The Game Factory provides games for all systems including the Nintendo DS and has a range of games for all ages and skill levels. They'd like to offer one of my lucky readers two new games for their Nintendo DS.
Have you heard of the Zenses games? These games are puzzle games that allow the play

You can view all of the different Zenses games available by visiting www.gamefactory.com
One lucky reader will win two Zenses games. The Zenses Rainforest and the Zenses Ocean Editions. All you have to do to win is check out the gamefactory website and take a look at the different editions of the Zenses games, then come back here and let me know which one you think you'd like best and why.
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
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This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
Giveaway Ends January 3, 2009
Thanks to: Family Review Network
1 – 200 of 308 Newer› Newest»The Zenses Ocean looks great to me because of the calming sound of the ocean. What a great idea!
Thanks for the opportunity
Stumbled by TheAngelForever :)
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I love the colors and images of the Rainforest edition. Thanks!
A few years ago, I spent three amazing weeks doing humanitarian work in Costa Rica. When I got back, I actually went out and bought a "Sounds of the Rainforest" CD to fall asleep to at night, because I slept better in those three weeks than I'd ever slept before. Of course I'd love the Rainforest Zenses, for nostalgia's sake.
My hubby is the DS player, and he would probably dig the Rainforest version. :)
and I subscribe through google.
ocean - grew up by the ocean so it always relaxes me
I'm a subscriber.
I would like the Rainforest the most because of the colors and graphics. I have always wanted to visit a real rainforest and this is probably the closet I'll come to it!
I am an email subscriber.
Stumbled (andreashops)
I would like the Zenses: Ocean, I love the sounds of the ocean, and I bet I'd like the addicting games!!
I'm a subscriber to your feed via Google Reader
I'd love to win the Zenses: Rainforest, I love the sounds of rainforest and I know it will relax me!!!
the ocean edition sounds wonderful!
we are subscribers!
we have your button!
I "dugg" your giveaway!
Hi, I would enjoy both the Ocean and Rainforest Zenses games. The Ocean is the one I think I would enjoy the most. I love the sound of an ocean and the screens are lovely for this game. Pleased enter me in your amazing giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I am a subscriber to your site!
Happy New Year.....Thanks, Cindi
I would have to say The Zenses Ocean. There is nothing more relaxing to me than sitting on a beach and listenting to the waves crashing.
I subscribed via email
I like the Zenses Ocean. I find it relaxing, the view, the waves, the sounds.
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I have always thought that the Rainforest was beautiful and i know i would really love the Zenses Rinforest:)
I am a subscriber:)
ocean is more calming to me! Rainforest is more stimulating. I have a sound machine with both of these sounds and I always go for the ocean or the rain.
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stumbled! marybeth i.
Also, my email is in my profile.
Dug it!! (3boyzmom916)
I blogged this giveaway here:
I choose ocean, because I love the sound of the waves, the reminder it provides to yoga (which I love) and the memories of good times had by the ocean. I'm so excited!
Email in profile. :-)
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I'd like the Rainforest with the raindrops and waterfalls-that would be very soothing
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
The Rainforst game looks fun to me, I would love to win! hermashaw@gmail.com
I have your button hermashaw@gmail.com
The sounds of the ocean waves have always been so soothing to me that I could just sit on the beach 24 hours a day and just loose myself. I would love ot try the The Zenses Ocean DS game. Thank-you.
I am a subscriber.
Our eldest daughter has Asperger's syndrome (a form of autism) and the best gift we ever gave her was her beloved Nintendo DS. I would love to win these games for her because they sound so relaxing and would be very therapeutic for her! I would also love to buy Garfields Nightmare and Build-A-Bear Workshop.
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your button is on my blog!
I would love the sounds of Zenses Rainforest. I listen to nature CDs while I work and my favorite is a waterfall.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
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proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I would love the Rainforest edition. I live near the ocean, so I can go there for those sounds anytime, but the Rainforest sounds are so beautiful and calming and way out of my reach right now here in Florida.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
I have subscribed in my AOL
ceashark at aol dot com
I would love to Ocean version. I love the smells & sounds of the ocean!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a subscriber via email!
I think the Track & Field Game would be fun to play. TY
button on blog
Zenses is posting: http://lovingheartdesigns.blogspot.com/2008/12/zenses-giveaway-for-nintendo-ds.html
The rain forest game would be cool, all the different sounds and rain....
I am now happily a follower.
just the thought of the ocean makes me relaxed and happy so I think I would like the ocean version a little bit more
Rubik's World because it looks like a good challenge
I'm subscribed
I think I would enjoy the Rainforest the best. The colors, dripping water from waterfalls and the melody would be so relaxing and the games sound fun. I just got Nintendo DS for Christmas and had no idea they had cool games like this for older women like me!
moonshadow43 at gmai dot com
I'm an ocean fan myself, the sounds of the waves are very soothing.
I would love the Ocean edition the best with the soothing sounds coupled with the challenge aspect. Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
love to try the new oceans game, I love that you can play it for just a few minuets when you have the time
both look great but would have to say the ocean looks more interesting..who knows- I guess Ilike the ocean the best becuase its peaceful and calming
the Zenses: Ocean is the one I like. did you know if you go on the zenses website you can download the music free
The ocean one...i always loved the beach :)
I love the ocean, so would love to win the Ocean game.
The Ocean edition would be my choice. I love the sound of the ocean and this would be very relaxing for me.
i'd like the rainforest, to listen to the relaxing sounds
I love the sound of the ocean. I don't live near the water and dream of living by an ocean. The ocean game would be great!
Thanks. :)
I think the Rainforest version would be good for me because sometimes I need something to recharge my energy. It sounds like the perfect way to escape and relax.
I am a subscriber
Zenses Ocean would be my pick! I love the sound of the ocean. When I am at the beach, I always sleep with the windows wide open just so I can hear the waves crashing on the shore. In fact, I have to sleep with a sound machine set on the ocean setting.
sherri419 at gmail dot com
The Zenses Ocean is my favorite. I grew up living on the beach and miss it. I think I would really enjoy the puzzles and the ocean sounds.
Honestly I think Rainforest would be the bomb... I'd love it.
I'd enjoy the Ocean one more because the sound of the beach is so relaxing.
Rainforest - sounds like it would be relaxing!
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
I would like the Oceans because I would love to hear the sound of the ocean. It has been so long since I have heard that sound.
I think I would like the Ocean edition best because it has puzzles that were inspired by the movements of the tides. Sounds good to me. Thanks for the giveaway!
I blogged: http://wutgives.blogspot.com/2008/12/wrestling-addicted-mommy-zenses.html
I stumbled: cmgnbox01
I subscribed via email.
the ocean more of a ocean goer
Ocean because I love the sound of the ocean.
The Rainforest game sounds the most relaxing to me, because I love to take walks in the woods.
smchester at gmail dot com
I'm subscribed through Google Reader!
smchester at gmail dot com
Ocean, because the sound of waves is so relaxing.
I would really like the ocean game. THe visuals look amazing. THank you!
i like the rainforest it would be a calming influence after a hard day at work
I think the Rainforest one would be my favorite--I love the sound of rain! Thanks for the contest!
I think I would like the cool green and ambient sounds of the Rainforest game. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I'm a feeder!
My favorite would be the water falls in the Zenses Rainforest, so relaxing
The soothingness of Zenses Ocean is appealing to me
i would like to try the zenses rainforest game. sugary79@aol.com
i subscribed! sugary79@aol.com
I think the Oceans version with the pretty blue colors and wave inspired music would be best for me.
I'd love the ocean version, because I LOVE the beach!
My favorite place to vacation is the beach so I know that I would enjoy the Ocean game.
hollyblanco at gmail dot com
I agree, the Ocean version would be my choice. I love the beach...thinking about it makes me want to take a vacation!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
I just subscribed to your email newsletter!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
Blogged! http://ladyj-greetings.blogspot.com/
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Stumbled! My name is LadyJemima!
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
And I also added your button to my sidebar: http://ladyj-greetings.blogspot.com/
lilacflowers180 AT yahoo DOT com
Oceans sounds good to me.
I would like the Ocean game, I find the tide movement soothing.
The Zenses Ocean sounds like it would be calming and relaxing.
I subscribed to your blog. Thanks!
I would like zenses ocean because it would make me feel like i'm at the beach - which is the most relaxing place for me
I would like the Rain forest game because I can just hear the sounds of the parrots and monkeys in my head.
I love the beach, so I'd love the Ocean version!
blogged ~ http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2008/12/zenses-ds-game_9237.html
I would love the Rainforest game...i love the sounds of the rainforest and i think it will really relax me!!
i'm a subscriber!
Rainforest. I think the visuals would be more interesting
Ocean for me because I like puzzle games.
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I like both rainforests and oceans but I would pick Zenses Rainforest game because I'm afraid of sharks.
Yes, that is sarcasm. :-)
I would want to try the Ocean game.
I'd pick Zenses Ocean because I love the beach!
The ocean beacuse of the soothing sounds
I think I'd like the Zenses Ocean because I love the sounds of the ocean!
a very good win
ocean! because i think its the most relaxing place on earth
the rainforest is the one the i like. i like the looks of the flowers and the trees. i know i'm simple and easy to please i just want some good scenery. thank you
I think the Rain Forest Edition looks great. With the water falls and rain drop would be so soothing. I actually got to go to the Rain Forest in Dominica several yrs ago and this would remind me of that time. It was so relaxing for me, the game would remind me of that.Thanks!
I added you to my blog roll. http://sweepsgirl.blogspot.com/
I am an email subscriber!
I always feel like I've been on vacation after a visit to the beach. I pick the Zenses Ocean game!
thank you
I'd like Zenses Ocean :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I think both games sound great, but I do think I'd like the Ocean best. I went to school near the beach and it was wonderful. I think the ocean is so calming and I love to visit it! Great giveaway - thanks for offering!
Zenses Rainforest might be best for me because the Ocean might make me seasick. Please accept my entry. Thank you
I like the Zenses Ocean as the soothing sounds of the ocean waves calms my tortured soul.
I wanna try the Zenses Ocean. It looks so fun and soothing!
Ocean - I think the soundscape would be really relaxing. Thanks!
I think I'd like the Rainforest version. Thanks.
Ocean is my favorite since I love the beach and the sound of waves. It's always so peaceful and relaxing.
I also like their Rainforest because of nature.
I'm also a subscriber.
I'd love the ocean version because I love the sound of waves.
rsgrandinetti(at) yahoo(dot)com
I love the ocean so I think it's a no-brainer as to which one i think i would like the most.
I think I would like the Rainforest with the waterfalls and scenery.
i would like rainforest, it looks relaxing
The Zenses Ocean would be my favorite because of my love of the beach!
Rainforest edition sounds refreshing. The colors are wonderful.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
Button is up on right
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I like the puzzles in the ocean one
I'd like the Ocean game. The puzzles look great and I love ocean sounds and water.
I would love either the Ocean or Rainforest...the sound of water is sooo relaxing! Thanks for the chance to win this mini vacation in a game!
the sound of the ocean always relaxes me, so i'm in for that :)
My favorite is the Zenses, they seem like fun, enter me please.
I'm a big fan of water, so I'd have to go with the Ocean version!
I would love the ocena one it would be very soothing
Zenses Rainforest might be as addicting as wrestling.
I know I would like the Zenses Ocean the best - I love beach scenes.
I grew up near Huntington Beach in California, so would love to play the Ocean game.
Rainforest looks nice
rainforest sounds good because of the rain
I'd like the rainforest one. I live near the ocean so I am very used to those references. I have a sound machine with rainforest sounds that I find very soothing.
I would love the Ocean because I miss the coast so much and nothing is more relaxing to me than the sound of waves crashing on the shore
I'm a subscriber
I have your button on my sidebar
i am addicted to the ocean - cant get enough - this is perfect for me - all of it
email subscriber
The Ocean because the ocean always relaxes me. Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
the rainforest one, rainforests are sooo pretty!
I think I would really enjoy the puzzles in the Oceans game. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Well, it's a hard decision because I love the ocean and the rainforest so I guess I will choose the rainforest.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Rainforest because it seem so soothing.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Zenses Rainforest would be awesome...I would love to go to a rainforest one day!
I am a subscriber!
It would be the Ocean version, I love being at the beach
ocean or the rain.
Would love Zenses Ocean, I love the beach so this would totally relax me!
I really like the Rainforest game.
Don't own a DS but I know my wife would love the ocean game. If we win I know I'd go buy a DS just for her.
I choose the Zenses Ocean. I love the ocean and think the game would be fun and relaxing.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love to have the Ocean version...I'm a beach girl at heart.
These games are awesome! It's really hard to choose because I like them both equally but I guess I would choose the ocean game since being at the ocean in real life is my favorite place to be as much as possible. Thank you for the giveaway.
I would like to try the rainforest version. I especially like the ambient sounds like the waterfalls. I've always been very interested in the rainforest and I think I'd really enjoy this game.
Zenses Ocean sounds soooooo relaxing, soothing and magical! And, perfect for an L.A. MAMA like me! : )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
I also subscribe via e~mail! : )))
And, I stumbled this give~away! : )))
Thanks again! : )))
I'd love to win the Zenses Rainforest. There's something soothing about rainforests!
I think zenses rainforest looks fun and challenging. I love puzzle and mind challenging games.
Zenses ocean...relaxing to rippling water...love it!
I like ocean sounds
i think i'd enjoy the ocean game!
Thank you for having a giveaway
I think I would like the rain forest game because I would like the sounds of the birds & the rain. wgbc1446@yahoo.com
I think I'd like the rainforest version because of the vibrant green color and I love the sounds of rain.
I like the Rainforest Zenses game. Hope it is as great as they say!
ardy22 at earthlink.net
We laid my father to rest in the ocean and we grew up near the ocean and it is very relaxing and meaningful to me so I would say the ocean game would be my choice.ashlyn@chuparkoff.com
The Rainforest sounds cool and restful, I would like to escape there.
the spa edition!
I would like the Rainforest Zenses because I would love to view the scenery of the rainforest and learn the eco friendly tips!
I like the Ocean Zenses Game. I enjoy going to the beach and listening to the waves and the calming sounds of the ocean on this game sound wonderful.
Thanks for the giveaway.
bmc1978 [at] yahoo [dot] com
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