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Monday, July 5, 2010

Cherry Chicken Salad

Hmm, what's for lunch today?

I was preparing our dinner to stick in the crock-pot and figured while I was at it, I'd get lunch ready and stick it in the fridge until we were ready to eat. I remembered a recipe that sounded VERY yummy, Cherry Chicken Salad, I had all the ingredients so decided to give it a shot. Besides it was super easy and not something I'd need to pull out the all clad copper core cookware to make!.

Cherry Chicken Salad
3 Tbsp fat-free plain yogurt
1 Tsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 Tsp honey
1/4 Tsp grated gingerroot
3 oz. shredded rotisserie chicken breast, skin removed (about 3/4 cup)
1 Tbsp + 1 Tsp chopped walnuts
4 Tbsp dried cherries
2 Kirby cucumbers, halved lengthwise

Combine the yogurt, vinegar, honey, and gingerroot in a medium bowl.

Add the chicken, walnuts, and cherries. Mix well.

Seed and scoop out some of the flesh from the cucumber halves using a rounded teaspoon or melon baler. Divide the chicken salad among the cucumber boats.

Makes 1 serving
I also had to give it a little taste test to see if it was edible, and YUM, YUM, YUM!!! Can't wait for lunch today!!! Recipe was used from

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