Well Cap Trappers has solved that problem. Cap Trappers are a simple yet inexpensive way to keep your markers and caps in place, keep them organized and save you from having to replace dried out markers. Since we've had these the caps and markers tend to stay in one place and I'm not on a scavenger hunt through-out the house to find the caps before the markers dry out, I'm no longer at the store each week replacing the dried out markers that lurk around our home.
You simply place the markers with the caps on, into the Cap Trapper and the caps are held in a safe place where you can always find them to put the markers right back to. A Godsend in my house, I am telling you. These are also great to use in schools to keep on desks or even in your office. Cap Trappers come in two sizes, the original which holds average sized markers, pens and everything that you can think of that has a lid, and the professional sized Cap Trappers which will hold larger, fatter lids such as those with highlighters or dry erase markers.
Cap Trappers is just a great all around product, perfect for back to school! So why not enter here for your chance to win yourself a set of two (2) Cap Trappers in your choice of colors.
Simply visit the Cap Trappers site and let me know what color you'd like you're set in, and then let me know why you need this product. There will be a total of five (5) winners.
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
- Stumble this giveaway
- Subscribe to my blog via RSS or Email
- Add my blog to your blogroll or my button to your sidebar
It's that easy! This giveaway will end Aug. 3rd 2008 @ 11:00 pm EST. The winner will be chosen using random.org and this giveaway is open to those with a US Mailing Address Only.
I'm happy to say this giveaway is part of the Bloggy Carnival going on with over 800 more giveaways, check them out!
I would like the black professional for my study. I am a full time college student as is my husband so this would make our orginization a lot easier!
Hello! These are such a wonderful idea. How fun it would be to own them. I like the original in the pastels for scrapbooking and card making. I am a subscriber to your blog. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I think the blue or the pink would do great in my home.
i'd choose the black :)
Great giveaway!
White...for y toddler, she ALWAYS looses the caps to markers!
I would have to say black and also thank you for sharing this great find.
I like the clear sparkle and I say the biggest problem this would solve for me is pens, I'm always losing them and they fall to the bottom of everything and this would make it simpler to keep them together =) Thanks for offering this product, it's such a great idea!
I like the black and white. This is a fabulous idea and would greatly help when the caps roll off the table and go into the land of the lost. Thanks for the great giveaway.
the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com
I also subscribe to your blog with my Google Reader :)
Pink, please. I need these as I have thrown away countless markers. Last time I told my daughter no more until it was back to school time (when I can get them cheap at Walmart). Since I'll be buying some soon, I'd love to make sure they last longer than normal, and save me a headache too! Thanks!
I like the pink and blue. I love to craft and my daughter is getting to that age of being able to use markers. This would be great!
I like the pastels
Blue, i have a drawer devoted to mismatched pens and markers, this would help organzie them.
The clear sparkle for us! This would help us keep the markers together AND the caps on! Maybe we could actually use the markers for a while instead of slowly throwing the caps and markers out separately as we find them in random places around the house! Imagine that!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
I like the white and my 21 month old son could definately use the help!
I like the clear sparkle and I need them because I'm a grandma and we do alot of arts and crafts and it is a constant search to find the lids. Under the sofa between the cushions, where ever the cat hid it. Karma loves to play with marker lids ponytails everything, and shes a cat. Its wild
I like the pink and blue...what a great idea...it's amazing no one ever thought of that before!
clear sparkle would work for us. Thanks!
would pick the pink or the blue- what a creative idea
I love the pink. This is a super idea. We always have dried out markers due to missing caps.
I'd love the pink or the blue. I have a toddler so we are always losing our marker tops. This would be perfect!
I blogged you for an extra entry:
I love this ideal I throw away so many marker throughout the school year from my classroom because of lost caps, I like the blue and pink. Thanks for the contest
Black and white, please. Thanks for a great giveaway!
This is a great product! I would like the black and white, so not only would my daughter use it, but hopefully her future brothers (if there are any!) My daughter is getting to the stage where she likes to draw, so this would be great to make sure the lids get put back on! Thanks for the giveaway.
My daughter could use this, I'd love to win the pink!
I stumbled the post, for the extra entry.
I was the first, I put it under crafts since they didn't have a contest option.
I'm subscribe via bloglines
I'd like the blue.
I want them because I can't tell you how many markers we've had to throw away because the top got lost and the markers dried out. And then, a few days later, we wind up stepping on the missing top and getting hurt. I think this would solve that problem.
The blue is my favorite. And, THANKS for introducing me to a product I'd never seen!
I like the clear sparkle and the blue.
clear sparkle for me-great idea-I end up throwing markers away all the time because we can't find the tops
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I like the black and this would be great for my craft projects.
Cap trap orginals in pink and blu would be my choice, I work in a school and am always loosing my pens and pencils. I definitley need this!
I've never seen these before. Blue & pink!
Love to have them..... but are they womanly or manly..... ?
The blue is my favorite
love the blue it would help to keep me organized
I like the pink and blue set. My daughter is always losing caps to her color wonder markers! Then by the time I find them they are dried out! I've gotten so tired of replacing them that as soon as I find a capless marker I put Glad Press and Seal around it until I can find the cap. I also SAVE caps from trashed markers if I find them later on!
Pink and Blue. What a great idea! Thanks for the chance at such a great prize.
i heart the clear sparkle. what a great idea . . . thanks for sharing! kristen.
I like the clear sparkle. I need these because I have two little boys who like to color and then run off and do something else without putting the caps on. Simply stated they are typical kids.
i like the clear sparkle. we're a little too little for markers just yet, but it's coming up...and seeing as we've lost everything else from someone walking off with it, no reason to believe markers would be any different!
wow how cool and well i be happy to have any color if i won this thanks
I like the white. We have lost many marker caps at my house due to my 4 year old. My Mom tried to resolve this by taking a big bowl, filling it with cement, pushing the caps in the wet cement, and letting it set. Then you just push the marker into the cap after you've used it. It was a good idea, but it is heavy and takes up a lot of room. This product is a much better solution.
I'd like a set in black for my little artists.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
THis is an awesome idea! I am a pediatric therapist, working with infants & toddlers with disabilities. This would be ideal to use with my toddlers as we build fine motor skills. PLUS, it will be easier to keep track of my marker caps. They will be safely tucked in my cap trapper, instead of spread throughout Chicagoland. Great idea! Thoughtful of you to host!
I'd like the blue or black. Thanks!!!
I like the clear sparkle. I have 3 little boys, and anything that makes keeping their stuff in check sounds like a fabulous idea to me!
I would like Black or Blue. With three toddlers learning how to write, we use markers all the time, and just like you, it seems that I am always left without the caps:(
kpuleski at gmail dot com
I would love the pink one for fat markers. My daughter is always losing her markers all over the house. Thanks for the contest!
I'd choose the blue for my son! Cute cute idea!
I'd choose the black and white and use them for my daughter's markers in hopes that I wouldn't have to continually search to match up markers and caps.
I could use the pink and blue for my daughter who is starting school this fall.
I'm a teacher without a whiteboard so I'd like mine in pink and blue. Thanks! This is great! Make sure you stop by my site to enter for a personalized Princess Bracelet entries are accepted through August 9th. http://uniquelyyoursbyshay.wordpress.com
Have lots of markers-caps get lost easily
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
My 3yr. old hates crayons-they won't write on her. I don't care which one I get, I just feel like my life would be a whole lot easier with this simple little contraption!!!
I'd love it in black. We need it because between 3 kids, these marker tops are always missing.
I would like black. This would help because they get lost so easily!
Clear Sparkle; I love organization!
i would love black. let me tell you the kids (and my husband) are forever forgetting the caps. this would be a lifesaver. thanks
Black. My toddler is constantly stealing my marker tops.
I gave you a thumbs up on stumble upon.
Wow - I never even knew that these existed. A great idea. My kids are always losing the tips of their markers. Buying new ones on a monthly basis is kind of getting old & expensive! We'd love the black one in our house.
Love the pink and aqua!
I'd love a black pair- my toddler always loses the caps!!
I'd like it in white so the white board markers I use for homeschooling don't dry out when the kids lose the lids! I'm beginning to think it's their master plan to avoid school lol.
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Your button is on my Linky Love/Sassy Places page. :)
i love the clear sparkle one, i need this because i'm tired of stepping on a minefield of markers, there are colorful marks on the carpet showing where the battles happened, hahaha!
I need this, because my kids are constantly losing the lids to our markers
Maybe I'm boring but I like the white ones!
This would be perfect for the new school year.
The clear sparklers for us! what an innovative idea! Thanks.
I would like th black if I win. I need them because I always lose the caps on markers. They dry out and then I have to go buy more. garrettsambo@aol.com.
I love the black one :)
I'd choose the black. As a teacher my supplies are constantly being loaned out to students. It would be nice to have just one set of markers to use that wasn't dried up because of little hands that didn't secure the cap back on.
i'd love the clear sparkle one! There's loads of dried up markers that lost there tops along time ago, and i'd like to put the drying to an end~
the pink and blue
I'd choose pink for my DDs. Thanks!
Love the pink and blue
To keep marks off the carpet, furniture and actually prevent them from drying up!
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
The pink and blue set looks very cute! I need a Cap Trapper to keep my markers organized.
I subscribed to your blog.
I would like the black professional for my study.
I like the black...organizational help is what I need!
I like the pink. I have waaaaay too many dried out markers
I like the clear sparkle cap trappers. These would definitely help us keep our markers organized. Great giveaway, thanks!
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