Often times relationships you make online spill out into the real world as you meet women locally, end up chatting on the phone, or plan and meet up in person. Online friendships often turn into real life, lifelong friendships. It's hard for Moms to sometimes get out there and meet people on their own who share the same interests, views, challenges and dilemmas, so when great places pop up like Gather.com who create a social networking community where you can meet some great people, I hop right on board.
Gather.com hosts thousands of groups and conversations on topics ranging from how to cope with your toddler, to creating a thriving organic garden, from books that you'll want to stay awake all night reading, to the latest pilates moves; and from cooking without recipes to taking the challenge of creating movie reviews in Haiku. There's so many groups and people around on Gather.com finding something that interests you and the people to go along with it isn't very hard at all.
Something fun that Gather.com has come up with is earning points for the content you contribute to the site, you can redeem these points for gift cards at some of the most popular stores and even for PayPal cash. The more recipes, tips, stories and advice you share with others int he community, the more points you earn. It makes gather.com more than just a social networking site!
I wrote this review while participating in a blog and giveaway campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Gather. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.
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