to my blog by email or by a reader
* Follow myself and Roku on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway (can be done daily)
You can use the following to tweet:

Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway @wrestlingaddict and @Rokuplayer: Enter to win a Roku Digital Video Player
* Post on your blog about the giveaway linking to this post, Roku and my holiday gift guide
* Favorite me on Technorati (leave your username)
* Follow my blog on Networked Blogs
* Post my button or text link on your blog
* Bookmark my blog/this post with one of the social media bookmarks below leave your username with each of your entries for each.

Holiday Extras!!!!
* Post my 2009 Holiday Gift Guide button on your blog

Giveaway ends December 16, 2009 at 11:59pm ET and is open to those with a US Mailing Address.

The winner will be chosen by using Winner will have 72 hours to respond to notification with shipping info - if no response, another winner will be chosen.


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Hearts N Flowers said...

yes I have a netflix subscription, and I want to be able to watch movies on my tv without waiting to get them from netflix in the mail.

Hearts N Flowers said...

following your blog

Kati Aileen said...

No right now we don't have a netflix subscription. I would love to be able to watch movies on my tv when ever I want instead of waiting for the movie to come in the mail.

Kati Aileen said...

I'm a follower.

Hearts N Flowers said...

subscribe by email

Hearts N Flowers said...

following you both on twitter from @mistysunrise

Hearts N Flowers said...


Hearts N Flowers said...

faved yyou on technorati with username mistysunrise

Hearts N Flowers said...

following you on networked blogs

hearts n flowers

Kati Aileen said...

I follow both you and Roku on twitter and I tweeted about this giveaway.

Hearts N Flowers said...

put your reg button on my blog

Kati Aileen said...

I added you as a favorite on Technorati. ladybugmamaof2.

Hearts N Flowers said...

put your holiday button on my blog

Kati Aileen said...

I'm a follower on Network Blogs.

Unknown said...

We love our Netflix subscription! It would be great to have this video player to be able to watch movies instantly.


Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

Kari (Alas 3 Lads)

Unknown said...

Following you on twitter.


Unknown said...

Following Roku on twitter


Unknown said...


Kati Aileen said...

I have your button.

Kati Aileen said...

I have your 2009 Holiday Gift Guide button.

Sonya Cocherell said...

I have a netflix subscription. I would love to have a Roku player. Thnaks!

Sonya Cocherell said...

I follow your blog as Sonya

Sonya Cocherell said...

I'm a subscriber. Thanks!

Sonya Cocherell said...

I tweeted:

sanchanna said...

Roku streams videos not only from Netflix, but also from Amazon. I would re-activate my netflix account if we won. I'd love to have the roku so that I could discontinue using the extended cable service with pay channels.

Alison said...

I used to have a Netflix account, so I'd reactivate it if I won. I'd love to be able to watch movies on demand like that!

lissaxolove said...

I don't have netflix and I'm excited to win this because we would be able to watch movies on demand!

lissaxolove said...

I subscribe via rss on my yahoo

lissaxolove said...

I follow your blog

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

No, we do not have a netflix subscription. I would enjoy having the Roku. We have no TV reception....this would be a huge help, and a netflix subscription is easy to get.

aggie said...

I have a Netflix account and this would be so nice to catch up on my favorite TV shows that I miss.

aggie said...

blog follower

aggie said...

email subscriber

aggie said...

faved on Technorati Aggieg

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I follow you on google friend connect as Frugal Tumbleweed Acres.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said...

I'm an email subscriber.

aggie said...


aggie said...

Holiday Button

aggie said...

tweet 12/5

aggie said...

follow you and Roku on Twitter @localoba

bison61 said...

it would be so cool to have my own video library at home! and no we do not have netflix

tiramisu392 (at)

Tes283 said...

Have Netflix and would love to see the films I want NOW on my big screen HDTV. Thank you for asking.

Tes283 said...

Already following RSS on yahoo.

EDRing said...

We don't have a Net Flix subscription, but have been thinking about it. This would swing us more towards getting one.


Tes283 said...


Tes283 said...


Thank you for your Favorites Submission
Thank you for using Technorati Favorites!

Anonymous said...

Yes I have a netflix subscription ,and it I would like to watch netflix movies on my tv

Nessa said...

We do have a Netflix subscription. I'd love to be able to watch movies on a screen bigger than my computer monitor.

Thanks for the chance to win!

nessa at texashousewife dot com

abfantom said...

We have a Netflix account and my husband wants to get a Roku. He would be thrilled if I won one!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Nessa said...

I am an email subscriber

nessa at texashousewife dot com

Nessa said...

Following you both & Tweeted:

Nessa said...

Faved on Technorati, username frugaltxmama

Nessa said...

Following on Networked Blogs

Facebook name: Vanessa Mathison

Nessa said...

Have your button under Blogs I Adore in the left sidebar of

Nessa said...

I Stumbled, nessatxmom

Nessa said...

Bookmarked on delicious, nessatxmom

Missybeez said...

Yes We Have A Netflix subscription! I would have this video player to watch movies right then.

Missybeez said...

follow blog

Marcia said...

Yes, I have an unlimited Netflix. I was not aware of this video player before today. Hope to win.

DEBIJOT said...

yes I have Netflix and would love to add this.

DEBIJOT said...

rss subscriber

mverno said...


calvad said...

I do not have a Netflix subscrition but I do need one.

diesel51 said...

I have Netflix and would love to have this because I want to watch my style of movie on my own no matter the time of day.

diesel51 said...

sohamolina said...

I do have a Netflix subscription and can't wait to try out the Roku.

sohamolina said...

I follow your blog.

sohamolina said...

email subscriber.

A said...

I used to have Netflix, but not currently. I like this prize because I'd be able to watch whatever movie I want whenever I want!

A said...

E-mail subscriber

sohamolina said...

tweet 12/5

sohamolina said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs.

moushka said...

We don't have Netflix, but we have been considering it.

I love that it gives you instant movies and even the TV series.

moushka said...


moushka said...

Email Subscriber!

Unknown said...

used to have a netflix, but do not anymore--would love to capture the kids--growing as teens!!!

Pricousins said...

I don't currently have a Netflix account but I most definitely would get one if I won this! I'd love to be able to watch old shows that I don't see often on this!

Pricousins said...

I'm a blog follower.

Pricousins said...

Email subscriber: pricousins at aol dot com

Pricousins said...

I follow you and ROku on Twitter as @pricousins and Tweeted:

Pricousins said...

I follow your blog on Networked Blogs: Angie Marion

Pricousins said...

I have your button on my blog.

vividchord said...

I don't have a Netflix subscription. I'd like to win this to replace the bad camera I'm using now on my phone

Michelle said...

We do currently have netflix - have for a while now and we love it!!

I would love to give this to my husband for Christmas b/c he loves movies and this would be great so he could watch them instantly.

mandm_2002 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I do not gave a netflix subscription!
I look forward to having one so I can put this video player to use!

Unknown said...

I do not have a subscription but defiantly want one

jappleseed said...

would like to have this, netflix, awesome,

rss subscriber

Hearts N Flowers said...

daily tweet

bendari said...

I don't have netflix yet but soon will.

Bebemiqui said...

I don't have netflix, but I look forward to using it with this box!

Tes283 said...


julis55 said...

We love our Netflix subscription! It would be great to have this video player to be able to watch movies instantly

sohamolina said...

tweet 12/6

Missa said...

I already have a Netflix subscription and have been wanting a Roku player so we can take advantage of the Netflix Instant Movies that are part of our subscription!

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Missa said...

I follow your blog.

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Missa said...

I subscribe to your blog by e-mail.

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Missa said...

Your 2009 Holiday Gift Guide button is on my blog:

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Missa said...

I follow you and Roku on twitter and tweeted:

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Missa said...

I follow your blog on Networked Blogs (Melissa E)

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Missa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Missa said...

I blogged here:

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Jill said...

We do have a subscription to Netflix so this would be wonderful. What I look forward to is no commericals on the kid's shows. My kids won't be exposed to all the latest things that they don't need.


magic5905 said...

Yes, I have for years. This would be amazing as I have looked at what I can watch and they have a lot of tv shows. Good ones too.

Anonymous said...

No, but if I win this I most likely will. My neice has netflix and she says they have a lot of movies and tv shows that are actually good to watch. Thanks.

nfmgirl said...

Yes, I have a Netflix subscription, and I LOVE it!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I follow

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I subscribe

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I have your button:

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I follow both and Tweet:

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

arla said...

No I dont have a Netflix subscription and would like to win this because I love my movies!


arla said...

following your blog thru google connect as Lighthouse27

arla said...

Im a subscriber

arla said...

Following You and Roku on Twitter and tweeted.

arla said...

Following your blog on Networked Blogs!

Sunnyvale said...

Not currently with NetFlix, but have been off and on

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

we did and plan to again

Janette said...

I have a Netflix subscription, and I'd love to be able to watch Netflix movies right then, as well as shows on Revision3.

Janette said...

Following your blog

Janette said...

Subscribed via reader

Janette said...

Following both and tweeted -

Janette said...

Technorati fave - gidgie

Janette said...

I have your gift guide button

Janette said...

dugg - gidgie

Janette said...

Stumbled - decadent87

GANDORF57 said...

No right now I don't have a netflix subscription. I would like to be able to watch movies on my tv when ever I want instead of waiting for the movie to come in the mail.

LV said...

Nope, i don't have a netflix subscription. I'd like this because I'd like to be able to watch a moview whenever I want, not when it arrives in the mail.

LV said...

I follow your blog

LV said...

I subscribe to your blog via email.

LV said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs.

Kim said...

i do have netflix and would love this for my room so i could watch movies in there.

amanda said...

I do have netflix, and I stream a bunch of movies onto my computer in a bedroom. I'd love to be able to watch them in the living room on a tv!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

blog follower
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

tweet -
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

technorati favorite - oheeyore
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

We don't have a Netflix subscription yet, but we're considering it. A co-worker of my husband LOVES his Roku. I look forward to the video on demand. No more searching peer groups for stuff I want! I mean, I would never, ever do *that* ahem, but you more of that for other people who might do that.

Anonymous said...

I follow.

Anonymous said...

RSS subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Following both and tweeted:

Anonymous said...

Blogged here:

Anonymous said...

Technorati fave: TheRealSpoodles

Anonymous said...

I follow via Networked Blogs: Cindy Greer Dyer

Anonymous said...

I have your button at in the scrolling favorites section.

Anonymous said...

Dugg: dmajik

Anonymous said...

I have your holiday gift guide button at in my scrolling events section.

Robert Lamb said...

We have a Netflicks account but it would be cool not to have to wait for a DVD to be mailed. robswindowcleaning at

Jennifer Wilson said...

Yes, I have a nexflix membership, have for years. I love the DVDs I can get there, esp. TV series. This would be fantastic because if I decided I wanted to watch a movie, I could decide that night what I wanted to watch instead of waiting for it to be mailed!

Melissa said...

I don't have Netflix, but if I won this I'd probably start subscribing! The streaming feature of the Roku is definitely my favorite!

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

mogrill said...

I dont have a netflix, but I would get it if I won!! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I love my Netflix and I have been wanting to get a Roku player for a year. The first thing I would watch is The great Escape and then I would start catching up on sme TV series I have in my Q

ChrisNY2 said...

Yes, I have a Netflix subscription and I love it! I would really love to be able to stream Netflix and Pandora on my TV!

chrisny2(at) aol(dot) com

Hearts N Flowers said...

daily tweet

claslo13 said...

I am a Netflix member and am looking forward to using Roku to take advantage of the on demand movies there.

Anonymous said...

Today's tweet:

sohamolina said...

tweet 12/7

clc408 said...

I am a Netflix junkie! I have been longing for a Roku so I can watch streamed movies away from my computer. Thanks for the chance!

clc408 said...

I follow you and Roku on twitter

clc408 said...

Today's tweet

Tracey said...

I have Netflix but have to watch it in my son's bedroom on the Xbox. I'd rather watch Netflix in my own bedroom.

Peter Schott said...

We don't have a NetFlix subscription, in part due to me not wanting to pay money each month to wait for the next movie/show to ship. With this product, I'd be more likely to become a subscriber, though. My wife likes watching older shows and movies.

Missa said...

Daily tweet 12/7

sweetmissa at gmail dot com

Tes283 said...


Mike Karr said...

We used to have one, but don't now. I'd probably start it up again with something like this. Thanks!
mike.karr at

aimee said...

We do have a Netflix subscription and LOVE it. We do not have cable, so it has been a lifesaver. My husband loves to watch the "instant" movies, but has to do it on our laptop. Too small for both of us to watch. :(

Great giveaway.

athrahans at hotmail dot com

daizee said...

I have Netflix and love it. I would love to be able to watch the streaming movies with this.

tawndam said...

I don't have a netflix acct yet, but my friend does... this would make a nice gift

Victoria said...

I have a netflix account and would love to be able to watch movies instantly from my tv rather than just on my laptop. Thanks! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Fangirl Jen said...

Yes, we subscribe to Netflix. I love the idea of being able choose movies to watch instantly.

Fangirl Jen said...

I follow your Blog.

Fangirl Jen said...

Following you and Roku on Twitter and Tweeted.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your button is on my blog.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your Holiday Gift Guide Button is on my blog.

Daniel M said...

i do have netflix and would love an easy way to get it to my tv - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Mary A said...

I do have a Netflix account. I am actually watching and instant watch movie on the computer as I type. Thanks for the giveaway.

staceyk said...

We don't have an account. It would be nice to have this to watch videos.

staceyk said...

subscriber via google reader

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Yes, we have Netflix and love it. Thanks for the fun!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Follow your blog

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Google Reader subscriber

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Follow you and @Roku:

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Favorite of TheAngelForever on Technorati

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Button on my blog TheAngelForever (left)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Holiday button on my blog TheAngelForever (right)

Sheila said...

Yes, we have a Netflix subscription.
I'm looking forward to using this on trips; either in the car, or sitting in airports & planes.

mmentor said...

sign me up

nfmgirl said...


nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Carolyn G said...

Yes I have Netflix and LOVE it. I would love the ROku to see more movies

Carolyn G said...


Carolyn G said...


Carolyn G said...


jlafount said...

I don't have Netflix now. I would love to have this to watch movies without having to boot up the PC.

Whitney said...

i do not have a subscription.. yet. my husband and i were talking about getting a roku for our xmas gift to each other this year, so we'll be subscribing soon! i'd love to win this rather than paying for it- what a great gift to my husband.. winning it!! :)

Whitney said...

follow your blog

Whitney said...

email subscriber

Whitney said...

follow and tweet-

Katie said...

I'm so excited to catch up on all the movies I've been missing! I don't have Netflix right now but I guess I will when I win this :)
katiekarr at gmail dot com

arla said...

Daily tweet,


Jeremy said...

I don't yet, but what I'm looking forward to is not having to leave the warmth of my home to rent a movie during the cold Wisconsin winter.

Anonymous said...

I do have netflix and what'd i'd like the most is not hunting all over the house for the dvds and then hunting even more for the sleeves!!!!

Anonymous said...

follow both and tweeted:

kessandcrystal@aol(dot) com

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