Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering not only helps you decorate your home with wall phrases and quotes but they help you transform your room while you express yourselves a little differently. Vinyl lettering wall phrases and quotes seem to be the newest trend in home décor right now, and I can certainly see why.
Using pre-designed words or even customizing a phrase yourself transforms your room to give it a little more of yourself, or to help you feel inspired. Vinyl wall quotes have a great look to them, something different than a picture or painting but still beautiful artwork at the same time.
Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering arrives in 1-2 pieces for an easy

You’ll find so many different wall phrases and quotes on the Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering site, there’s a quote/phrase for every room in your home, and you can even customize a quote specifically for you and your family.
Check out Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering and all the beautiful vinyl designs they have to choose from by visiting their website: www.stickywords.net
WIN IT!!!!
Want to win a beautiful vinyl wall quote or phrase for one of the rooms in your home? Simply head over to the Sticky Words website and take a look around. Then come back here and leave me a comment on which design you would choose if you won (you may choose a pre-designed phrase of your choice, custom designing and monogram tiles are not available for the giveaway).
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
• Bookmark this giveaway somehow be it stumble, digg, etc just let me know which
• Fave A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog on Technorati
• Follow me on Twitter (wrestlingaddict), if you already do tweet about this giveaway
This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
Giveaway ends February 2, 2009 @ 11:59pm est
This giveaway is part of the Bloggy Carnival going on this quarter. Don't forget to check out tons of other giveaways going on right now over at the Bloggy Carnival.
1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»I would LOVE to win this. Love the Bon Appetit design for the kitchen. I have a blank spot above my stove that it would be perfect for!
“I will say of the Lord, He is my...”
very cool!
I like "Family is Everything".
Oh my goodness I have been itching for one of these on my walls. I owuld ove the "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." As much as my husband is gone or deployed with the Army it is the perfect saying for our family. Thank you!
Oh, what I want is a personalized name vinyl for my entry way!!
I love the nursery quote "for this child I have prayed..." So true!
They are all lovely! If I had to choose, I would have a hard deciding between our family name and "When the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly" for my daughter's room.
I loooove "All it takes is faith and trust and a little bit of fairy dust".
I like the All it takes is faith and trust and a little bit of fairy dust!
jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com
I've already faved you on Technorati!
jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com
I follow on Twitter! MommyJenna
jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com
I love Life is not measure in the...
I would LOVE to have Music is a world within itself, within a Language we all Understand" considering our family is definitely music-oriented. We breathe and live music even if we don't play instruments or sing.
I like the “Live every moment, laugh every...”.
Hiya Gina! man I was on their site forever and it was hard to pick just one favorite but I think the one that has the quote “Dream as if you will live...” fits my family and would looker prefect above my naked fireplace lol
ty lady!
Psalm 91:2
I love these vinyl quotes!!!!
daveandhope (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love those wall quotes. There's a few I really liked, but when I saw the height giraffe, I knew that's what I'd pick to make a record of my kids growth.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I've been wnating these for my kitchen! I'd pick O Taste and See that the Lord is good!
I like the Do or do not, there is no try...”snakan0(at)hotmail(dot)com
I would love to win this! My favorite is one for your entry way that is a quote from Deuteronomy: "Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out."
I like "Together Is Our Favorite Place"....so sweet!
I love the "Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away". Such a beautiful quote and it would look great with a collage of pictures in different frames by it.
shel704 at aol dot com
I'm following you on twitter and I tweeted:
shel704 at aol dot com
Fav'd on Technorati
shel704 at aol dot com
I really want the “As for me and my house...”
I faved you on technorati.
I tweeted.
These are beautiful. I like All because two people fell...”
How do you pick just one? What a decision. I think I'd have to go with the "Life is not measured by the breaths we take..." Thanks for the chance to win one!
I like the Christ is the Center of our Home. This is a great idea!
Love the one for the nursery - Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars.
I like the Trust in the Lord one. thanks!
I love the “Bon Appetit” sign!
I follow you on twitter as sonyasparks.
I faved you on technorati. Thanks!
I like Live Every Moment, Laugh Every Day Love Beyond Words
I LOVE the Always Kiss Me Goodnight lettering...it's so cute. Thanks!
I would love to win the circles in the wall art section.
I would choose "No Joys on Earth bring greater pleasure, than a little boy to love and treasure".
I'd love to have the Vine Swashes in chocolate brown for my bedroom. I have a large wall that I've been trying to decide what to do with...this could be IT. Really like that they come in various colors to go with different decors/color schemes.
I would get the As For Me and My House We Will Serve The Lord quote. Love it!
Wow! It took me forever to leave their site. I kept finding things I loved.
If I won I would want the Good Times Never Ending When We're Playing and Pretending for my daughter's room.
Together is our favorite place. I love that! I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
the live every moment would be my choice
I would love to have "Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away" in black, one of my favorite quotes.
I love the definition of family one! I have been wanting one of these for my home for a long time. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like "Be Yourself - everyone else is already taken."
I love the "Always kiss me goodnight" decal for my bedroom! My husband always says that before we go to bed, so this would be perfect!
I like the Family Monogram w/est. date, it's a cool idea =)
There is a spot in my dining room all ready for the “In our home we do second chances”
I can't decide!! I love Always Kiss me Goodnight, and Happiness is taking a long hot bubble bath, and the Live Laugh Love saying!!
I love the mixed alphabet! It would be so cute in my lttle boy's room, as his walls as just blank right now.
i like to happiness is homemade for my kitchen for my kitchen. too cute!
I love the alphabet one for my son's room! This would help both of them to learn as well! Double duty! Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I love the one "Life is not measured..." I have wanted one of these for a while now!
Heather L.- heathmouse@woh.rr.com
I like the Bon Appetit one! Thanks so much.
I love the “Flower Garden with Butterflies”! So pretty for my daughters room!
There are so many to choose from! I really liked "Blessed shalt thou be when..."
It's hard to choose!
“O taste and see that the Lord...” would be near the top of my favs.
Hi, I think these Wall Words are fabulous! I really like the phrase
"Scatter Kindness!" Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
“Imagine Wonder Discover”
I want this for the playroom wall.
thanks for the chance
no joys on earth bring greater...for my son
bf2phoenix at gmail dot com
Wow, picking just one is tough!! I'd love to have "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".
I especially like: Life's a journey - enjoy it!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
The “Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath” one would be great for the kids bathroom.
Thanks for the giveaway!
i love the "happiness is homemade" it's like a personal mantra.
I like the one that says, "Christ is the center of our home..." Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to have Family is Everything.
I love this idea! My choice would probably be the "As for me and my house..." in Chocolate Brown. I have an empty spot above our front door just begging for some attention. Thanks so much for including me in your drawing.
I've always wanted this quote in my bedroom.
“You Know You're in Love When You Can't Fall Asleep Because Reality Is Finally Better than Your Dreams.”
I love the one that says:
Just a girl thing!
scblog at hotmail dot com
I Stumbled you.
scblog at hotmail dot com
I tweeted this...fyi, your twitter link in this post isn't working for some reason.
scblog at hotmail dot com
These are so cool! I like Psalm 91. Hope I win! ^_^
These are awesome! "flower garden with butterflies" is adorable!
-Stacy (slwilkins05@yahoo.com)
I like the kitchen ones, Bon Appetit and others.
Oh I would LOVE to win this. It was so hard to choose my fav - I looked and looked, but I think I finally settled on "A family is one of God's masterpieces"
I would love to have “O taste and see that the Lord...” for my kitchen. I have been wanting one for my kitchen area. I also like the one you have mentioned for the bedroom. So many choices....
I like a lot of them. It was hard to choose, but I think I like "Life is a journey-enjoy it." Thanks for the giveaway.
emily_albrecht at hotmail dot com.
i think i'd go with live, laugh, love
i like happiness is homemade.
I really like "Christ is the center of our home..."
I am now following you on Twitter as ContentedRhen
I like the one that says, "We May Not Have It All Together but Together We Have It All" Beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to enter.
macawcrazy2002 AT yahoo DOT com
I really like the "Eat well, laugh often, love much" for the kitchen area. This would go great in my new place! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I would like "Together is Our Favorite Place to Be" or "and They Lived Happily Ever After".
I like many of them. "Good times are never ending" is one of my favorites.
I love it's a girl thing! How Cute!
I could spend lots of money at this place!
I have your button
I subscribe!
I NEED the Yoda Quote:
Try Not. There is no try. Do or not do.
I adore this one...
In our Home
We do second chances
We say grace
We do I'm sorry's
We play hard
We do loud really well
We give hugs
We do love
We are family
Officially listed as:
“In our home we do second...”
Size: 23”x 42” Price: $22.00
I follow you on Twitter as one6ylady and tweeded the giveaway here http://twitter.com/one6ylady/status/1154537606
There are two that I really liked - my son would love the Master Yoda quote and for my daughter the "all it takes is a....and pixie dust" so fun! Thanks for the chance. iclipalso(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love so many of them so it is hard. I love the Always Kiss Me Goodnight, but I also love the We may not have it all together...
And finally I love the monogrammed initial.
THank you for the great giveaway.
I would love to win. I really like the We may not have it all together but together we have it all. Very nice.
Thank you
I would choose the Live Laugh Love one.
I really like the "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good" one for the kitchen. Thank you very much for the chance to win!
I'd like the "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" to put over our bed in the master bedroom. It's a rule in our marriage!
I would pick the one that says,"The Best and most Beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart." Such a wonderful saying.
i like the home design about life not being measured by the breaths we take
We just bought a new house so these would be awesome. I'd love “Guardian Angel pure and bright...”
love the shoot for the moon nursery design
I love the one that says "Good times are never ending when we're playing and pretending." It'd be great for my daughter's playroom!
moochiness (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the "Eat well,laugh often love much" kitchen one. Thanks for the great giveaway:)
angelacisco at rocketmail.com
I really like the “Live every moment, laugh every...”
in chocolate brown!
Loved you yesterday, love you still
Always have, always will
Is my favorite!
I like the family monogram. I have several in my house already and love them.
I have been wanting to get "All Because two people fell in love." to put over my line of children's pictures. It would just be sweet and funny.
I like the one that says "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's learning to dance in the rain".
I love the "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..." one!
lukeandbryn @ gmail.com
I like A Father is a son's first hero....."
Live every moment, laugh every...”
is my favorite one and I have the perfect place for it.
I LOVE these! My favorite is "The most important work we will ever do is within the walls of our home."
“Eat well, laugh often, love much”
would look so wonderful in my kitchen.
My favorite is the “All Aboard-train” design. We live near a railroad track and my son has become facinated with trains and this would be so perfect in his room.
I love the Imagine, Wonder, Discover quote for kids.
I follow you on twitter now!!
I love the Peter Pan quote, All it Takes is a little faith and trust...
"I made a wish and you came true" would be very special for my dear friend.
the alphabet one is nice
I like the measure of love is love without measure.
I would like one of the verses! Psalms 91:2 God is my refuge! I have been wanting to do this in my house for so long!
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." Is my favorite
beachluvngal at yahoo dot com
I like "Loved You Yesterday" for the master! :) so cute!
I am definitely going to bookmark their site...great prices and everything is so pretty! I would absolutely choose the As For Me and My House without a doubt!
like the life is not measured one
I love,"Family, moments to love and memories to cherish...
I love the Harold B. Lee quote, it's one of my favorites!!
“The most important work we will ever do is within the walls of our home...”
Size: 7”x 36” Price: $18.00
LOVE that Decorate Wall Paneling!
islandgirlinutah at gmail dot com
Together is Our Favorite Place. I might just have to get that anyways with my husband and I always being apart and with him deployed that ouwld be perfect for him to see when he comes home :)
The one I like is "Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away." It would look great over my couch in the family room.
I love this one: Live Every Moment, Laugh Every Day Love Beyond Words
jendrost @ att.net
Sticky Words link is not working.
I still like what I see in your post!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Twitter follower
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
I am just getting ready to put together our nursery for our baby due in March. I would love to have the "For this child I have prayed..." one to place above the crib.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
I like the "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's learning to dance in the rain."
American Flag
I think I'd choose "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's learning to dance in the rain."
Together Is Our Favorite Place is really sweet. What a fun place to shop. audreyoka@cox.net
Live Every Moment, Laugh Every Day, Love Beyond Words.
Thanks so much for the Lovely give-oh-way!
I would choose the "Two roads..." quote. I love these!
I am following you on Twitter!
happiness is homemade!
I love all but the American Flag stood out for me.
I twitter you (Barbaranora)
I like “Together is our favorite...”
Size: 11”x 48”.
I love the saying "All it Takes is Faith and Trust and a Little Bit of Fairy Dust". Thanks!
We are redoing the basement into a room for my daughter. The "It's A Girl Thing" Would go perfectly in her room.
I love the exotic blooms! So fun!
I love the Leaf Branches design :) Perfect to bring a little nature indoors!
Thanks for the giveaway and please enter me :)
I would choose the Live, Laugh, Love one. That is one of my favorite phrases and it looks beautiful! Thank you!!
I would choose the "and now these three remain..." decal. I've been wanting that one for our master bedroom for a while.
I like the phrase, "Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will"! Thanks for the chance to win!
I like All Because Two People Fell In Love.
I like the Live every moment, laugh every... quote!
mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com
I really like a lot of these.. especially the "What lies behind us..."
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I would love to have "for this child I have prayed..." as it is so applicable to this season of my life.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
I love the exotic blooms panelling - haven't seen anything like this before (no words, only very creative art)
I love the one that says "The most important work we will ever do is within the walls of our home."
These are absolutely beautiful!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
Oh..I love these! There are so many I like..it was hard to pick one...but I like 'Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away'...I just love that. It looks so fancy, too! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize!
Live every moment....
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I love the "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
"The measure of love is love without measure" really speaks to me. Thanks for the chance to win!
All it takes is faith & trust...... would be great for my granddaughter's bedroom.
thanks for the giveaway
sc2466 at comcast dot net
I went to the site looking for one quote in particular - I love the one that says "Always kiss me goodnight!" perfect!!!
thanks - kb6177@yahoo.com
SO Many great choices! I would choose, the Height Giraffe because i am redoing my kids room and it would look great!
I would choose the master "Dream as if you will live..." design. :)
i like the Albert Einstein quote, about there are two ways to live...
The fanily name or monogram would be very nice indeedd.
the "Fairy dust" one is a great quote for a kids room!
i love the decorative flower paneling in the wall art graphic section. Awesome!
“As for me and my house...”
is my fav.
Twitter follower
Bon Appetit for my kitchen!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I would choose Be still and know that I am God. Thanks for the giveaway!
I blogged, http://giveawayzgalore.blogspot.com/2009/01/wrestling-addicted-mommy-sticky-words.html
I stumbled, helenabatt
I faved you on technorati.
I tweeted, http://twitter.com/helenabatt/status/1161278874
I love the Leaf Wreath in Black. I have a perfect spot for it in our Jungle themed bedroom.
I like "Happiness is Homemade."
“Loved you yesterday, love...”
I would chose the "Imagine Wonder Discover" decal for my sons room.
I like the “Home is where our story begins...” quote.
"As for me and my house . . ."
Beautiful! Thanks!
I love the "For this child I have prayed 9x36 in dark chocolate brown. This would look perfect in my little girl's nursery. Thanks!
I like "Home is where our story begins...."
That would be so nice in my boyfriends house!
Oh my... how does one choose?
I'd opt for either:
"Love is Patient, Love is kind..."
"Christ is the center of our..." (Wouldn't that be a great reminder for the kids when they are being rude to each other? God is listening!).
Though I'd also love something for the kitchen.
I love them all lol.. I really have to pick one??? I narrowed it to 3, is that good enough?? my favorites are the "mixed alphabet", and the "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about dancing in the rain", and "There are 2 ways to live life. One as if nothing is a miracle and one as if everything is". That last albert einstein is one of my favorite quotes in fact I used to have it on my blog! Thanks for a great giveaway and I am bookmarking the site!
I faved on technorati Crystal42683 :-)
I would get Relax, Serene, Calm, Soothe for my bathroom. It's my sanctuary in my otherwise boy filled household.
Wow! It's so hard to choose!
I love the Delicate butterfly, the mixed alphabet, the flower garden with butterflies...
There are so many cute designs!
I LOVE the...
"If you live to be one hundred,
then I want to live to be one hundred minus one day..."
Isn't that Winnie the Pooh?
Cute giveaway!
I'd choose "Always Kiss Me Goodnight"
I would choose the entry one. Blessed be thou when thou enter and when thou leave.
These are so neat! My favorite is the Live Laugh Love. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Be still and know that I am God...
Tough choice! I like the All Aboard with the train for above my son's bed.
scgirl816 at gmail.com
Love is Not Measured by the breaths We take! it's my favorite quote of ALL TIME!! And It's beatiful!! Thanks
e-mail: hmahan_0529@yahoo.com
I'd chose the Family Monogram w/est. date
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