You’ve probably seen Carolyn’s aprons on various blogs and even featured on television on shows such as “The Girls Next Door” and “What Not To Wear”. Carolyn has definitely brought the glamor, sexiness and cuteness back into

You’ll find so many different, cute and sexy styles of aprons and matching gloves when you visit Carolyn’s Kitchen. Why not think of an extra sexy valentines day gift for your wife, girlfriend or heck, even for your husband (with you in it of course). Head over to Carolyn’s Kitchen and check out all they have to offer for yourself.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Carolyn’s Kitchen is offering one of my readers a chance to win a Sweetheart Black Apron. All you have to do is leave me a comment letting me know why you need this apron, or who you’d give it to if you won.
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
• Bookmark this giveaway somehow be it stumble, digg, etc just let me know which
• Fave A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog on Technorati
• Follow me on Twitter (wrestlingaddict), if you already do tweet about this giveaway
This giveaway is open to those with a US mailing address ONLY!!! And is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
Giveaway ends February 3, 2009 @ 11:59pm est
This giveaway is part of the Bloggy Carnival going on this quarter. Don't forget to check out tons of other giveaways going on right now over at the Bloggy Carnival.
1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»I am so excited to see this giveaway!!! I have been dying for a cute little apron for entertaining :) So, of course, I want to keep it for myself!!!
I chronically spill stuff on myself. I need an apron!
Oh I would SO be keeping this one ... I have NO shirts that aren't stained. Mostly from cooking - I'm a slob. I've been wanting an apron for just about forever.
I totally need this apron, as I do not have one and I am getting married this year and my fiance will expect me to do more cooking(we will see). And what better way to cook, then in this cute apron.Thanks so much!!
so cute aprons ! thnx for the opp here
I would keep this for myself! I would love to "spice up" my kitchen!
I need this apron because I plan to make my hubby breakfast in bed on Valentine's day...wouldn't he be surprise to find me wearing this sexy apron with nothing on underneath...What a great way to start off Valentine's day...
So cute!! I need a apron that looks like this, because I love vintage and retro clothing, so this will help me look cute and trendy even while cooking! :) Thanks!!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I love this apron! So cute!
At least I can look good in the kitchen.
mommy dot niri at gmail dot com
I need this because a romantic valentines dinner isn't quite as romantic when your outfit shows a little bit of everything that's on the table.
I want this for my wife...to "spice" up the kitchen. ;)
I need this because I always want to look cute! (Which is difficult in the kitchen) :) Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
Black heels and sexy little apron would make my hubby to be verrry happy...can you say honeymoon?! Oh and I would need it to cook in too!
I need an apron because I get stuff all over me when I'm cooking. All the ones I found are like my Grandma used to wear.
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Maybe this would inspire me to cook, if I looked cute in the kitchen?
My husband just saw me looking at this page with the apron, he told me to go for it and try to win and if I do just to wear that, lol. So here goes my entry. I hope I win for him:) Thanks for the giveaway. flyerz13@hotmail.com
i need this cuz i'm addicted to aprons! so please pick me!!
I actually do wear aprons when I cook..sometimes..depends on what I am making...but, most of mine are stained and pretty gramma looking. This one is soo sexy! I would love to win it..thanks!
I need it because I love aprons! These are darling. Great giveaway. Thanks!
i follow you on twitter now :) i'm agodlyhomemaker
i need to win this to help me look sexy in the kitchen of course!
I need this apron so I will spend more time in the kitchen whipping up stuff for dinners. I don't cook but lately I have made a few yummy veggie sides and I know hubs would love me to cook. This might just give me the inspiration LOL
macawcrazy2002 AT yahoo DOT com
I just stumbled
macawcrazy2002 AT yahoo DOT com
This would be fun to have my husband arrive home and me be only wearing this... oh yeah, but what about the baby. Hmm, I'll need to work on this plan.
It is hard to feel sexy while pregnant with #7. LOL
Would love to have fun and be flirty while cooking.
This is an adorable apron - I would keep it for myself!
I would love to win this for my sister. She is getting divorced and loves to cook. I think it would be a great pick me up. thanks!
I need this apron because I am constantly getting stuff all over me!
I love Carolyn's aprons and this one is so cute. I would keep it for myself. I need it because I cook a lot and always use aprons. Plus, i have a collection of aprons.
I follow
I think it's really cute and would love to give it to my MIL since she entertains often!
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
I have the horrible habit of wiping my flour-covered hands anywhere handy...which is usually my jeans. That and when I cook, I always seem to get splatters of oil or sauce on my shirt. An apron would really help my wardrobe...lol
Thanks for the great giveaway!
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
I love, love, love this apron. I need it to make me look fabulous while cooking and it will keep my clothes clean, most importantly I will look gorgeous.
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Fav'd on Technorati (knittingmomof3)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Stumbled It (jkindred3)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Following on Twitter (knittingmomof3)
No, this is not a prize I would give to someone else! I would love this, since I am always the designated person to have everyone over! I used the fire out of my last apron, it actually had holes all over it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm so sick of ruining my good shirts when I make messy dishes like spaghetti. This apron would prevent me from ruining clothes, and help me live up to my screen name too.
I follow you on Twitter as one6ylady, and I tweeted the contest here http://twitter.com/one6ylady/status/1154516460
I would keep this for me if I won. I don't have an apron. I love the looks of this one though. Thanks for the chance. brewerchickey78(at)yahoo.com
I would love to have this, I always make a mess of myself in the kitchen! This would be great!!
I faved you in technorati! mom2anutball
I need this because the only apron I have is one I made at girls camp when I was like 12 years old. Sad, I know. LOL!
scblog at hotmail dot com
I stumbled this post for you!
scblog at hotmail dot com
I tweeted this giveaway! :)
scblog at hotmail dot com
I need this because I often cook holiday meals for my whole family, and at the time it is to eat, I usually look like something the cat dragged it!
madamerkf at aol dot com
I really need to win this! lol Its to cute! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ok and you already know i follow you going to tweet about this right now lol!
i would so love an apron, never owned one before. i do enjoy spending time cooking and baking in the kitchen so why not look good while cooking?!
thanks for the great giveaway!
Because we do not own one.
My husband loves all retro type stuff and he would love to see me in something like this.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Frankly I think this apron would help my husband stick to his diet a bit more. *grin*
I would be greedy and keep it! I work full-time and then go home and cook dinner every night. It'd be great to have a fun, flirty apron to look forward to putting on.
adams006 at hotmail dot com
I would use this to help ward of little food disasters when baking and cooking with my 2 and 3 yr old nephews.
I need this apron because it is adorable! I would wear it proudly, whether I was baking or not!!
Oh I would keep it for myself! Not just for saving me from my messy self... but is so cute that I can charm my husband at the same time ;)
If I happened to win I would give the apron to my mom b/c she hardly ever gets anything new and it would tickle her to death!
thank you!
I need some motivation for getting the housework done and what better motivation could there be than getting to wear this cute apron?! It would almost make cooking and cleaning fun!
Oh I think I would keep it for myself because it is adorable, and I would love to have a cute apron to use while in the kitchen! Hey it could make cooking dinner a little more fun! Thanks
leslierose at gmail dot com
My mother-in-law's bday is coming up and she LOVES to bake so I would give it to her so she could look cute while she's baking something delicious.
this is beautiful but I have a friend who just had a baby and would love to make a goodie basket for fun for her and hubs and this would be fun to add
I would totally be keeping this for myself! I love how cute and retro it is!
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
I love aprons, especially those with a retro feel. I'd keep this for myself.
I need this! My family loves breakfast and I've ruined a lot of clothes with popping bacon grease. The dog ate my old apron, really!
I would totally keep this apron for myself. I love all of her aprons! So cute.
Thank you for having this!
I would love to win. I would keep this for myself. These are so cute!
Thank you
If I were chosen to win, I would love to give this to my sister who has an upcoming birthday
brn2lisn (at) gmail (dot) com
I need it because I'm continually ruining my clothes while cooking. It seems like I'll drop a spoon or some thing will splatter all over the front of me.
I need this apron because my cooking is SO lousy that this apron would distract from my HORRENDOUS cooking...LOL!!! PLUS, I LOVE APRONS!! :)
I would wear this when I'm feeling particularly housewifely, along with pearls and pumps and call the guys Ward and Beaver.
This apron is very cute, retro, and sexy too. My DH would enjoy seeing me wear it - whether or not I was cooking.
I need this apron because I'm an extremely messy cook. I've never bought an apron because I thought they all looked like the dowdy things my mother used to wear. And who wants to look like their mother? Thanks for the generous giveaway.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
I think that this Apron is darling!! I have a new friend that i would give it to,she just got engaged!! I think it would be perfect for her because she is always cooking for her man,and for us when we visit:)
I am a subscriber:)
I would keep this one for myself. I Think my husband would love it.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
angelacisco at rocketmail.com
They have the cutest apron. This black sweetheart apron is adorable.
I have been wanting an apron for some time now! I would be honored to win this apron. Many thanks, Cindi
I love to cook so this would be perfect since I spend so much time in the kitchen and I don't have an apron...so I guess you could say I will be keeping it for myself if I win! Thanks!
My husband would love to see me in this so I would keep it for myself. :)
I would keep it for myself. I love to cook but I've never had an apron and this one is so cute!
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I would definitely keep this apron. It is absolutely gorgeous!
I need this apron because I am a "hands-on" cook and am always making a mess. I don't like to use tons of paper towels so I am definitely in need of something washable to wipe my hands on besides my clothes.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love these aprons!! I NEED one because I am always cooking, or cleaning and why not look good doin' it! lol!;) Thanks!!
I need one because I started baking cakes and cup cakes for profit and I am sick of cake mix, frosting, powdered sugar, sprinkles all over my clothes
I need this because so I can cook delicious meals AND be a hot wife for my husband.
larissalmarks (at) gmail (dot) com
I threw my old ragged apron in the trash after the holidays, so I really need a new one. This one is so adorable that it would make cooking/baking fun! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would keep the apron for myself....and give the hubby a bit of fun with it.
I need the red apron for my husbann, I mean, myself! Lol! They're really cute!
I hate to seem selfish, but this is one prize that I would have to keep for myself! I've been wanting one for a while. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm just learning to cook and don't actually have an apron yet. Once I start baking i'm going to need one to keep things clean!
I have always worn an apron when I cook if I am wearing my good clothes. I learned the hard way from grease splatters ruining my dry cleanables.
These are just darling. Would love to win one!
Thanks for having the giveaway!
I would like to win b/c I love to bake but I don't own an apron.
Not sure I need this as much as my husband would like to see me in it LOL ;)
Following and here's a tweet :)
Thanks for the chance{s}!
I need this because I love cute aprons, but I've had my current one for seven years and it's getting kind of worn out!
My apron collection isn't complete since I don't own a Carolyn's Kitchen apron. I adore the black with polka dots!
shawneeh at yahoo(dot)com
I need this! I don't have an apron and I can't walk into the kitchen without spilling something on myself!
I don't have any aprons, and this is totally beautiful
That is one super sexy apron. Good luck to everyone!!!
I need this apron because I cook for my entire Family every Saturday. I cook enough for about 25 people. We all eat, Play games and watch movies. I make everything from scratch, encluding the bread. JeansandTs@hotmail.com
I would love to win to give it to my mom who spends a lot of time in the kitchen!
It's beautiful and I could use it during my next big dinner
I want it, it's so cute
I love the wear aprons and would love to win. Thanks
Help!! I need this gorgeous apron because I've never owned an apron before! I'm serious! lol! I've never had an apron, even though I am one of the messiest cooks you've ever seen! lol! I am quite 'top heavy', so a lot of ingredients end up on my chest as I cook! lol! It would be great to win this pretty apron so I wouldn't have to change shirts before dinner every time I cook! lol! Thank you for the contest!
My husband does more of the cooking, but maybe if I had a cute apron I'd be inspired to do more.
I would love this apron because I don't have one and it is super cute.
I love to bake and this apron would be wonderful to have.
The Sweetheart Apron in Red is the dish for me!
I like to cook a special dish for my hubby on valentine's day , and this would be great. The pink one is adorable :)
I would love this apron. I have one apron that I used in a floral class that I took over 11 years ago. I would love this cute one for when I bake and cook.
The only apron I have is an extra that my MIL gave my husband when he bought our house, so I would love one of my own! :-)
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I need this apron because I am super messy in the kitchen. Plus I think hubby would find it sexy!
i need this because one can never have too many cute aprons thanks for the giveaway
i am constantly spilling stuff on my or wiping my hands on my clothes instead of grabbing a dish towel, so i need a apron really bad. thanks for the giveaway.
I would give this to my oldest daughter. She and her husband still act like honeymooners after 6 years of marriage. I can almost imagine her wearing it with nothing else on....
I need this apron because I lost my old one!! And because it is stinkin' cute.
snkjohnson at gmail dot com
I'm not much of a sports fan, but my husband is. Glued to the tv, but he likes he snacks while he's watching so I'd love to see how distracted I could get him from a game while I served him with this apron on. That's why I need it!
beausdorei at gmail dot com
I would LOVE to have this apron! Mine is sadly dying due to extreme use! :) It would be greatly appreciated!
Emily H
ooh! I can cook and be sexy at the same time!
These aprons are adorable.
I would love to have a pretty one :)
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!
I love to cook but am always getting food on me. . . I could use this and it is adorable!
I dont have a apron and really need one because I always spill on myself. Thanks for the giveaway
i need this because i am always messing y clothes up when im in the kitchen lol! What a great prize! Thanks for sharing.
chantellesabino at mac dot com
I have several aprons, but if I won this apron I would keep it for myself because I like it so much.
I'd love to have a cute and flirty apron to use while baking.
I would love to win!!! Thanks so much.
Why I need this apron...... Because it is SO cute! I LOVE it! Carolyn has some BEAUTIFUL stuff!
It would give my hubby another reason to come into the kitchen while I cook. Get him away from the ball games.
I would love this apron (for me) because, one it is so cute, and two, I am a messy cook, lol. I really need it and I am always cooking. :)
I would LOVE to win one of Carolyn's Aprons! They are so cute, yet so practical! I always manage to get something on myself when I'm cooking/baking! So, yes, I'd really like to keep this one for myself! :o) Great giveaway - thanks for offering it!
i like these aprons, they are sexy. but hubby might just want to see me in the apron alone..
enter me!
I need this apron as right now I am using a johnsonville braturst one I got for free and it is so ugly! need to smile more and looking cute while cooking would definitely help!
This one would be so much cuter than the "Kiss the Cook" one that I currently use!!
Thanks so much for the great giveaway!! :)
I would wear this apron!! Totally cute.
I would keep it for myself because #1 it is super cute and #2 I am the world's messiest cook!!!! Thanks!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Love Carolyn's Kitchen Aprons...I would give it to my SIL...she loves aprons, too!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Cute! I'd love to win this because I need an apron. I like to wear things that make me smile, and unfortunately most aprons don't do the job. So I'll forget to put on some ugly apron and end up with flour all over my outfit. So if I had a cute apron, I'd be more likely to wear it. Thanks for the giveaway!
These aprons are just wonderful. They brought a big smile to my hubby's face also.
I'd never take this off!!
I love to cook and I've never owned an apron. I've ruined more than one outfit LOL.
I need this apron to cook my husband dinner and to have dessert beforehand............whoops, did I say that?
I would really love this, husband would too! :)
Thank you
I need this to cook in it, wheee!!
jenniferhuff [at] gmail[dot]com
I need this apron because it'd be a nice addition to valentine's day attire ;)
thanks for the giveaway
I'd give it to my roommate, a big sweetheart who always makes cupcakes!
I need this apron because mine is an old gray canvas one that I got years ago. Help me to not look like a hag in the kitchen, please!
I would give the apron to my mom. She is the baker in the family. I can cook.. but don't like to measure.. lol. An essential for baking. So the Apron goes to my mom because I love her and she deserves it.
I need this apron because I love to bake and want something cute to do it in! All I have is this boring plain white apron. I'm known as the Suzy Homemaker of my family so I would definitely put it to good use! :)
I think that wearing this apron (and very little else) on V.day while preparing our special dinner would be a fun treat for my dear husband :-) Then any time I wore it, he'd think of that happy day.
My sister Maureen is the baking gourmet.. she would love to have a new apron and I would love to be able to give this to her... She would look oh so cute in this!!!!
Thanks fo rthe chance to win!
I need this apron because I'm a sloppy cook and for some reason don't own an apron!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I blogged about this giveaway here:
Great prize - count me in :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I wouldn't ruin so many shirts if I had an apron. Thanks!
I need this because i dont have any aprons and when i cook i tend to splatter!! Thanks!!
missblondie919 at gmail dot com
I love to wear pretty aprons in the kitchen. It makes cooking a whole lot more fun.
Who wouldn't need an apron like this! I'd love it because it's playful :)
raspberrykitty at aol
I think I need it more outside the kitchen :) my kids are great at spilling for me.
I am such a messy cook/baker. It would be great if I didn't have to change clothes after cooking. So I'd keep it! Such fun aprons on that site. I would love one!
I subscribe to the rss feed through google reader.
I would love to have this apron for myself. I'm always baking and the one i have currently is just a plain blue one and it's falling apart.
I'd be selfish and keep this apron for myself. Thanks.
-Terra H.
So I can look stylish while cooking, and I would definatly keep it for me. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I need it so I can look good while cooking! I've been wanting one of these for a long time, make cooking fun!
stumbled ~ momof2ballerinas
following on twitter ~ momof2dancers
fav on technorati ~ scrappyd
I need this apron! My husband is the kindest, nicest man on the planet. He does everything for me...I don't even own an apron! Wouldn't he be surprised to see me fix him breakfast in this apron! He deserves for me to win this apron!
I need an apron because I've never had one! :) The closest I've come is the painters apron I use now. I'd love to have something CUTE :D
Thanks for the lovely giveaway :)
anastasia at mediamafia dot org
I need it because I am using my husbands old t shirt for an apron right now...not too flattering!
I have never had an apron before...nor am I a good cook. I would love to surprise my husband one day with a fancy meal wearing this apron. He would love it!
Of course I would keep it for myself.
charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com
I planning a special steak meal for my husband. Going to decorate. I could wear this apron to serve it, maybe just the apron. Please enter me, thank you
I need this apron because I've been married for 20 years and I need to spice things up...It certainly won't be my cooking which sometimes I confess is barely edible. Thanks. Charlotte
I have such a thing for aprons. I would look so hot baking in this baby! Thanks!!
Oh, and I've had your blog button up on my sidebar for a while!
I need this because I always get my clothes dirty when cooking.
well with all our little cooks, and big ones in my kitchen we need more aprons, we do alot of cooking and even on camp outs we do it all~
I can honestly say I've never seen such an awesome apron. I'd love it-the black one. spud at windstream (dot) net.
Just recently I've been spending more time in the kitchen and realizing that there is a need to own a cute apron when I cook and bake.
I just love this apron - cute and practical!
jendrost @ att.net
HI there, i need so i will look forward to cooking!! It is so cute, i would just want an excues to cook!
I need to win this apron for a gift! I have someone in mind for this who would love this apron!
I need this apron because it is so cute and I'm tired of getting food on my clothes all the time.
I need this so I won't look so dumpy in the kitchen. Thanks for a super giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com
I flippin' love these aprons, they have been on my Nerd's list of things to get me for a while!!!! I really need this because what kind of foodie doesn't have an apron!? I also don't want a frumpy one! I want to wear it when my fellow college pals come over for dinner !
krista1127 at hotmail dot com
I want this for myself so that I look cute when I spill things on myself ;)
Of course I need this for myself! Who doesn't want to look sexy when making dinner....at least you look good even if it doesn't taste good! Shamrocker99 at aol dot com
Following you on twitter! Shamrocker99 at aol dot com
i would keep it, i totally need it because i am always getting things all over my clothes when I'm cooking. And it would be great for entertaining so when I'm doing those last minute things I can still look great when the first guests arrive
I need this apron because I've always been more interested in fashion than the "domestic arts," and I'd feel so much more inspired to cook while wearing such a cute creation!
Thank you!
so cute! I'd keep this for my self
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I definitely need this apron - not only am I a vintage girl, through and through, but my daughter (who is also a vintage girl, apparently) keep stealing my aprons for her own personal use!
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