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Monday, January 26, 2009

Let your rooms speak to you...

Sometimes a picture isn’t worth a thousand words. That’s when sometimes words can be the only way to express yourself. Why not let your rooms speak for you, let it give you inspiration, emotions and transform your living space.

Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering not only helps you decorate your home with wall phrases and quotes but they help you transform your room while you express yourselves a little differently. Vinyl lettering wall phrases and quotes seem to be the newest trend in home décor right now, and I can certainly see why.

Using pre-designed words or even customizing a phrase yourself transforms your room to give it a little more of yourself, or to help you feel inspired. Vinyl wall quotes have a great look to them, something different than a picture or painting but still beautiful artwork at the same time.

Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering arrives in 1-2 pieces for an easy application on your walls. It’s just like putting up a big sticker on your wall, and it looks beautiful. My favorite quote on their site is from their Master collection that says “Friends Yesterday, Lovers Today, Soulmates Forever” and it is stuck on our wall proudly above our bed. The application was so easy, once we figured out where to place it, we stuck it up on the wall with no issues at all. I wish they were reusable but they’re not. When it comes time to paint our room, removal of the vinyl is simple and I can just order a new one as the prices are very affordable.

You’ll find so many different wall phrases and quotes on the Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering site, there’s a quote/phrase for every room in your home, and you can even customize a quote specifically for you and your family.

Check out Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering and all the beautiful vinyl designs they have to choose from by visiting their website:

WIN IT!!!!

Want to win a beautiful vinyl wall quote or phrase for one of the rooms in your home? Simply head over to the Sticky Words website and take a look around. Then come back here and leave me a comment on which design you would choose if you won (you may choose a pre-designed phrase of your choice, custom designing and monogram tiles are not available for the giveaway).

For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
• Bookmark this giveaway somehow be it stumble, digg, etc just let me know which
• Fave A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog on Technorati
• Follow me on Twitter (wrestlingaddict), if you already do tweet about this giveaway

This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via

Giveaway ends February 2, 2009 @ 11:59pm est

This giveaway is part of the Bloggy Carnival going on this quarter. Don't forget to check out tons of other giveaways going on right now over at the Bloggy Carnival.


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Melissa said...

I have been looking at wall quotes for our new home and will be visiting Sticky Words again. I would choose “I will say of the Lord, He is my...”

nickyle said...

This is so crazy that I ran onto this blog giveaway in the Bloggy Carnival as I was online earlier looking at just this same thing!

I have a ceiling plant shelf that we built inbetween the living room and the kitchen to seperate the two rooms, or give the feeling of a little more seperation instead of being one big room.

I would love to have the kitchen saying “Eat well, laugh often, love much” as you leave the kitchen. This is a saying that I have enjoyed for years and would love to have it displayed for all to see.

Thank you so much for the chance to win, have a wonderful weekend :)

Peggy said...

My favorite is “If you live to be 100 then I...”,so different and I would love to see it in my
bedroom. Thanks for the giveaway

Crickettsmom said...

I would choose my favorite quote! "Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away". I would put pictures of special family moments around it.

I LOVE this giveaway!

abc123 said...

There are too many that I like. But I guess I would get "We may not have it all together but together we have it all."

Unknown said...

these are sooo beautiful, i love the “For this child I have prayed...”
1 samuel quote

~Love Giveaways~ said...

I'd choose the "Giggles and curls, Ribbons...” one for my daughter's room. I would love to win this! Thanks for the great giveaway!
janine at

Allison said...

Such a great giveaway! If wall art is included, I love the Exotic Blooms Paneling...if not, I'd probably go with the Yoda quote - so cute. Thanks for the giveaway!

monky said...

I love them!! How fun!!

I like the Leaves Large :)

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

monky said...

I blogged about your giveaway :)

Leslie said...

“Guardian Angel pure and bright...”

Andrina said...

“We may not have it all...”

Nissa said...

I'm a big fan of "Always kiss me goodnight". I'd love to win it!

Nissa said...

I've got your button on my sidebar!

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

I like the large bon appetit in black.

Carli said...

I love "circles"! But I did not have the chance to see all of them yet. carliann00(at)hotmail(dot)com

debrob58 said...

I would choose “Life’s a journey - Enjoy it!”

I absolutely love Sticky Words!

Mary said...

I would choose: Be still and know that I am God. TU for the giveaway!
saddletheyaks at yahoo dot com

Mindy said...

I love the Height Giraffe! There are so many wonderful designs to choose from. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!


So true ,this one so fits me as dh and I tried to conceive for over 10 years before God blessed us with our adopted baby son.

"for this child I have prayed..."


I now follow you on twitter

fluggy said...

Oh! These are so very nice!!

I like the 'Leaves Large' one it very pretty!

Thank you

annies home said...

I like the family is everything saying

annies home said...

I blogged about the giveaway

annies home said...

following you on twitter twitter name is shopannies @ tweeted about giveaway

annies home said...

faved on technorti

pitaharmon said...

Oh boy, I love these. I want "There's no place like home".

Jean said...

I would probably get the Family Monogram to put in my entry way.

Anonymous said...

I loved the one on the home page about The Moments that take your breath away...I am in the thros of an ilness, and it is so appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I love the Albert Einstein Quote.
That is one of my favorite quotes ever. :]

bison61 said...

I like the - Scatter Kindness

tiramisu392 (at)

Crystal F said...

I love the “Just a girl thing!” saying. Thank you!!

Unknown said...

I would choose "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." I really like that saying

Jolene said...

do or do not there is no try...

Stacey said...

I like "Today's Moments are Tomorrow's Memories" and "Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath!" and "All it takes is faith & trust and a little bit of fairy dust." Ok I could shop a lot there!

Anonymous said...

I really like the Dream as if you will live...”

groupmail.april at gmail dot com

tattwo said...

I really like "There's no place like HOME."

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

I would choose, Live Laugh Love (for obvious reasons!) *laughing*

Thank you for the opportunity

Amy said...

“Good times are never ending...when we're playing or pretending!”

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love "Our little princess" artwork for a girls' room .... but OH my gosh! There is so much to choose from! Thanks!

Ms D said...

First of all, OMGOSH! I LOVE that site, I have it book marked and am going to shop on it!!! Kay, now, I LOVE the " I made a wish and now I have you" (I think that is how it went) That is PERFECT for my baby girls room!! Thanks so much for introducing me to this site!! Totally my thing! :)

Godesseablu said...

My favorite sign is the Bon Appetit. I would love that in my kitchen, Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I think that wall decals are the greatest new decorating product ever. My favorite is the Flower Garden with Butterflies in Dark Chocolate Broen.

Alyson and Ford said...

“Love is patient, love is kind...”
Love the Proverbs and Psalms too.
Alyzabeth's Mommy for 4.5 Months!

Big Daddy said...

I like the "we may not have it all together, but together we have it all."


bf2phoenix at gmail dot com

zeitersouth said...

I follow on twitter!


colesammom at gmail dot com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Lots of good ones to choose from! I think I would go with the Live every moment... one!

Candie L said...

I like the Lifes a Journey, Enjoy the Ride. Thank you


cathy2406 said...

we may not have it all together, but together we have it all describes our family

Michelle said...

I like the one by Harold B. Lee "The most important work we will ever do is within the walls of our home."

kathy pease said...

i like Happiness is Homemade

Anonymous said...

A quote for my kitchen?
None would give me more pleasure
"The measure of Love,
is to love without measure."


Anonymous said...

A quote for my kitchen?
None would give me more pleasure
"The measure of Love,
is to love without measure."


riceburns at hotmail dot com

Valeen said...

Wow! How can I pick just one? I guess if I had to it would be the "It's Just a Girl Thing", since we're getting ready to re-do my daughter's room!

SeahorseLady said...

I prefer their graphics more than the quotes due to lack of wall space. I love the pretty Parched Tree graphic design.
Thanks for the nice giveaway.

SeahorseLady said...

I'm also a subscriber.

Angela said...

“Be yourself everyone else is...” is the one I would have in my living room. Lots of other good ones there too.

kylie8cake said...

I would pick the “Always kiss me goodnight” one.

kylie8cake said...

I am a subscriber via email!

Anonymous said...

I would choose:
“A house is made of wood...”

Stacy said...

The “Family Monogram w/est. date” would be great for our living room.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I like "be yourself, everyone else is already taken"

Helen said...

My favorite is Twinkle twinkle little star...

Sierra said...

i love so many of them, but the “Asian Wisdom - Love” piece has a little extra pizzaz.

Anonymous said...

i love the "always kiss me goodnight" but i would like one that says "never go to bed mad"

lilyk said...

I love Happiness is taking a long, hot bubble bath!

Anonymous said...

Life is not measured by the...

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