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Friday, January 9, 2009

Where's my motivation gone???

I'm not motivated to do ANYTHING today..... I'm sitting here, with my inbox open to a specific email, I have my office document opened, and I'm just sitting here... I have some reviews and giveaways to post. One specifically that I want to get done, and I'm just sitting here blankly staring.....

What's wrong with me? Today is just a blah day... I'm not motived to do anything, I need to get off my butt and get my exercise in for the day, I need to eat breakfast still even though it's noon, I need to start drinking my 64oz of water... I need to blog... But I'm just BLAH! No motivation to do a thing.... It's snowing, they're calling for a nice snow storm and I'm not in the mood....

So if you start seeing weird, randomly blabbing blogs pop up a few times today, don't worry, I'm fine, it's just my weird non-motivating mood that's kicking my butt today....

Anyone have any motivation to give me? Throw it my way!!!


Tylerpants said...

Just think...if you don't do it're gonna have to do it on the weekend!

Coloradolady said...

I can not offer any help....welcome to my world today too. Maybe it is something in the air.

Petula said...

Everyone needs a blah day... take it now and then when you're feeling energized you can knock everything outta the park. Take care... oh, but drink the water and eat your healthy meals. :D

Paul Eilers said...

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?