How great is this?? Free Ticket Exchange is a place where fans with a shared interest (sports, music etc.) can meet, stay informed and also buy and sell event tickets with one another.
By using Free Ticket Exchange to buy or sell tickets, you can avoid high fees, choose who you'd like to buy or sell to/from, name your own price for your tickets, and build lasting friendships with people with the same interests.
How does Free Ticket Exchange Work?
Say I'm looking for WWE SummerSlam tickets. Joe has 2 tickets to the event and decides he can no longer attend it, so he wants to sell them, but not just to anyone. He posts his tickets on Free Ticket Exchange where he can pick and choose the fan he wants to sell them to. There is no cost to Joe for selling those tickets.
As I am also a wrestling fan, I may be in Joe's Fan Network, I see that Joe has tickets to the SummerSlam event that I wish to go to, I can now make an offer on his tickets.
Joe has gotten several offers from interested fans for this event, but after reviewing my profile, he realizes that I'm a very passionate fan when it comes to WWE.
Joe contacts me, and accepts my offer and then works out delivery arrangements using the Free Ticket Exchange network, he immediately receives his payment in tokens (which you can buy and are equivalent to $1 USD each). He can then use his tokens to purchase tickets to a new or different event.
The cycle continues.
It's a simple concept, and the Free Ticket Exchange website is very easy to navigate and user friendly.
Check out the Free Ticket Exchange website and see about buying or selling tickets to your favorite event in the future.
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