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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tat it up...

For some reason, (which is beyond me) my girls are in LOVE with tattoos. They have been for a while, it started with an obsession with Lyric where she just loved to write on herself and tell me it was a tattoo, or try to write on me to give me a tattoo and now it’s spawned off to Aria who also has the obsession. Once I got my real tattoo Lyric was just in awe of it, always wanting to look at it, to touch it etc. I swear one day this girl is going to be tatted up and have her own shop.

For now though, the ink isn’t really that pretty on her skin, you can’t really tell what the tattoo is, and I really don’t like pen all over me as well. She’s even had a Henna tattoo this summer and was sad when it finally washed off. What shall I do with her? Well, I’ve found the perfect solution to the pen at least, and it helps me teach her read at the same time. Yes I’m still talking about tattoos. They’re Tattoos for Tots!!! These are really cute removable tattoos for kids. These are the first of its kind with learning in mind, the designs combine printed words with pictures which engage children to make connections between letters and sounds, it’s a wear to learn sort of thing. The Tattoos for Tots was created by two moms, an elementary school teacher and a graphic designer, these temporary tattoos are made in the USA and contain only safe and non-toxic, FDA approved colors.

The tattoos seemed to last pretty good, they didn’t just come off after a day of normal wear and didn’t rip or tear or flake off. With just a scrubbing in the tub they came off, so when you want them off it’s pretty easy to do.

Visit to view some more and order some for your little one, these would be great for stocking stuffers this Christmas season.

I have 4 packages of Tattoos for Tots to giveaway. Each package contains 2 sheets. So that means that 4 lucky readers will have a chance to win. All you have to do to be entered is head on over to the Tattoos for Tots website and take a look around, come back and let me know which tattoos you like best from which collection.

This giveaway is open to those WORLDWIDE!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via

For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
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Giveaway Ends October 9, 2008 @ 11:59pm EST


kygirl said...

I like the dof from the pets collection

Unknown said...

I like the spider in the Halloween collection.

pam said...

The reptile collection is cool!

pam said...

I subscribe!

Karen said...

I like the reptile collection :)

Ann said...

I love the pirate ship from the pirates collection, my son's into pirates at the moment. Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said...

I'm a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

CznyDesigns said...

Oh these are cool, man its hard to choose, I think I'll go with the classic collection: vehicles. Thanks

CznyDesigns said...

I have your button up too

Mia J. said...

I like the Halloween pack from the holiday collection.

Sarah said...

My kiddo loves tats, too! She also loves to look at my real one.

I love the Hawaiian collection--sea life! yay!

ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com

cpullum said...

Tha Hawaii collection is awsome!!! love all the little animals!

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I love the Sea Life 1 Hawaiian Words and I also like the Holiday collection.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Millie said...

Ok my sons would SO DIG THIS!! Thank for the chance to win they would love the reptile collection! Thanks again!

Millie said...

I am a subscriber :)

Millie said...

AND..I have your button on my blog :)

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I like the singles collection---a little of everything--for girls and boys!


sea life and pirate are fun

mommyjen99 said...

Cute idea!
My favorite is the hawaiian collection. Way cute.

mommyjen99 said...

I am a subscriber

Lisa R Charles said...

These are too cute! But I love the fun pack singles!!

mverno said...

like the holiday collection and hawaiian collection

taysmommy said...

How cute are these! Tay picked out what she likes which was the truck from the vegicles collection ans she was also a big fan of hte butter a fly from teh insects collection.

taysmommy said...

buttons on my blog

danosor said...

The Reptile collection is my fave.I am a subscriber.

Stacy said...

The Hawaii collection.


Anonymous said...

Love the Halloween Pack

rosannepm said...

I like the Hawaii collection

Jenn S. said...

I like the nature tattoos in the classic collection.

Rebecca said...

I like the strawberry from the Classics Collection.


Rebecca said...

I am a subscriber!


Rebecca said...

I stumbled this. Username: wastebasketsa

Rebecca said...

I have you faved on my Technorati, Username: wastebasket

judybrittle said...

I really like the insect collection. Those are really cute. Plus my granddaughter and grandson could share. Thank you!

judybrittle said...

I'm a subscriber

bluenude3 said...

The pirates collection is the coolest, while the pets collection is definitely useful. Thanks!

toughturtles said...

The Reptiles

Hetal said...

Lion tatoo

Maude Lynn said...

I like the bat from the Halloween collection!

kelli at pfrog dot net

Anonymous said...

I love the Rose tatoo!

Anonymous said...

I added your button to my blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber!

littlelatina said...

the halloween collection

Alice H said...

It has to be the Halloween collection - although the Christmas ones are great too! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

HI, I liked the FUN PACK SINGLES, because the truck is in there and my boy is crazy for them.

rhubbert at socal dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe.

rhubbert at socal dot rr dot com

cathyhall said...

HI, I love the classic collection please.

cathyhall said...

I subscribe, thanks.

Dee said...

Well i'm teaching him animals right now...SO i like the animal ones! Either the zoo or farm animals would be so cool!
On a side note...these would make my dad's day! For as long as i can remember when he sees some in those vending machine type things, he gets a "tat" and wears it PROUDLY! LOL..even if us girls pick a butterfly to put on him! He would get a kick out of my one year old wearing a "tat"!

Dee said...

AND i just subscribed! Thanks again!

faith said...

It's gotta be the Dinosaurs, although we would also love the Reptiles. Thanks.

Buki Family said...

i love the zoo animals!

Anonymous said...

My 2 year old loves tattoos too- and she loves to draw them on me and tell me, "it's a heart tattoo!"

But, I love the princess ones, the pet ones, the farm animals and the zoo animals. They are all adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love the zoo animals from the classic collection and the sea life 1 from the hawaiian collection

this is a really great giveaway

Fishin' Mama said...

I love NATURE in the Classic Collection...these are adorable!!
Hmmm...they would make great stocking stuffers!!

vboackle said...

i like the halloween pack.

CaseyDeuce said...

The excavator tattoo is too cute!!

Becca Ann said...

Since my daughter thinks shes a priness...I would choose

mogrill said...

The zoo animals are my favorite!

Miss Spoken said...

Love the Halloween collection.

Miss Spoken said...


janetfaye said...

I like the Snowman from the Holiday Collection.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I am subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I faved you on Technorati.

My username is janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Kari said...

the pirate collection!! Fun stuff!!

Kari said...

im a subscriber!

Smooshy said...

i like the vehicles in the classic collection

bison61 said...

I like the sea life 1 from the Hawaii collection

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the alphabet ones- my 4 year old is forever writing her name so she would love this!
mmd1027 at aol dot com

Nance said...

I like the reptile collection.

Ninjaguy4567 said...

My son would LOVE the pirate collection!

Thank you for your consideration!

momspark [at] gmail [dot] com

heppy3 said...

I like the Holiday collection. The Halloween tats caught my eye.

Ren said...

I love the Halloween tats. I also like their vehicles. They have so many great tats for boys!

Kelly said...

These are so cute. My son would love the digger, dog and train tattoos. :)

Sarah said...

Definitely zoo animals from the Classic collection. I have one monkey obsessed girl.

Maria's Space said...

My kids loved the Halloween tats.

Sarah said...

My daughter would love the Christmas tattoos! I'm the Queen of Christmas and she is the Princess of said holiday. She wears a special Christmas outfit every day in December so this would be perfect!!!

Christine said...

I like the big mix set.

Anonymous said...


Molly C. said...

I like the tats in the Halloween & Pirate collections.

Crystal F said...

I love love love the dress up collection in the classic collection.

jennem said...

Adorable! I like the Insects in the Classic Collection, especially the ladybug.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the Halloween pack from the holiday collection. Thanks

Tipper said...

I would love to get the Halloween Holiday tatoos. Too neat!

tlcfromtn said...

I like the Christmas and Halloween tattoos. They would be great for the upcoming holidays! Thanks!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

MageMorgana said...

I like the Pirates set from the Classic Collection ;)


Anonymous said...

I like the snowman from the Holiday collection. thanks,

stokesmichellebrandy said...

My 4 boys love tats! I like the Big Mix.. it has the pirate ship, shark, tractor, and dino!! Thanks

Anonymous said...

How cute! I love the pirate.


Sahm Lee said...

I love them all! too cute! I think I would have to say the reptiles and dinosaurs are my big favs at the moment! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I like the dolphin from the first Hawaii collection.

Lori said...

I dig the shark from the fun pack singles collection!


Jen said...

I liked the deer in the christmas collection

Anonymous said...

I think the Hawaiian collection is so cute.

Yasmine said...

i liekthe flower from the nature collection and Baseball from the baseball collection!!
thank you!

masonsgranny59 said...

Ocean Animals

pmom said...

like the hawaiian collection and holiday collection

Xenia said...

My daughter would have a blast with these. My favorites are the Zoo Animals and Birthday tattoos from the Classic Collection.


Brooke said...

I definitely like the Vegetables best. Anything to make them seem cool is TERRIFIC!!

Giulianna said...

I like the Princesses or Baseballs depending on if it is for my little girl or my little boys.


Anonymous said...

my favorite is princess tattoo's
hope to win

Anonymous said...

animal mix in the singles, my daughter loves dolphins and lions, she also is addicted to tattoos and stickers.

Crystal said...

I like the pink mix collection, my girls would love it.

Crystal said...

Your button is on my sidebar

fancyfeet48 said...

I love the halloween pack

Anonymous said...

I like the Ocean Animals from the Classic Collection.

Anonymous said...

My godson loves cars so the vehicle tattoo sheet would be great. Thanks.

klainejm at yahoo dot com

Rockin' Mama said...

Zoo animals for my son would be fun

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Casey Becher said...

I love the princess collection! It would be great for my daughter.

lilyk said...

I love the Cupcake tattoo from the Fun Pack Singles collection!

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your feed.