Welcome the foldable, portable emergency flip flop called Felxflop!
These functional, adorable and VERY comfortable Flexflops fold in half into their own really cute zip pouch that is so compact, that you can carry at least one pair with you all the time, stashed away in your bag, purse, or kept for emergencies in your glove compartment of your car. No matter where you might need some relief flexflops can be there for you at all times.

I recently was able to try my very own pair of Flexflops and I’ve fallen in love…I don’t know why someone didn’t think of these sooner. They’re so functional and comfortable at the same time, great for on the go. Just like I said above they really can fold to half their size and into their own cute little bag that you can tuck away. Honestly, these are probably one of the most comfortable flip flops I've worn in a long time. They come in lots of different colors, and also in 3 different fabrics (terry, twill or microfiber), you can have them plain or add some bling to them. The great thing, there’s even a Flexflop bag to bring along to keep your extra shoes in once you’ve slipped on your comfortable Flexfops. These are great for pedicures too, they have a clever sliding strap that makes it easy to stay smudge-free at the salon.

The designer Stacey Kirsch has come up with such a great idea, I am in love with my Flexflops and have already decided that for the next bridal shower I attend the bride will be getting a pair for herself. Flexflops retail from $32 - $68 (for the most blinged), and are available at boutiques and Spas throughout the world. Find a location near you by visiting the Flexflop website at www.flexflop.com
That’s right Stacey has offered to giveaway one great pair of Flexflops to my readers. You can choose the design that you want. Simply head over to the Flexflop website and look around, come back here letting me know which pair of Flexflops you’d like to own if you won the giveaway.
This giveaway is open to those with a US Mailing Address only, and is open to non bloggers, PLEASE just remember if your blog profile is private, or you’re a non blogger, leave an email address or your entry will be disqualified....Winner will be chosen via random.org
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1 – 200 of 278 Newer› Newest»very cool giveaway Gina!
Large Microfiber black please!!
I subscribe to your feed :)
got your button on my side bar as well :)
Fancy "red heart" with matching
"kick off your heels!" rhinestud pouch are my fave
Peacock is my favorite, beautiful very elegant looking
I love the Glamour Girl.
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
My favorite Flexflops are the black twill with the "Cocktails" pouch!!
Thanks for a great giveaway!!
I love the Life is Sweet design! And these pregnant feet need all the saving they can get!
jenbrat05 at yahoo dot com
Your button is on my sidebar :)
i love the pale pink microfiber with pouch.
I really like this idea of portable flip flops you can carry in your purse. Great for changing into after work or driving in the car so your good shoes don't get scratched up. I like the "Relax" set. Thank you
Since black goes with everything I'd have to choose the black flexflop
the black and love the hearts
Ouch my feet hurt this very minute. And those look sooo comfy. :) Thanx for having such a great contest!
I like black and the heart pouch.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribed to your email.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Beach Babe bag. So summery.
What a great collection! My favorite Flexflops are the "Peace" ones in the Green is Good category.
My post messed up, deleted it and will try this again, I dunno what happened. I would love to win the black flip flops with the beautiful peacock feather.. Its my favorite :)
Thank you for this giveaway. I love the black Flexflops with the black pouch. Thanks.
I like the Jet Black Microfiber in a size Medium! thanks for another great giveaway Gina!
Your button is on my sidebar. :)
And I am subscribed!
"Black" pedi-twill with embellishment (bow) and matching "relax" rhinestud pouch is my favorite!
I think my favorite is the Peacock. I've seen these before and what a terrific idea.
beausdorei at gmail.com
I would like the Black flexflop with matching pouch. Thanks for the contest. facefoot(at)gmail.com
I like the light green! I subscribe to your blog. : ) It's great.
I love the mint green peace flexflops! Thank you!
I love the brown flexflops with matching pouch...I'm not usually a brown person, but they just look so comfy!
I like Life Is Sweet!
I like the Glamour Girl
I like the "Mellow Yellow" microfiber with
matching pouch.
"Twinkle Toes" would be cute!
I like the Black Flexi Flops with the "Coctails" bag.
I subscribe to your feed.
Your button is posted on my blog at http://randomthoughtsandsuggestions.blogspot.com/
Peacock is my favorite.
Would love the peace flops in black (do they come in black?)
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Glamour Girl.
Awesome giveaway, PLease count me in as I would love a pair of these!!!!
I really love those Flexiflops, Hope I Win
i like the white flexiflops.
I like the lite green ones
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I like the lite green with matching pouch.
Ohh la la - love them !! I'd take any color !
I likw the pink
I love the Peacock ones! They look so comfy.
I like the Cross ones! I really need a pair of these!
I stumbled this giveaway!
I subscribe to your RSS!
I have your button on my blog!
I also blogged about this giveaway!
Love the Shoe Whore set and basic black is always good, too.
Subscriber. Thanks.
I choose the black flexflop
I choose the black flexflop
I agree, black goes with everything. Thanks so much.
I would choose the chocolate brown terry and the chocolate "Relax" bag with the flip flop design on it. Love it! Thanks for the chance to enter.
I like the "Peace" flipflops.
Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
I just subscribed to your blog with my Google reader. I look forward to reading your blog. Thanks.
I love the basic pink set and if I was going to go bling I'd go for the Hearts black bag. So cute!
Thanks for the entry.
littleminx at cox dot net
Also, I am signed up for your newsletter and Stumbled your post. Thanks!
littleminx at cox dot net
I like the good ol' black ones. :)
scblog at hotmail dot com
Your button is in my sidebar.
scblog at hotmail dot com
I like the plain ol' brown ones!! Thanks
I'd have to go for plain black ones, size medium.
urchiken at gmail dot com
i reallty love the "Queen" ones :-D all my family calls me the "Queen of All"!!!! I think they are way awesome!!!!
smalltownbeatnik at gmail
I stumbled this giveaway!
I think I'd have to go with the "Queen" ones also. Pretty cute (and funny).
readingtoknow (at) gmail (dot) com
smalltownbeatnik at gmail
Light Green flexflop please
i love the pale pink microfiber with pouch.
I have your button on my blog!
And Im a subscriber! :)
These would be great to have around the house. We have a concrete floor which looks awesome, but is doing some major damage to my ankles. I am wearing granny slippers all day, these would be a LOT cuter! LOVE the Brown flexflop. Thanks for the chance!
What a great idea! I always keep a pair of flip flops in the car.....you never know when a new pair of shoes are going to tear up your feet!
I would like the brown relax flex flops.
galxichic (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like the Life is Sweet ones. THanks!
I love the fancy pink circle with the paint primp polish bag - they're beautiful!! Thanks
Oooh- what a great idea. Sometimes I carry around the cheap Old Navy ones in my purse but this is a much better idea. I love the "Jet Black" microfiber
or the regular black ones with the Fleur de Lys pouch. Thanks!
oreo89[at] gmail [dot] com
I also subscribed!
oreo89[at] gmail [dot] com
Black! It's universal
I'd want to win the Peacock ones
the black
I like the cocktail ones for my sister
I like the Fleur de Lys - they're all cool though. Thanks! afdr3d@umkc.edu
I like the Pink flexflop with matching pouch.
The pink flops with the cupcake "sweet" bag.
I really like the black flex flops.
love the pink flexflops with matching bag
I love the ligh green witht he miss priss bag... perfect for my soon to be swollen preggo feet
I like the Peacock design, with black flexflops ;)
I'd go for the classic black. Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the pink ones. Simple and cute!
I like the Peacock case with Black terry flexflops!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I like the white ones with the matching pouch.
I like the brown ones with the crowns under the "Holiday" section.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
The Black pedi twill with bow embellishment and matching relax pouch is my favorite. I also like the plain green ones with matching pouch.
I have your button on my blog, shescribes "dot" come
black flex flops top my list.
I want the Fleur de Lys bag with the black flexflops, me, me, me and did I say oooh me me me
pink w/ fleur de lys bag
I love the Hearts set with the black flexflops. I always thought these were just a "foldable" flip flop. I have horrible arthritis and am always on the lookout for comfy but cute shoes, especially flip flops. so if these are actually comfy, I would LOVE to try them!
These are indeed great, are they not? If I got to pick a pair , it would be white with a pink heart crystal.
I like the Sweet Cupcake or the Cocktails.
Great giveaway; thanks much!
I like the black flexflops with the pouch. The peacock one is pretty too.
Brown flexflop with matching pouch
I like the minty color microfiber with the "Peace" design.
I love the Pink Flexflop. Comfy and girly. Good for my spa and pamper me night!
I like the Brown flexflop or the one that says Relax with the cute pictures of flip flips on it!
~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite *at* hotmail *dot* com
I love the Pedi-Microfiber in Pale Pink with the Pink Rhinestone Heart in a size 10.
What a FAB idea!!!! It's like one of those, "Now why didn't I think of that?" ideas!!!!
Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)
I'm a subscriber!!
Thanks so much!
Michele R.(CA)
I like the brown ones.
I love the peacock! I'm guessing they're the black ones.
I like the showered with love and new mommy! These are soo cool and convenient!
phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com
We are subscribed via e-mail
kristinialeanna at yahoo dot com
Your button is on our blog, right hand side!
kristinialeanna at yahoo dot com
I really like the peace sign one as I love the light pastel green color. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the white flops, with the ring/rhinestone design on the pouch - fun shower gift for a bride to be! Thanks!! laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
I like the black
I like the brown flex flops and the 'Relax' pouch.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love flip flops. They are a must for any wardrobe.
I'd want the brown. tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com
Peacock design and black flip flops. Thanks for the chance.
Pedi flops sound great
These would come in very handy on long days of shopping or walking. I would love to get the Chocolate Brown Terry with matching "twinkle toes" printed pouch. Too cute! Email: jennae at greenyourdecor dot com
I love the Brown FlexFlop with matching pouch that says Relax. So cute!
These are cool! I love the Sweet design with the little cupcake on it!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I would love to win the Sweet FlexFlop.
Black with black bag. Great giveaway!
Life is Sweet is a beautiful pouch and I'd like to have it with a pink flexflop.
I love the peacock... such a great giveaway! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
I love the Peace Flexflops!These would be wonderful to keep in my car for impromptu stops at the park or gym.
I like the plain brown, these would be great to keep in the car!
I like the Peace design. Thanks!
I'm subscribed to your feed.
the bridal flex flops!!! since Im going to be a bride! This would be great for all my girls too!
buttons on my sidebar
I love the Peacock design. What a great idea.
This is a genius idea. I love that they are so portable. My achy feet could use these. I love the brown flex flops and I am in love with the peacock bag, it's pretty and elegant at the same time. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!!
Hey just wanted to let ya know I subscribe to your awesome feed :)
I like the Peace flops. Thanks!
Relax design! in brown is my favorite. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com
I like the Brown in the Brown Relax pouch. So cute.
I subscribed!
I blogged about this.
Peace design.
I would like to win the basic black flex flop, please.
I love them in black. That PARTY GIRL bag is also adorable:)
I would love to have a set of these to stash in my car! I like the black ones with the pouch that says "soothe your soles."
It was a difficult choice--I love them all! I finally picked the Brown flexflop with matching pouch. They look so comfortable! Thank you for the contest!
I love the Brown FlexFlop with the bag that says Relax! purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm subscribed to your feeds! purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button in my sidebar! purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com
Blogged ya: http://doreens-scrap-wonderland.blogspot.com/2008/08/flexflops-giveaway.html
I would pick the Black Terry Flexiflops in Medium.
Wanted to Stumble you too and went to your page but I'm having a problem with trying to click the review link to the right. Hmmmm
What a cool product!
I'd love to own the "Baby Blue" embellished (circle) microfiber pair!
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
Cool giveaway, I want these. I also blogged about this giveaway.
I like the Red Twill with embellishment (diamond) and matching "stress is so last season" rhinestud pouch.
gotfire at yahoo dot com
There were so many I liked! But some pink ones with Queen on the bag would be wonderful or do I want Relax?
I am already subscribed to you!
So many good ones. I am going on a cruise in a few weeks so I like the 'cocktails' flex flops. Great giveaway, thanks!
I am a subscriber.
Stumbled ya-hellomary018
Blogged ya:
Thanks again!
I'd like to win a black pair with the Intoxicating pouch design.
It may sound a little boring but I like the Brown flexflop with matching pouch. It is a nice color and would match most of my summer outfits!
I am also an email subscriber.
Peacock is my favorite
I love the green is good version or the peace sign but it was hard to choose
just subscribed!
You are on my blogroll and I have your button in my sidebar!
Light green...love these!
Am a subscriber and have you on my sidebar as well...thanks for extra entries!
The brown flexflop with matching pouch are so cute!
black and heart pouch
I like the peacock or cocktails - any bright color - in small/medium. This is for a gift for a VERY special friend!! Thanks for the giveaway!
The browns are purrrty
edq143 at yahoo dot com
I love the brown with the cross!
I also stumbled this post!
I love the black with the peacock pouch!
I'm a subscriber.
I'd love a pair of the Chocolate brown in a large - I'd keep mine in the car because I can't count how many times a week I come home barefoot!
I really like the bag with the peacock feather design too - Thats really cute enough to carry as a night out clutch!
I like the "Heather Grey" microfiber.Size Small. I was excited to find that there are two stores located in my area that carries these. If I were to win, I wouldn't give my pair up, however there are a couple of people on my holiday shopping list that these would be perfect for. Thank you.
It is a hard choice - there are several I like. But, I choose under the "Rocker" category the Crown Pouch with the Black Flexflops in Size Medium. I live in "flip flops", love to wear them around the house, just do I am not barefoot! They look cute and are so comfortable and fun!
I love the "Queen" flexflops.
I'd love to win the light green flex flops
Button already on my blog
Already subscribed
Blogged ya HERE
I like the Pedi-microfiber in mellow Yellow!
Your button is in my sidebar
Even though I get tired of my boyfriend telling me to "relax", the Black pedi-twill with the bow and "RELAX" pouch are cute.
I like the RELAX style.
kmbckelly at netscape dot net
i like the black flexflops
I really like the pink hot mamma flex flops or just the simple brown ones. Neat product! Thanks for sharing!
cbeargie at yahoo dot com
Love the Queen ones!
I like the Queen ones...the bride ones are so cute too. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I love the black ones. That way I can wear them with whatever I want, any time I want!!
Black pedi-twill with the bow and "RELAX" pouch are cute.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
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