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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can I just..... SCREAM.... at the top of my lungs here?

Stress [stres] – noun: physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension

I think I'm the most stressed out this month than I've ever been! Especially this week and the next few weeks ahead. Anything and everything is overwhelming me, stressing me out and I feel my anxiety creeping up as each day goes by.

I need a rest, I need some time for me, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon, the stress just piles up and up and up. I need to blog, I need to write up some reviews/giveaways, I need to organize my house, I need to get these rooms done, I need to get this for school, I need to get that for school, I need to get doctors and dentists appointments done, how am I going to re-work my days going forward, how am I going to get more organized......Financially I'm stressed out as well, how can we get past this hump, how can I get some more things listed on ebay and craigslist, how can I make some more money....

I can ramble on and ramble on, I AM STRESSED OUT!!!!! I dunno where to begin or when to stop, I need to get a million things done, and worked out and on in a short time period and for me, that brings on my anxiety and I'm done.... I'm taking a few minutes out of my morning here to try to calm myself by writing. Maybe it's not the best post, maybe it's not the more coherent post I've ever written but I just need to get some things out.

I'm also starting to stress out about my weight. For some reason the past few weeks my eating habits haven't been up to par to where I want them to be, I slipped, I slacked and I don't know why. I'm glad to say I'm down from a tight size 22 to a comfortable 18, I've been doing my KettleWorx religiously for the past week and it's a 6 week program, but I don't feel....right....

Maybe it's just that time of the month, I'm sure it is... PMS kicking in...Bloating, moody, just plain icky and with the stress and anxiety, this just isn't one of my best few days........ I wish I could just mellow out, and get over it and realize I can't get it all done in one day alone by myself, but the type of person I am won't let that happen..... I bet even if I was able to vacation right now, alone, even if it was looking at or visiting hotels panama city beach the stress would still be around and I couldn't relax the way I'd want to. So until it's all into place perfectly, this is going to weigh on me, in the back of my head...DAILY... And it seems like it never ends....


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I'll say a prayer for you that you'll find the right way to manage all this.

mitch1066 said...

TAKE A DEEP BREATH now sit down and make a list ,on top go the things that have to be done ,at the bottom go the things you would like to get done.
can you delegate anything,can you get help with anything?then just go through it one by one:)

Table4Five said...

Hang in there, Gina. Unfortunately, I can totally relate to this post since I've also been dealing with high stress over how unorganized my life has become, review stuff piled up everywhere, email inboxes overflowing, the kids need doctor and dentist appointments, we need to shop for school clothes, etc. etc.

Feel free to email me or Gchat with me at table4five (at) gmail (dot) com ANY TIME. I mean it.

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

I slipped the past few weeks on eating also. Then I found myself doing the same thing I always did before saying "tomorrow I will start again" or "I'll wait until after (fill in the blank) to get going again on eating better/less". I realized I have to stop doing that and if I fall down just pick myself back up and try, try again! I've got more to go than you do - so hang in there!

Anonymous said...

:::sending hugs::: I understand. I really understand. And if you get the chance, go to Panama City Beach. We went last June and I'm still trying to get back.