DadGear has fixed that solution with some great bags for Dad's. They offer many different lines of parenting products that are designed for and by dads. They combine masculine looks, great designs and high quality into all their products.
The quality of the bags are very high, and will last far beyond the 'diapering years' to be used for many other functions.
These bags are perfect for the dad that cares for his kids and doesn't want to carry around 'mom's' diaper bag. They don't even look like diaper bags at first glance. They are very functional for use as both a diaper bag and tote bag for dad to use all day long.

My husband was lucky enough to receive his very own Messenger Bag from DadGear. It looked just like that, a messenger bag. At first glance of his new messenger tribal bag, he was convinced that I had gotten him the coolest new bag that he could tote his laptop around in. He was surprised to hear that no, it was a diaper bag designed just for daddies. He loved it! He's used it numerous times when taking out the girls so far, his favorite feature not only is the design of the bag, but also that it has a built in, quick access wipe case under the front panel that is reusable and keeps the wipes in a designated easy access spot.

Remember, Father's Day is June 15th. I think this is one of the greatest things for a new dad, or more experienced dad for Father's Day, he'll love it. You can find The Messenger Bag and more DadGear products such as The Courier Bag, The Sports Bag, Billboard Bag, Backpacks and Diaper Vest at dadgear.com.
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