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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Stupid Neighbors...

I need to take some time to vent a little here…. It’s more of a babble, but it’s just ‘that time of the month’ and I’m really, to be honest… BITCHY right now. I love springtime, I really do, but you’ve seen my rants about my neighbors via my blog and twitter, but once the winter is over, and when I think that’s bad, I remember springtime brings them outdoors even more…

Being that it’s ‘that time of the month’ probably makes it even worse than it is, but why do they have to be so LOUD? Why do they not teach their grown children about other people’s property, and why don’t they learn to drive on their DRIVEWAY instead of on my lawn!!!

Between the cramps, the cravings and the slathering of acne cream on my face, I’d really like not to deal with my stupid neighbors, it just makes things 10x worse.

OH! And to make things even better this morning, as I was closing the upstairs windows a tad because of the rain, I got a beautiful glimpse of a full moon this morning. That’s right, I’m being sarcastic here, because belive me, it wasn’t beautiful! My neighbor bending over right in front of my window ASS FULLY OUT of his shorts… Almost made me want to puke…

So, dear neighbors of mine…. Please just GO AWAY because this is year 2 and I dunno how much more of you I can handle, I can’t be the nice quiet silent neighbor for long if you don’t stop honking your horn, yelling, being loud, not respecting my property and the various other annoying things you do. Your past neighbors must be so thankful you’ve moved, I feel sorry for the people that move into our house if we decide to move before you do…


AStarrA said...

Oh girl I feel your pain!! Maybe our neighbours are related to each other. Mine are loud at all hours, play their crappy music beyond loud (which means yelling over it), don't care what they say in front of kids and I swear they live outside now I don't understand why they even own a house if they are never in it. The first year we where here my daughter and I where always outside playing now we don't go out much which is sad.

Kathy P said...

They ought to make a reality show neighbors from hell because mine would be on the first

so you are not alone i know how you feel i have lived by mine for 15 nightmare years..they have three dogs they just let roam over into my yard and crap on my lawn and tear into my is even a PITBULL and not a one is registered because my hubby has complained to the town many many times and they do nothing.

if i could start over again i would buy a house in the boonies with no neighbors for 5 miles .id rather have bigfoot roaming through than crappin

good luck :(

Gina said...


TOTALLY feel the same way, our next house will be out in the boonies with no neighbors for miles! THAT is my dream!