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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Unique Christmas Idea....

So many companies now a days require that their employees have their company Ids on them at all times. Most Ids need to be swiped on a daily basis or used constantly for identification throughout the day so using an old ID lace can be pretty pointless.

The most effective and useful item to use when it comes to having to carry around your ID card is a retractable badge reel. These come in many different shapes, with different features and functions. From office workers, schools or entertainment events, if having your identification available at all times is important a retractable badge reel comes in handy.

These can be attached to your belt or even a piece of your clothing, it's always accessible to you. Even if you're at an event or need to hide your ID at times, you can attach the badge to you so it's discreet. Badge Reel's can also be used to hold other items such as keys, as long as they're heavy duty reels.

Some people even customize their lanyards and badge holders. Some companies may even customize them for you and have special designs and unique holders that reflect their business, school or institution. Sometimes a customized look gives more sophistication and a sleeker design to your holder.

Most holders can be purchased in a circular or rectangular shape, but sometimes if you're able to customize them you're able to choose from more interesting shapes such as a heart, star, or more.

Holders may be the perfect Christmas gift for that one person you have no idea what to get them, if they're with a company, organization or institution that requires them to hold their ID with them at all time, a customized holder may be the perfect gift! Something unique to them, something they're not expecting.

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