Rodney went and picked up my laptop this morning at Best Buy (we ordered it on-line as store pick up) since he had to work all day and we were headed to Canada this weekend he didn't want the hassle of creating restore disks himself and taking all the trial software and all the junk that comes on a new computer off.... He wanted to be able to pick it up after work and bring it home to me so I could use it right away without having to deal with all that crap.
So he paid the stupid Geek Squad (after I had said why bother we could do it ourselves) to create a restore disk, and optimize the computer and take all the trial software and junk off it....
So he hands over my brand new computer to them, in the sealed box still... so you know they had to open it up and you knew it was a BRAND NEW NEVER OPENED computer..... This happened at 10 this morning... He finally gets a call from them at 8:30pm 1/2 hr before they close that the computer is ready. He rushes out of work to go get it so I have it tonight....Plans for tomorrow were to leave AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE to head to Canada for the weekend.
Rodney gets home, of course I open up my laptop and turn it on... First thing that pops up is something for Norton asking us to register our trial version... Umm... That's supposed to be gone... OK whatever they missed something.. I go looking around the computer since it's Vista and i"m not familiar with it... I find trial versions of EVERYTHING on there, they didn't take a THING off of it...All they did was create the restore disks, they didn't do a thing else, and we paid for this????
So I look at the receipts and the sheets of what they did... It says NEW IN BOX computer on the invoice, and then says that they created the restore disks which they did... then it says that they cleaned up temporary files, ran scandisk and did a defrag the computer.... Ummm why in the WORLD would you need to do that on a BRAND NEW COMPUTER??????? And it doesn't state that they did ANYTHING else...
So Rodney calls of course they're closed so he called Geek Squad and talked to a supervisor..We have to take the computer BACK to the store now and he said to either get them do what they were supposed to do, or demand our money back..... Yea I think we'll be demanding our $60 bucks back... Thing that sucks, this puts us back 4 hours or more on our trip... Best Buy doesn't open until 10am.. We were hoping to leave by like 7am, I'm SO PISSED right now...
If we left at 7am I would have been home (my parents) by noon, we're coming back Sunday so it's not like it's a long trip that's why I wanted to leave EARLY.. Now we'll leave after 10am and probably will get there around 3/4 or later who knows ...
UGH... Stupid Geek Squad, I always said they were not worth a dime, they're just a bunch of kids and this proves that beyond a doubt, I've seen so many complaints about them before and now I must have one too. Ugh! DON'T USE GEEK SQUAD!
Yuck! Well if it makes you feel any better I used to work for Best Buy ( media dept.) and the Geek Squad screws me over. They act like I know nothing about computers and honestly, I wish I would have gotten my comp. elsewhere. I have a backup I bought at Wal Mart and have never had problems with it!
Ugh! What a PAIN!
That sucks balls! Basicly just remove everything you want gone. That's what we did. Sucks that you had to pay..and you didn't get what was expected. I'd call and have a bitch fit. LOL
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