The 10 winners of either a Whirl-O Lightning or a Whirl-O Giftset (prizes will be sent at random) are:

Commenter #159:
becca ann said...
I know my daughter would love the lightening in purple!
Commenter #26:
corey said...
subscribed and loves the blue!
stacy said...
The whirl-o-lightening in blue is my choice.
crystalf said...
My girls would love a purple Whirl-O® Lightning® - Tin Spinning Light-Up Top! Thank you!!
Commenter #62:kimberly said...
I have your button on my blog, shescribes "dot" com.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
sheriamore said...
I blogged about you here :)
Commenter #204:
karla said...
I love the Whirl-O Lightening in purple - totally awesome!
karla at
Commenter #134:
ps said...
I like the blue one from the atomic series! Thanks!
Commenter #92:carolsue said...
The Whirl-o-Lightning in the purple color would be cool, but any color would be fine.
blueviolet said...
I'm subscribed.
Congrats to the winners, I'll be in contact via email shortly. Winners have 72hrs to contact me. If I do not have a contact within that time, another winner will be chosen.
Thanks for the great giveaway! This will be a great Christmas gift for my oldest son!
I LOVE the pics in your blog great post i found you some how looking for things on our sons birth defects esophageal atresia. I wish you the best and god bless
YEAH!!!!! I am so happy I won!!! This will also be a Christmas gift for either my son or my daughter.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
Congrats everyone!
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