Have a new graduate in your household? Slacker Radio is so proud of all the 2009 Graduates they've now launched a Slacker's Graduation Party Station for all of the newly graduated students.
Now what is Slacker you ask? Slacker is an internet radio service that allows users to create their own customized music stations starting with Slacker’s preset stations or their own custom built station. Slacker offers many traditional genre, specialty and artist stations pre-made by professional DJs like “Today’s Hits”, “80’s, 90’s and Today”, “Country”, and my favorite “Hip Hop/R&B” plus many more.
Slacker provides great music while also letting their users build entire stations of specific artists just by typing their name. Users can also continue to evolve any of these stations by rating favorite songs and banning artist or songs. You can also fine tune stations to play older or new music, more hits or more eclectic music all through the intuitive interface at Slacker.com
Slacker has 4x the music library as the leading competition and is available via the web, the Slacker G2 Personal Radio Player, BlackBerry, iPhone, Sony BRAVIA TVs, etc. Slacker is probably by far the most used application on my BlackBerry and also one of the first applications I acquired.
You can find out more about Slacker by visiting their website at Slacker.com
Slacker would love to give one of my lucky readers a 1 year subscription to Slacker Radio Plus. Slacker Radio Plus includes Unlimited Skips, Unlimited Song Requests, No Audio or Banner Ads, Complete Lyrics, and Over 2 Million Songs.
All you need to do to be entered is head over to the Slacker website and tell me what station you think you would listen to most.
Want extra entries?
• Create an account on Slacker.com (tell me the email you created the account with)
•Comment on another post or enter another giveaway on my blog, leave me a comment here letting me know which post or giveaway (each time you do this you can leave a comment for an extra entry)
•Subscribe to or follow my blog
• Add my button or text link to your site/blogroll
• Bookmark this giveaway somehow be it stumble, digg, etc using the drop down menu below...just let me know which one and your username
• Fave A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog on Technorati (leave your username)
• Follow myself on Twitter, AND tweet about this giveaway (leave me your twitter name or the link) You may use the following to tweet: Win a 1yr subscription to Slacker Radio Plus @wrestlingaddict go here to enter http://tinyurl.com/l8w7eo
• Blog about this giveaway OR email 3 people and CC myself (lyricandariasmomATgmailDOTcom)
• Become a fan of A Wrestling Addicted Mommy on Facebook
This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
Giveaway Extended until July 2, 2009 @ 11:59pm EST because of my absence!!!
the classic country station
We have just added your latest post "Slacker's Proud of their Grads...
" to our Directory of Sports. You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory and get a huge base of visitors to your website.
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Sportstrove.info Team
Classic Country. Listening to Alan Jackson, Livin on Love right now.
YLour button is on my sidebar.
I fave you on Technorati.
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted.
I would be all over the New Country Radio!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
would love the 90s alternative
I would listen to TODAYS HITS
Country music station.
john ferris
I think I'd pick either the Christian station or the the Oldies station.
Indie Hits
id definitely pick the classic rock station :)
fan on facebook kathy l pease
I made an account with Slacker Radio.
Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I would spend a lot of time on Indie and Indie Hits stations.
Created an account on Slacker Radio (waterprincess812[at]aol[dot]com)
I am following your blog.
Faved you on Technorati. (lelandsmama)
Following on Twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/Ms_Moneypenny/status/2384446112
Fan on Facebook. (Chelsea Daigle)
Todays Hits
I'd listen to Alternative Chill for starts.
We would love Todays Hits.
I'd be listening to the alternative rock stations. There are 13 of them and I'd be hopping around!
the classic country station
facebook fan
grab ur button
twitted @myproductreview
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