The hugely popular Bratz dolls now have a video game especially for your Nintendo Wii system. Have fun with your favorite Bratz Kidz characters and enjoy a sleepover party game that includes lots of fun and interactive late night slumber party games. Bratz Kidz Slumber Party for the Nintendo Wii lets you customize your favorite Bratz Kidz character along with their bedroom and then play a series of fun mini games, that can be found at

Bratz Kidz Slumber Party for the Nintendo Wii retails for $39.99 and is rated E for Everyone. You can find out more about this great game by visiting The Game Factory.
On this Ninth Day of Christmas you have a chance to win Bratz Kidz Slumber Party for Nintendo Wii. All you have to do is tell me what your favorite thing to do was when you went to slumber parties as a kid.
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
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This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
Giveaway ends December 12, 2008 @ 11:59pm
"For more chances to win, stop by Family Review Network for a list of other members giving away this cool game!"
i was not allowed to go to sleepovers as a kid, but i wanted to! i would imagine prank calling friends and watching goofy movies!
My friends and I use to do kareoke and prank call people from our school.
I didn't go to slumber parties/sleepovers as a child, only as a teen and, well, even now as an adult. We'd just stay up all night playing video games, watch YouTube videos or DvDs, or whatever random things we'd come up with.
I loved doing each other's hair and make up and eating lots of snacks!
Well, I can tell you what we didn't do and that was sleep. My friends loved to tell scary stories and then dare each other to run around the house outside in the dark. Man, we had more parents yell at us....LOL
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I loved trying to stay up all night! It was hard! Also, doing each others hair and make up was fun!
Back then was the early days of MTV. One of my friends had cable & we'd be at her house watching videos pretty much all night long!
sing and dance
My favorite thing to do at slumber parties when I was younger was to stay up all night and play nintendo. Thanks!
Although I only went to three slumber parties as a child, I recall doing myf avorite thing, which is what I still do with my daughter - play with dolls and imagine that they were real. I loved doing doll's hair!
Eating Pizza
We loved to play the game Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board! Ahh...memories! justicecw@hotmail.com
do each others hair and make up (ya we were pretty young goofing around) and paint each others nails and pillow fights. anything to entertain ourselves
i used to wait until my friends were sleeping then i would draw marker eyebrows on them and write silly words on their cheeks.
i wa a real bad boy at slumber parties
Drink and smoke pot. I sure hope my kids are better than me.
I loved slumber parties hanging out with friends and eating pizza and telling scarey stories.
My favorite thing was staying up late chatting.
We liked doing makeovers at sleepovers. When we got a little older, we liked calling boys. lol
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we'd tell scary stories
pizza, movies, boy talk, painting toenails mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
i loved staying up late & watching movies & talking boy talk :)
Thanks for the chance!
jpkittie315 at hotmail dot com
sleepovers--girly stuff and movies, music videos ! thanks for the opp
shooting the s with friends
the best was just talking alllllll night long!
Grease was huge and we would watch it over and over.
i used to get excited about staying up all night - of course we never did. We probably lasted until midnight!
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my favorite thing to do at slumber parties was to play dress up
We always baked cookies and had a blast making them. Sometimes they were not edible, but we had fun!
play games and pig out lol.
My friends and I used to like to tell Scary stories at our slumber parties.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
What a fun giveaway prize drawing. My niece would really enjoy this game!
I loved slumber parties. My friends and I enjoyed talking, telling scary stories and snacking the night away!
Many thanks, Cindi
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Thanks, Cindi
When I went to slumber parties,we stayed up late and talked about boys.
My favorite thing to do was trying to see if I could stay awake all night and getting to eat all the junk food I could my hands on, LOL!!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
I have your Christmas button on my blog, Butterfly Whispers.
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
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Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
I follow you on Twitter and twittered about your giveaway. My username is Luvkitty.
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
My favorite thing to do at slumber parties? Impromptu midnight flashlight dance parties in the backyard! Extra points if it's raining out.
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I'm embarrassed to say it was toilet papering our friends house. It was harmless though we just used tp on the lawn because we knew we would have to help clean it up the next day.
That is SO funny because the first thing that went through my mind, before I saw the other comments, was word-for-word what Dree just said. I remember a bunch of us sneaking out of a friend's house in the middle of the night and walking quite a long way to tp someone's yard.
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love the juicy gossip!
ardy22 at earthlink.net
We liked to stay up late and watch Sinister Cinema, we also talked about boys!
smchester at gmail dot com
I'm subscribed to your feed through Google reader!
smchester at gmail dot com
My favorite slumber parties were ones where we got to camp in the backyard. We'd use blankets and clothespins to make a "fort" at the corner of the fence.
Playing Truth or Dare, watching MTV and dancing around like crazy.
We loved giving each other wild new hairstyles and "rock star" makeup. We painted our nails, ate tons of junk food and stayed up all night.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Watch movies and play games...
Play truth or dare.
prank calls, truth or dare, junk food.
We tried to stay up all night, but I don't think we ever made it through the whole night without falling asleep!
I loved the girl talk. It was so much fun kicking back with pizza and junk food and talking about boys and school and just everything! Thank you
We would watch movies,eat junk food and paint eachothers nails and do eachothers hair!
We would eat a lot of junk food and put on the music and dance around and then watch some movies.
The classic ouija board, stiff as a board light as a feather, and crank phone calls.
Those were the days.
Thanx for the contest.
we would stay up all night, eat a lot of snacks and watch movies
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
We would always play truth or dare!! My niece would just love this game!
Tell ghost stories.
We loved watching movies and playing board games...no sleeping involved!
We would tell ghost stories and play board games all night.
stay up and watch horror movies
we used to love playing truth or dare!!!
Ah yes, truth or dare was a favorite game. Staying up late was always fun to do. Thanks
Our goal was always to stay up ALL NIGHT LONG. We very rarely made it.
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truth or dare was our favorite game. even when people selected the truth we wondered what was real and what wasn't. they dares were silly but funny to watch.
My favorite things was just to stay up all night (or as long as we could) talking, giggling, gossiping, and sharing secrets). God I miss those days.
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staying up late, eating junk food and sneaking outside. samarcy59@yahoo.com
We used to prank call people... bad kids ;)
Stay up late!
truth or dare! play dress up, talk about boys, pig out on pizza and watch movies! fun!
We loved watching horror movies and making prank calls.
My favorite thing to do at slumber parties when I was younger was to stay up all night. Thanks for the chance to win.
We used to have seances and visit graveyards at night! Talk about freaky!
We ate junk food and watched movies all night.
Our favorite thing was staying up as late as we can and watching scary movies.
My most favorite thing was bonding with other girls my age, being able to stay up all night without hearing "shut off the lights"! :)
kristinia at lovingheartmommy dot com
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We would talk about boys. :)
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My favorite thing was makeovers!
blogged http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2008/12/bratz-kidz-slumber-party-for-nintendo.html
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when we had slumber parties we always snuck out and played hide and sneak
Trying on makeup and putting our hair in big rollers.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Playing hide and seek. It was so much fun playing in a new house. So many places to hide and no one except the girl that lived there would know. Those days were long ago....
My orignal entry is at the top, I forgot to say that Im a subscriber!
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We would stay up all night watching television and eatting everything in the house!
Eating a lot of food was my favorite thing to do.
We would stay up as long as we could without getting in trouble to go to sleep, usually with MTV on. Thanks!
I liked staying up as late as we could possibly keep our eyes open and watching spooky movies.
I'm another one who wasn't allowed to go to sleepovers. I feel sooo deprived! :)
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I also blogged about the giveaway - http://fromdakota.blogspot.com/
We danced, had pillow fights, gossiped and made prank calls. (We even got caught once making the prank call.)
We made prank calls like noones business, we used to tape them and I think I still have some on tape to this day!
I am a subscriber!
Watch old cartoons on the wall with an old film projector.
Giggling and laughing over anything and everything with my friends!!! We were soooo silly! : )))
Thanks so much for this give~away! : )))
I love subscribing! : )))
This is terrible, but we used to crank call people. No Caller ID back then.
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As a teenager I had lots of sleepovers. We always played Light as a feather.
I liked hypnotizing each other by rubbing temples and telling spooky stories.
staying up all night, playing music and dancing :)
we used to love to play i spy :)
I loved staying up all night talking about boys and giving each other makeovers.
We stayed up all night talking so mom would always have us Camp out in the back yard.
I think my favorite part was just the sitting around talking and acting silly.
Blogged : http://craftsbykatie.blogspot.com/2008/12/12-days-of-christmas-giveaways-check-it.html
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My favorite part was playing board games like Life.
We would stay up late, watch scary movies and pig out!!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
The first thing I thought of when I saw this was staying up all night. We never made it through the whole night, but we tried.
Play truth or dare and call boys! Thanks for the chance.
Stay up late and tell stories
We used to laugh, snack, watch movies and talk about boys!
"Light as a feather, stiff as a board"!
I loved to watch movies, stay up late and eat junk food! Oh and how about the occasional sneaking out and toilet papering one of our boyfriend's houses?? =)
i remember eating popcorn in sleeping bags and revealing who our secret crushes were and then teasing each other.
Growing up it seemed like I was always going to or hosting a sleepover. For my birthday, I was always allowed to have a sleepover and invite the number of friends that I was turning that year (11th birthday 11 friends...12th birthday 12 friends...you get the idea) and we always rented a scary movie, usually Pet Semetary, and sat huddled under blankets watching through cringed eyes lol. So that or fixing each other's hair and gossiping about boys and teachers and all that jazz :D
I now follow you on twitter and I tweeted about this giveaway! :D
I loved slumber parties hanging out with friends and eating pizza and talking about boys.
and I subscribed via email (SweetAsSodiePop at gmail dot com)
and I have to add that I was reading through the comments and saw "Light as a feather, stiff as a board" and had to laugh, I had forgotten all about that lol that was a classic!!!
Ugh. Slumber parties. We played silly games and scared ourselves silly by hearing noises that weren't there. :-) I did like to fake sleep then scare the pants off those trying to add various items to my sleeping bag.
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great for my nephew
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A lot of eating junk food and talking about boys at slumber parties!
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talk,laugh,giggle,play games,watch tv,and eat:)
We talked about boys and played truth or dare!!
Loved pillow fights
We'd put on make up and do each other's hair. Don't tell my mom we used her make up.
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Playing hide and go seek!
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I'm following you on Twitter. (My username is ThriftyJinxy.)
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My favorite thing to do was always to stay up late and have "girl talk" with the girls. I loved that!
Make S'mores!
I did not go to slumber parties as a kid.
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
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walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I always liked watching movies and playing with makeup when going to slumber parties.
Tell spooky stories and prank calls.denverwind1@gmail.com
We used to play light as a fether stiff as a board, use the ouija board and generally just try to scare one another!ashlyn@chuparkoff.com
I liked to snack on junk food at slumber parties.
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Loved playing make over!
Or we would dress up like flower children!
I subscribed to your blog via email.
Did I enter this already? I r teh so confuzzled.
Funny, my daughter is having a sleepover RIGHT NOW!! There are 5 girls in my living room. I went to bed at ten, I have no idea how late they were up but they were playing Apples to Apples when I did. it's her 13th birthday :)
Im also a subscriber!!
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