This August isn't one I'm particularly looking forward to. August is generally 'back to school time', this year it's going to school for the first time, time of year. That's right, my oldest will be going to school for the very first time entering Kindergarten.
I'm a mix of emotions, I've always wanted to home school but hubby wasn't going to have it. I really don't know if I have the patients to home school anyways but the education system in the public schools around here are well, not that great. I'll probably be supplementing a lot of her education at home still.
So within the next few weeks it's a lot of back to school shopping for us. Between supplies and clothing, shoes and accessories, we'll be doing a lot of shopping I'm sure. One thing i”m not happy about is the uniform she's going to have to wear. This just means I now have double the amount of clothes that I normally buy her because she's still going to need to have clothing for after school and beyond. I'm a little overwhelmed with the whole school uniform process, so many little nit picky rules to go with the ugly colors and ugly styles that they make our kids wear.
Shoes are another issue, this kid grows like a weed so she's in a new shoe size every few months it seems. The shoes have to be a solid color with matching laces to the color of the shoes, what the heck! A very odd request to me.
I'm sure there are a lot of other mom's and parents to kiddos heading to school for the very first time, I know I'm not alone and can take any advice I can get when it comes to supplies, clothing, uniforms and how to keep my sanity! Start-rite just launched a new social community for parenting advice that's sure to have some helpful tips, tricks and answers to many pondering questions us first time parents have be it for school or other situations.
So as we prepare for our first day of school (and I try to keep my emotions locked inside) what tips do you have for me or any other parents going through this, what was your first day of school like for your child and for yourself?
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