A great book I was introduced to recently helps those out there who really want to make some great income on the internet. I’m still reading through my copy, but so far, there’s been some great and helpful advice and chapters on how to actually make a profitable income online with the right skill and the right tools.
The Book: Internet Riches – The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires
The Author: Scott Fox

About The Book: In Internet Riches, top e-business consultant Scott Fox reveals the powerful but simple strategies that he and other entrepreneurs have used to start and build their million-dollar enterprises. Packed with interviews, action plans, and a nuts-and-bolts overview of everything you need to know to design and market your e-business, the book gives you clear insights into the most promising e-business opportunities out there (including instant e-businesses that require almost NO start-up capital); powerful action plans for brainstorming new business ideas, plus guidelines on pre=testing them before investing a single penny; and inspiring examples of innovative companies that grew out of a single great idea. This is the most powerful guide ever to finding financial freedom online!

I am really into this book right now, I’m intrigued by having my own online business and this book so far is giving some great insight on the right way to do it to be profitable. This isn’t a book about how to “Get Rich Quick”, it’s a great read for those who are serious about making any profit online with a business. I should be through the entire thing very soon, but wanted to let you all know about it while it was fresh in my mind. Especially for us bloggers looking to turn a profit and making our blog just the beginning of a business venture, I would recommend this book highly!
I almost forgot to mention that Scott's book has been the #1 best seller on both Amazon.com's E-Commerce list and High Tech Careers list, his book Internet Riches has also been the #1 best seller in the UK as well on Amazon.co.uk's E-Commerce list, so you know this is a great book to have if your looking at an online venture and how to make money with it.
You can buy Internet Riches online at Amazon.com and while your there, check out all the great and rave reviews this book has received.
If you’d like to read this book for yourself (and I encourage you too if you are thinking of starting an Internet Venture or have already) this is where you can get yourself your very own copy. I’ll be giving away five (5) copies of the book Internet Riches to my readers. All you have to do to be entered to win is tell me why you think you’d benefit from reading this book.
This giveaway is open to those with a US Mailing Address only, and is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
For extra entries (please leave each extra giveaway in a separate comment, each will earn you an extra entry):
• Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
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Giveaway Ends Aug. 29, 2008 @ 11:59pm EST
I would love to win because I spend a lot of time trying to help others make a successful business online, so it would not only assist me, but assist others.
thanks for the contest!
I think i would like to make money on the internet, might be a good read.
I would like a copy of this book to help me with funding for starting a non-profit. Thanks.
I think I would benefit from this book because I need help with action plans on brainstorming. My ideas are always all over the place so I think this book could help guide me in the right direction.
Thanks for the chance to enter.
Need a start, this might push it and help guide the right way
I would like to learn more about making money on the internet.
Since I stay at home taking care of my son, I could really benefit by trying to earn some money.
I'd like to make some money for myself, but I'd like to help someone else out to.
I know there's money to be made on the internet, but not the way those fantastical e-mails try to tell you to do it. ("Earn 72 million dollars in a week!") This books looks like it would be helpful, realistic, and honest, and I'd like very much to read it.
I will get an indepth understanding of how to make money on the internet
I really need to read this, as I have recently changed careers, and need some guidance to get more out of my life.
I would love to read this book and learn how to make money online.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail.com
I blogged your giveaway.
janetfaye (at) gmail.com
I am subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail.com
Your button is on my sidebar.
janetfaye (at) gmail.com
Charissa Arsaoui
You can give me a million and see
if I will change
You can afford me the luxury, I know it can be arranged
One quick look
Through Scott's priceless book
Will do me a world of good
Can't becomes can, should becomes would
For no other words stick
As much as the phrase--"get rich quick"!
Sounds like an interesting read.
Im tired of being in debt so maybe this book is time.
i teach high school business classes so actually if I won this book I would put it to use in my classroom. This is a whole new world into which my students are about to embark
I've been working on a small business and believe that the internet is the way to go. This book may help me jump start my plans.
i'd love to start my own internet business, this would really help
I have always wanted to start and online business but did not have a clue of what I needed to do. This book would be a great help to me so I can get started.
Sounds like an interesting book and helpful too!
Hey Gina,
I was just going to drop you a line and let you know that I received my gift from sun protection and posted it on my blog.
But would love to try to win this book. I am trying to start my on online business and this would be so helpful.
Thanks Gina! Hopefully your hubby will get the job that he wants...
I would love to win because I spend a lot of time trying to help others make a successful business online.
This book would be great for me because I spend a lot of time online and this would give me an incentive to be more productive!
Hello everyone,
Thanks for the interest in my book, Internet Riches. I really did write it to help regular folks make more money online. (You can see lots of positive reviews of it on Amazon.com using the link above.)
And thanks to Gina for hosting this giveaway so I could meet you all.
Princess Goldenhair: If you don't win this contest, please contact me through ScottFox.com. I'd be happy to send a copy of Internet Riches for you to use in teaching your classes.
Scott Fox
Author, Internet Riches
I have a friend who'd really like to read this, so would like to enter on their behalf. Thank you for the contest.
Hi, I have been entertaining thoughts about how to have a reasonable income while working from home! This book sounds like the kick start that I need. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I have a Web site and it needs a boost in the right direction. I could really use this book!
Living on a fixed income,I need some kind of secret to make more income.
I'm in and I am not afraid to work.
Thanks for the chance to win what sounds like a good book.
Would love to win. I can't wait to quit work and work from home doing something for myself.
knowledge ane wealth
Would love to try and make money from home before my real dream, (which requires some capital) materalizes. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love to read this book because I think it would give me some ideas on where to start. I would love to supplement my student loans and grants with some extra money for the coming school year.
sounds very informative
I do make money online, but not millions (yet). I'm sure I could learn a lot from this book to help me grow my business.
I have always dreamed of being able to work from home and now is the time to make that dream a reality.
I'm onthe internet a lot so I may as well may money from it
I would love to make money (vs. spend money) on the net. Show me the money!
I have been put on disability retirement and would like to do something on e-bay or computer and maybe this book would help me with ideas so that we aren't so strapped for money while i'm sick
Anytime that I can learn how to make money is a benefit to me.
My husband and I have been desperate to start our own company for years now, and I've recently started looking at options via the net. This book would be a great way to jump start that for us. We need some ideas, some pointers, because we don't know anyone personally who has done this before us. We would love to win this, thank you for the chance!
I stumbled this post for an extra entry -- we really need this book!
Username: Chic Shopper Chick
I subscribed via google reader! Thanks for the additional chances!
I make some money already but there is always room for improvement!
This would not only benifit me, but my family also. It's not fun barely making ends meet. This would be a great opportunity for me to bring in more money to help pay the bills.
Because im broke, and need to start making some money. Maybe it would have some good ideas for me.
kadia3 at yahoo dot com
I want this in the worst way because I have been 'all over the place' trying to learn to do this...and have not had any good leassons or ideas...read the Amazon reviews...and I KNOW this is the book for me so I can stay home and work online...a dream of mine
This sounds like a must read...I've always wanted to try a business on the internet. Thanks!
Besides my love of reading, I think this book would be great in learning about an industry that can be so elusive.
I already subscribe! :)
You're on my blog roll! ;)
My wife wants to stay home with the kids maybe we could find the secret here.
Just about everyday I come up with some brainy idead to make money...this book could just be what I need in order to go from thinking about to doing it!
Being disabled and unable to work - Federal Disaility does not pay well. I need any help I can get when it comes to income.
Would love to have more knowledge and opportunities for home based businesses.
With getting ready to be a single mother of two pre teens after being a stay at home mother for 14years. I worry about having to work outside of the home and not be there to supervise my childen and be able to provide for them too. The book looks excellent and would love to win.
I sunbscribed through email too.
This is a book I would really love to read and then try to put into action, thank you. Icetwofire[at]aol[dot]com
This book would be a great starting place!!!!!!
I've always been curious about starting my own internet business, this would be a great jumping off point!
Living on "fixed income" isn't cutting it. This could be an answer.
would love to win this so i could learn to make a little more money, thanks for the giveaway
I love the stay-at-home aspect of being an online millionaire!
I would benefit from this book because I was a teacher who became 100% permanently disabled after an accident at the school where I taught. Now I live off a worker's compensation check which barely covers living expenses. I need something that is extremely flexible due to my condition, and I think the internet might be the way to go!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
I'm a subscriber!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
I am not sure what I can gain from this book, but that's exactly why I want it. I want to see if there really is a way to make money on the internet without spamming or other such junk.
I would love to learn how to make money from the Internet but get so much spam when I sign up for information. Maybe this will help.
I would love to win this book. I want to be responsible for my own destiny.
I'd love to have this for my hubby.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
I'd like to make some money for myself.
Who wouldn't love to become a millionaire? I would like to see if I can apply any of these ideas to my life.
jwright at iowatelecom dot net
I've been Thinking; thinking trying to figure out something to do on the internet....This book looks like it's Just what I need!! I'd love to win it!
I'm always looking to make more money so this book would be perfect for that!
I live on a very small fixed income and always looking for ways to add a few dollars were ever I can so this book would be a great help. ladyvon@grm.net
My husband and I are thinking of starting a website and would love this information.
I am starting a family and am looking for resources to help our finances AND be a full-time parent. I love to read anything that can teach me new options and techniques.
I could really use some info on how to make more dough.
I am through having an accident, now disabled. I can no longer do traditional work, and this book looks like just what I need to learn to make money again.
I am so green in this area, that anything I learn will be beneficial.
Boy, do I need this!! I've personally wasted a small fortune on websites, hosting, domain names, content, advertising, not to mention the personal time wasted in maintaining and promoting them. None of them have been anything near what would be termed successful. I MUST be doing something wrong...right? I'd love to read this book and maybe pick up some helpful tips for my next Internet enterprise. Even after all my failures, I'm sure I'll try again...I'm an entrepreneur at heart. :)
I could use a couple bucks!
What is this online thing?
looks like a great read!!
I work at home on the internet so I would LOVE to win this. I think it would benefit me greatly to find out how other people are making money on the internet.
I would love to win this as I have lots of ideas for online businesses.
This book would benefit me by giving me knowledge of how to have a successful business on the internet instead of doimg it by trial and error. garrettsambo@aol.com
I would like to earn money on the internet
I'd love to read this, not only because I think everything I say online is oh-so-important (hee hee), but also because I'm trying to save up so I can buy some new shoes.
i'd love to be a millionaire and not have to get off my futon! lol
need fresh tips
Both my husband and I could use someway of making some income. Since my husbands heart surgery almost two years ago he had a lot of trouble getting work. For two people who can still work, but are to old to work by society standards, this book sounds like a winner. Thank you
I would love to win a copy of this book. I would love to learn how to get someone to buy your product without losing money. How to handle dishonest customers.
I am wanting to start my own business.
I am a subscriber
Hey we run some blogs and would like to link to some of your cool posts - is this ok?
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