Now there’s some help to take the stress out of getting ready for college, whether you’re on your way, or thinking about where you’re going to apply next year, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles is there to help.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles is full of real stories and information on a wide array of topics to help students survive their first year and beyond. This would be the perfect book to tuck into a care package you send while your teen is away.
Divided into sections ranging from "Campus Antics" to "Difficulties and Obstacles," "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles" offers stories on first loves, acclimating to college life, resolving roommate squabbles and surviving that dreaded class. Brimming with wisdom for students and parents, the book is an excellent conversation-starter for parents to talk to their teen about being away from home, providing them with an opportunity to share stories from their college days.
These collections include stories about:
- One student's struggle with the hardest decision: "What's my major?"
- Studying abroad in Venice, Chile and Scotland
- Finding closure in a college romance gone bad
- An unusual spring break trip spent serving others in need
- Dealing with a problematic roommate's unwanted guests
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles can be purchased in various books stores as well as on Amazon.com.
Two (2) lucky readers will win a copy of the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles for your teen or someone else you know getting ready for college, all you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me a helpful tip or some advice to someone going off to college for the first time.
Want some extra chances to win? Check out the many ways below:
* Follow my blog
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* Follow me on Twitter HERE and tweet about the giveaway and comment with the link, you can use the following to tweet: I’m entering to win the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Campus Chronicles from @wrestlingaddict, you should too http://tinyurl.com/mju5u4
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***Thanks to all who tweeted the bonus entries, bonus entry time has expired and the result was great. IT WORKED and I got backstage VIP passes***
Giveaway ends July 9th, 2009 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. Giveaway is open for US mailing addresses only. Winner will have 72 hours to respond to notification with shipping info - if no response, another winner will be chosen.
My daughter just started her college education with the summer semester. It's exciting and stressful... let's see I think my best tip is to don't procrastinate. A lot of kids/young adults wait until the last minute to apply for scholarships, follow up on their paperwork, put in their room requests, etc. If they're proactive then it'll alleviate some of the stress of being away from home and doing something for the first time.
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I tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/Petula1968/status/2446881180.
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be safe, behave..remember those you meet today may be the job connections of tomm
B's cousin is going to Wilmington 8/20. My advice for him is GO TO CLASS. It's sooo easy not too...you need that self motivation! Oh and Target has good deals on teh extra long sheets you need for the beds in the dorms. :)
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lets see going to class does make a difference, haha.
Enjoy the year but dont forget your goals
kawaiineko2008 at aol dot com
Remember you're there to LEARN not to party!
Fave college tip of all time: Never waste a single opportunity. College is all about living life to the fullest!
Never forget about your family and friends back home!
I subscribe
the best advice I can give is to do it for yourself! Your parents and current friends don't really control your interests... Listen to what they have to say, but don't give in because it's what they want... None of them have to live in your shoes, choose what you like and stick with it!
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I love these books! My best advice would be to study hard, but also take time out for yourself to make friends and memories.
My 19 year-old started college last year and my 17 year-old will begin in the fall. We could use all the help we can get :)
Get out there, meet new people, have a LOT of fun, but don't forget to study hard and keep your GPA up or else its just a waste of money.
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
Don't sign up for any classes that meet before 10 am! It may sound late, but in college, waking up for an 8 or 9am class is killer!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
My best advice is to take your studies very seriously. I'm in college now and I cannot belive how little effort some students put into their education.
I entered your Lands End giftcard giveaway.
Great books, great contest! Always be true to yourself!
Pack things that remind you of home to make the transition easier
My tip is tell them to try to be responsible, but encourage them to call home for advice whenever they need it.
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I entered the Lands End Giveaway.
Tell them to be careful and do your homework!
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I follow your blog as kngmckellar
I became a fan on facebook - Gloria McKellar
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'd tell someone going off to college for the first time - don't rent the first apartment that you see! This really helped my niece this past year!
Make sure they have everything they need.
We love care packages!
take chances step outside your comfort zone and try new things thanks for the chance eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i follow thanks eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i subscribe thanks eaglesforjack@gmail.com
Study and get good grades and have fun and try new things and meet new people, in other words balance
My daughter starts college this fall. I have always told her to take her time in deciding what major to chose and I leave that decision up to her.
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i can definitely say from experience that when you first start signing up for classes and such you have to be ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE of your major. i had a scholarship and lost it because halfway through the first semester i absolutely hated my major and had to switch. also... never overwhelm yourself with classes to "get it done easier". you'll just end up overstressed and wanting to quit.
My little sister is going off to join me at TX A&M this coming fall so this would be an excellent gift to give her! Advice for someone going off to college for the first time would be don't party too much the first semester and study a lot. Classes and proffesors are the toughest the first semester because they want to see who really wants to learn. Remember this isn't high school anymore you actually pay for your classes. They're not loosing if you fail, you are.
leslie-lv at hotmail dot com
following ur blog via google leslie vargas
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leslie-lv at hotmail dot com
Became a fan of A Wrestling Addicted Mommy on Facebook Leslie Anne
leslie-lv at hotmail dot com
do not procrastinate
I follow you on twitter and your blog! I am a college student who read the first Chicken Soup for the College soul to help get me through school. I have a year left and would love to read the new one to help me through my exams and classes. I'm going to school to be a teacher and in Cali the teat are Killer! Please Help out! You don't know how grateful I would be!
stock up on calling cards so they can call home often :)
following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease
fan on facebook KathyLPease
Be prepared to study
tweeted http://twitter.com/kellygrant1977
My best tip for a young adult heading off to college is to take lots and lots of quarters..for laundry.
litefoot873 (@) hotmail.com
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Study, study & study! :)
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litefoot873 (@) hotmail.com
My advice is to have fun and take advantage of all the opportunities college has to offer-activities and opportunities to form lasting relationships with fellow students and professors. garrettsambo@aol.com
My advice to someone going off to college for the first time is to relax and have fun.
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Don't skip class even though your instructors usually couldn't care less if you show up or not. It only hurts YOU to miss a day of note taking!
entered the purex giveaway too
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