Did you know, that Sunday July 12th will be my
Well since there are a few TNA peeps on twitter, I figure why not try my luck… But I need your help!
Each time you tweet the following, just leave a comment in one of my many giveaways going on (more to be posted tonight) and you’ll earn an extra entry for each time you make one of the following

Thankfully hubby doesn’t mind my wrestler crushes and he thinks this is hilarious and pretty smart to get noticed. I already have my Consequence Creed T-Shirt on delivery to my home thanks to gocreedgo.com so I’ll be wearing that the day of the show, I just want to make my birthday complete with a (few) hugs and some pics!
Tweet the following then head over to the giveaway you need the extra entry for, do this as many times as you want for extra entries!
Tweet #1: @austincreed take notice, you can meet @wrestlingaddict at the TNA show Fri. would be a great b-day present for A Wrestling Addicted Mommy!
Tweet #2: Thinking @JeremyBorash should give @wrestlingaddict a great birthday and surprise her with a backstage VIP for Hamilton’s TNA show Fri.
The show is Friday July 10th at 7:30 ET in Hamilton Ontario, you can tweet the above until that time for extra entries into giveaways, or....just cause you love me ;) See, told you I’m crazy, but maybe I’m just crazy enough that it works!!! Thanks to all of you who try to help me out with this!!! I VERY MUCH appreciate it!!! I'll have vid's and pic's to share WHEN it happens!
This is a darn good idea and I'm going to help you out! I hope you get to meet them.
What a cool idea, I did a few tweets for ya!!
I left both tweets and will try to repeat it several times :) Hope you get at least one of your birthday wishes!
I don't know the first thing about wrestling, but I left some tweets for you, I hope it works! :)
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